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Download Free 70-410 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-410 - Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 |
Size: | 5.38 MB |
Posted Date: | Monday, June 2, 2014 |
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Still valid but has many wrong answers. Passed it couple days ago. Study hard CBT and read the MS press book and you should be fine. 1 or 2 new questions.
The answer should be D: The 015 DNS Domain Name option to Subnet_Tor.
Pls look at Microsoft.Actualtests.70-410.v2014-04-18.by.ANNETTE.423q
Took this test today. This dump is valid 100%. Verify answers on Group policy and OU. 50% of the questions were triggered on that. The simulations in the test were dead on. Questions are tricker when you actually take it.
Dump is still valid but has lots of wrong answers.
This dump is still valid in the UK, passed with 7xx. Nearly all of the questions I had today were from this dump.
HI everyone i pass today 28-8-2014 the dump is still valed i pass 8xx 90% of the quistion in this dump is correct the later dumps have many error in the answers GOOD LUCK
Passed Yesterday with 8XX in Pakistan. Valid in Pakistan.Please prepare complete dump.
Hi fellows, Is this still valid ?
Are the all answers correct?
There are some different answers of some questions. Are they correct?
passed today with 8xx in pakistan. so valid in pakistan, however a couple of new questions. Thanks!
Dump valid in Portugal. Passed today with 812.
Just had 2 or 3 new questions
Passad today with 762. This dump as valid as 423q in Brazil
is it valid in Pakistan????
God bless kathaleen, the dump is still 100% valid, i have seen 1 question not in the dump,passed today with 850.next module is next year cause i do still have to practice what i have been reading ,michael uganda chapter.
i gt da exam 2day 26/08/2014 same questions from ths dump,8XX marks,dump still valid here guys, bt many wrong answers,bt enough to pass exam,best of luck frnds
passed last friday 800
I pass 850 today in Nethrelands.
Just passed today with 850. Just studied this dump, 100% valid in SA.
Valid, Valid, Valid in Pakistan, passed today with 7XX marks.
am willing to do this exam tomorrow is it still valid? currently in uganda.
writing my exam in an hours time. will let you know whether it is still valid in SA soon.
is tis valid in india
currently in uganda, why are they indicating location as united states?
Passed on 24/8 with 837. I've just only study this dump.
valid..pass 862.. 23/8/2014
Is this dump still valid in United States?
Is this dump still valid in United States?
Hi Manikandan Rajendran,
I am planning to give the exam this month ending. can you please share the dumps with me.
All from India,
Is this dump still valid?
Valid Dump, I just passed today, 887, Thanks
This exam is 100% valid. Passed totdat with 8xx. Studied this exam + Annette 423q (over and over and over and....). There are some different answers beween Annette 423q and Kathleen 188q so be aware. Some question are also wrong. But that isn't à big deal. All the examquestions came out of the testexams.. Got one new and another with changed ip . Also studied manual and CBt nuggets. Thank you. Keep up the good work and good luck.
Q22 correct or incorrect?
Hi guys passed today with 837 from South africa got 55 questions and about 3 new questions this is a Valid dump
This Dump is valid,passed yesterday with 810, I have only study with this dump and ANNETTE 423q
Valid. Passed today with 8XX.
However, I suggest you study both KATHLEEN.188q and ANNETTE.423q just to be on the safe side.
Just got 1 new question.
Alhamdulillah , Today i passed exam with 862 ,still valid enough to pass the exam, around 5 new questions.All the best guys.
@michael kiggundu I got 55 questions in real Exam
im writing tomorrow wish me luck :p wil post updates about the test when im done.
Dumps are valid. Only Slight change here and there . Passed in Dubai with 7xx marks
hi , passed today 8xx , still valid in KSA
but few new question , thanks kathleen
good luck
hi , passed today 8xx , still valid in KSA
but few new question , thanks kathleen
good luck
how many questions are in the final exam?
Dump Is Valid , Passed today with Score 387
Dump is Valid , Passed Today with Score 837
I passed exam yesterday use this dump 100% valid in india
Just pass the exam yesterday, 99% off the questions are in it
Passed Today 821, Studied Only This DUMP 100% Valid ...Only few new questions
I used this dump with ANNETTE.423q, passed today 8xx, has new 1 question about drag drop IP and Subnet address.
Passed today with 820 Marks ...100% valid dumps , only 1 question was out of dump.
Valid Dump in France, Passed today with 8XX
Passed 812 Marks. Still valid in Pakistan.
passed yesterday 837
Passed today with 837, valid dump !
@Ershad .Please help. Is this dump valid at present in saudi.Thanks in advance
Just had my 70-410 exam in canada... 99% questions are from this dump (Katleen/Premuim)its same Premium or Kateleen... there are only wording changes.. in few, but if you know the answer you can get it right...as the dump had some wrong answers..but enough right ones to easily pass the exam...just by studying this only..
THANKs a'lot guys an girls... an keep up the good work
Still Valid in India. Thanks for the Dumps.
Passed today. Every question was from the dump.
Thanks for sharing and good luck..!
This xam is 100% valid
Question 62 was different. The scopes were not authorized in the picture I had.
Hello Guys,
Just passed the exam - used dumps:
Katheleen 188 q
Annette 423 q
Questions on the exam exactly the same as on both dumps - some differences on the correct answers on both dumps, but I think ANNETTE is more correct.
Only one new question for Hyper-V and one IP question (version 4) with changed IP addresses.
Thanks a lot for the dumps.
I am also writing, but next week monday. and it is disappointing to see that one dump says an answer is correct and in another its wrong. y is there so much inconstancy. Cisco dumps are more reailable as im coming from doing alot of Cisco exams. What do i try and verify the answer if it looks wrong by searching on google. i dont believe its possible to ask which answers are correct and get a reply as there are so many questions in a given dump.
Dear Friends,
Could any one please tell us which questions are wrong in dump and what are correct answers for those questions.i have only 2 days left. Thanks in advance.
Hi Guys used Kathleen's Dump today and passed today.
Dump is listing valid about eight new Questions
Only this dupms is enough to pass, please ?
Hello, thanks for your reply, do you have any information for new question ? do you have work folder questions ? thank you mate!
Yesterday Pass with 787. The question is still valid.
Passed today, valid dump
exam 54 question. a lot of question information had been change. example ...apply scrip "configuration1" - i fail with 600/1000
Hi, I passed exam a few minutes ago in Czech Republic. Score 875. Almost all question were from dump, but some of them had a different answers. For example if you are not able to install .net framework 3.5 - in test wasnt answer connect server to internet like is in dump.
Still valid in South Africa passed with 8XX thank you Kathleen.
Dump was VALID today in the US. Passed with 875!
Thanks for the information , Do you remember any of the questions you had on plus? I mean the topic ..
Bedankt alvast
Still valid in NL. Passed yesterday with 8XX score.
About 7 new questions but about 10 answers are changed or wrong in the dump..
In switzerland, always valid, got It with 900. Be careful, this dump has many wrong answers
Still valid!!!
Passed with 850
5 new questions
Thanks you all.
Still valid passed with 8xx
Still valid in NL. Passed last Friday with 840 score.
About 5 new questions.
is this dump valid in Turkey?
Still Valid. Passed 821 today. Although loads of questions have wrong answers. around 10 questions new and some different answers altogether. From MALTA
Still valid in Portugal.
Passed with >800.
3 new questions
Thanks you
Exam still Valid in the UK, I passed last week with 820. Be aware that I did get about 5 new questions.
The only one I can remember is about using smart cards to authenticate over RDP and which services or policies need to be configured.
Hello guys, Is this dump valid in US? This is my first time trying a dump after failing my first time reading a book i found in Amazon. lol...anyone also can recommend a good book, that would be great!
Thank you
i pass 800 today in taiwan
This dump is still valid, no new questions. be aware of some wrong answers in this dump.
7XX/1000 score. 70-411 is the next stop.
pass today 800 in taiwan
Guys, anybody knows if this dump is working all owver the world or specific for certain countries?
Pass yesterday 875 some new questions 5-10 and some reworded questions.
Guys, is this dump valid all over the world?
Passed the exam last friday with 8xx score. Only studied this dump.
Dump valid in NL.
Passed on Friday with score of 837. Dump is still valid in SA
Still valid. Only 2-3 new questions out of the 54.
How to open the dump ?
Guys how many questions can i expect and can any one confirm for me if this dump is still valid in South Africa
Still valid,887 score today.About 3-5 new subjects.
Can anyone please tell me if this dump is still valid in South Africa. Thanks
hi, could someone help me with question 48: new-netlbfoteammember cmdlet and adding interface to team 1....are not these 2 opions equal?
why is correct that answer with server manager?
thank you.
HI, question 89: is diskpart correct answer? why now new-virtual disk?
Pass on Aug 02 with 825/1000.Still valid !
Is it still valid in Pak
This dump is valid. Passed the exam this Monday with 825. about 70% of questions from this dump. Some of them slightly updated.
Still valid, passed today(01/08/14) with 812
Passed with 812.... Kathleen still valid in SA......thanks
Passed on 31/07 score:825/1000. Dump valid, few questions slightly different, few not in the dump. Good job.
still valid, 5 to 10 new questions, some sequence of the answer changed
Dump Valid, Pass today 750
Passed with an 887 using this dump and the premium dump (which is where this dump was derived, I believe)! Still valid... Just make sure to verify some of the questions. There are a few which are incorrect.
passed 850 be aware of some wrongs answers
thanks alot
hi, this dumps got only Q&A.. How to prepare simulations? Please help.
Dump Valid, Pass today 875, 5 to 10 new questions:
q14 - gpupdate /force
q27 - DC1
q31 - global catalog
q100 - configure-smremotingcmdlet
q125 - gpo status
q187 - add five; create a storage space by using the default; create a virtual disk
Still valid -- passed today 812 some new questions but loads were in this
>90% Valid! Read the questions carefully some of them have changed a little.
can somebody please help to confirm if this dump is valid in Nigeria west Africa.
This dump is still valid pass today 800. Few questions I haven't seen but only studied this dump
is this dump valid in india?
This VCE is still Valid in South Africa, I wrote today and I managed to score 900, just prepare well and please don't read only the answers, read the question and understand....Good Lucky.
Valid in Germany, passed today 887
Still valid, passed on 28th July'14 everything on this dump was on the test
Is this dump valid in India.
Passei hoje com 850 pontos no BRASIL!!!
Passed today with 737
Q142; is user2 able to delete the files in shared1? Because the exhibition state that everyone has modify permissions only, doesn't user2 falls under everyone since not mention in the exhibition?????
@Harry > the person who learned me who coordinate me he give me the valid file , so that's the reason i'll be thankful to sir Amir Rashid
is this dump stil valid...urgently nid help please
Hi , this dump is valid in Belgium !!! I passed today with 812 .
Good luck !!!
this dump is valid, sorry don't I know about premium vce..
@harry Is the Kathleen dump the equivalent of the premium vce ? Is it valid in canada ?
Dumb..why thanks your -Sir Aamir Rashid (microsoft study center) sialkot?? you passed exam by studying this VCE file..should thanks Examcollecntion.com, Kathleen and other contributors.
Passed today. 875. Just studied Kathleen. Thanks Kathleen
Pass today 26/07 with this dump, almost questions avaliable, pass with 812, good luck to anyone use this dump.
Q35 is incorrect = says Rename AdObject
Correct answer is Set-AdGroup
Alhamdulillah , Today i passed exam with 812 ,still valid( INDIA) enough to pass the exam, around 4 new questions. some wrong answers . All the best guys
Q187 is wrong
correct answer is
Add 5 disk
Create storage space by default disk
Create VD
Dear All,
Can some one please confirm the sequence of answers are same as in the dump.
Q127 : Question about groups. What is the correct answer, According to this dumps it's A , but I think its C.. What do you think ?
This dump is valid in india.Passed 70-410 today 25-7-2014
Passed today 24/7/14 with 812 score... studied kathleen and premium dump. following kathleen would help to get a passing score.peace
Pass today in Taiwan 2014/7/25 with 875
I Study KATHLEEN.188q.vce and ANNETTE.423q.vce,All the questions are in the same dump(KATHLEEN.188q.vce )
What is the breakdown with sims and actual questions?
<---- first Microsoft exam
Q62 is A. It is a simple process of elimination here. C. Authorize DC1.contoso.com is incorrect. The server is already authorized. If the server was not authorized both the IPv4 and IPv6 subsections would have a down red arrow. They do not. B. Disable the Deny filters is incorrect. By default the Deny and Enable filters are both disabled and have a red down arrow. The deny filter in the picture has a red down arrow and is therefore already disabled. D. Activate Scope [] is incorrect as this scope isn't even on the server.
That leaves A. Disable the Allow filters as the only available option. This option is also CORRECT as the allow filters no longer have a down red arrow, meaning that they have been enabled. This means that only the MAC's listed in the allow filter will receive an IP from the DHCP server. Computer1 is obviously not listed in the Allow filters. If they are disabled then all systems will be able to receive an IP.
passed 2dy got 862 using only dis dump nd everythng ws on dis dump except 2 questions, glory b 2 God nd thnks kathleen, gud luck 2 those hu r going 2 tke dis exam
still valid for Portugal... Passed today 875!!!
I passed today with 860,All the questions are in the same dump except 2-Quesions
Still valid? Can someone please advise?
still valid in Pakistan. i got 867 today thankx Sir Aamir Rashid (microsoft study center) sialkot .....
is this one still valid ? Can any1 confirm this plz
Still valid in Netherlands. Passed today with 887. All questions came from this dump (studied only this one). A few new questions (2 or 3). Pay attention to the order of answers and sometimes in a question Server 1 is changed with server 2 etc.
Still valid?
Sorry mate, after reading your previous comments (thanks btw), you state that Question 6: You need to recommend a solution to minimize the amount of disk space used for the checkpoint of VM1.
You state that the answer should be C: Shut Down VM1.
I was wondering how shutting down the VM is a solution to minimizing the disk space of the checkpoint. Unless you mean you need to shut it down before making any changes to the Checkpoint setting?
This is my first exam ever - pls sent me premium file on V if you have it - I need it urgently! 34 hours till exam..
I passed 900 Valid for Venezuela
Yesterday Pass with 850. The question is still valid. All are te same.
Thanks all. Yesterday I pass exam with 850. All question are the same.
Stil valid in Sri Lanka?
Guys for Q145, if GPO link is enabled,Katheleen's Answer is correct.
Any body knows correct answer for Q90?
To me it is B) 015 DNS Domain Name option to Subnet2
006 applies to IPv6 Scopes.
Dump still valid. Only studied from this dump and passed with 862 points. Only 3 different questions and a few re-worded questions. Highly recommended. Thanks Kathleen.
I read only this dump.Passed yesterday 19/7/2014 with 800 score
This dump still valid . Passed today jul 19.2014 with 725, every question from the test was on this dump.
Passed today with a 875. This vce is valid
still valid,i have passed today in spain witb 825.only 3 question are not in test..good luck
Still Valid in Australia, passed yesterday wit 750, every question from the test was on this dump.
Here is my definitive list of questions that are incorrect and have been verified. Q6 (should be C), Q35 (should be G), Q59 (should be C), Q62 (should be C), Q171 (should be Yes, No, No), Q145 (should be Yes, No, Yes, Yes) Q180.
this is the
q126 - A .bat
q62 - C authorize DC1
q36 - B Install-addsdomaincontroller
This dump still valid in Egypt , 80 % Valid with me , only 10 or 12 are new
Allhamed LiLah Pass 800
hi all
can somone pls post the questions that are incorrebt and the correct answers for those questions?
passed , still valid
be careful , some question wrong
you can review this dump with this site
under every question you can see comments talk about questions
thanks KATHLEEN and examcollection
@Denis,,, Q22 regarding DHCP Scope ...
The Question is WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO FIRST? .. Well first thing you need to do is to remove the DHCP scope.. on MS website you can find this stuff ...
the Q22 (what do u need to do first to set subnetmask correct answer is DELETE the scope first... You cant do it otherway
Hi Guys,
Took the exam today, actually 2 hours ago. I took Denis's advise cause I was thinking that he's got a point because of the "explanation part". And I agree with the rest the guys that only some of his corrections are right. 56 questions in all and 3 are not from the exam. question 56 as well has different sets of choices.
I got 800 here in Dubai. My advice is just stick to whatever Kathleen's answers are, unless you are certainly sure of your own answer. This will put you in the safe side, you'll surely pass.
Thanks to the rest who shared their inputs!
Passed Today with 725.
This dump is valid and only study this.
anon the questions 17,22 and 155,are ok?i have a mess,can you help me?what is ok,denis or you?
how many quetion have error?im going to make exam on friday,this dump is ok?
Still Valid 07/07/14 @Thailand
is this dump still valid?i want make the exam
@Denis: Be careful actually Q17, Q22 and Q155 are in fact correct. In regards to Q22 you can't use that powershell command to change the subnet mask! (and that's what the question asks) =)
exam has 56 questions. This dump is a good but has many mistakes. Be careful. I passed today with 787
Hi Dennis
i`m pretty sure the correct answer to Q17 is D. inbound-6444
Hi guys, be careful. There is a lot of mistakes. I found those:
correct answers
q17 - B inbound tcp 3080
q22 - D set-dhcpserverv4scope
q155 - clean on new, clean on existing, upgrade
q126 - A .bat
q62 - C authorize DC1
q72 - Explanation says "the rename-adobject" but I think set-adacountcontrol is the correct
q36 - B Install-addsdomaincontroller
how many question has the exam,188 o less?please,can somebody tell me?
Kathleen and anette valid. Studied and passed with 937. Be carefull some of the answers are not right but 90 % reliable. Kathleen quite a good correction of Annette but not all the question. Thanks to Annette and Kathleen
Are this dumps still valid guys ?
Q36 is reporting an incorrect answer even though the correct answer is "Install-ADDSDomainController"
Q62 is reporting an incorrect answer, answer is Authorize DC1
The dump is still valid, I pass today with score 850 . be careful some quotation changes
Still valid. passed with 900....
Passed yesterday (11.07.2014) with 900, dump is valid.
is this dump valid in india?
Still valid in Brazil. Only 2-3 new questions out of the 55. Pass today (11th july 2014) with 862, only using this dump.
Still valid.
may i study this dump only,,?to pass 410...pls tell me anyone..am from india
Still valid !
i want make the exam 70-410,how many questions has the exam?
Pass today (10th july 2014) with 887! Studied Kathleen & Annette & Donna.
Dump valid in Dubai!!
Passed Today with 837. Big up Kathleen!!
Dump is 100% valid. Passed with 8XX marks
Still valid passed today with 790
can anyone help out Is this dump valid i india
Still valid, pass on 7 July 2014 with score 837. Many thank
Dear All,
There is no update since 01 July 2014 ...
Please confirm any person attempt this exam.
in THAILAND this DUMP is still Valid.
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