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Microsoft Teams MS-700 Practice Test Questions in VCE Format
Microsoft Teams MS-700 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Microsoft MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Microsoft MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Microsoft Teams MS-700 certification exam dumps & Microsoft Teams MS-700 practice test questions in vce format.
Let's take some time now and go through the process of getting access to teams and creating a team. So we'll start from the beginning here. We're right here on our Web browser. We're just going to go to Portal.Office.com.com, okay? So we'll log on. If you haven't already logged on, this would give you an opportunity to log on. And then you're going to notice right here, with the other Office applications, that you'll see teams right here. Now another thing is that, depending upon your Office subscription, you've got the business version of Office. If you install Office the Office apps), you'll also have the Teams apps as well.The Team app will be available to you as well. And you'll be able to open up the app if you use that as opposed to the online version of it. Although you're going to find the online version is pretty much identical to the app, the downloaded version is as well. I can click on Teams, all right? And one of the things that may prompt you to do that is if you want to install teams that will let you do that there. So here I am in the Teams application, all right? And if I want to create a team, I can look here at the bottom, where it says "Join or create a team." Okay. I can also see the existing teams that I already have. Okay, so I have a few different teams here. A marketing team, a sales team I can expand these out, and then you can see that I've got some different channels, all right? These are various channels through which we could communicate as a team if we so desired. And we can make those channels available so that users can talk privately or post publicly in that channel for their team. And I'll get more into the privacy settingsas we get a little deeper in. But let's create a team, okay? So if I want to create a team, I'm just going to come down here and I'm going to say "Join" or "Create a Team." And notice I've got a couple of options here. Create a team by clicking Create Team. However, there is a way to generate a code and share it with others. They can enter the code, and they'll join the team based on the code. Okay? But I'm going to say create a team. And I have a couple of options here. I can either build a team from scratch or I can create one from a group if I want to, all right? So I'm going to say build a team from scratch, all right? And then at that point, I can choose to make it a private team, which means only certain people are going to get access to it. And then from there, I can invite people if I want through the private team. I could have an owner who's going to invite people I can manually manage all that if I want, but I can also make it so if it is private, other people aren't going to see it, and we can control who can see and get access to that. If you make it a public team, then anyone can join the team. There are not really a lot of permissions there, although there are going to be some settings that you're going to find that you can use within teams for controlling some of the capabilities that you allow on a public team. But I'll get more into that a little bit later as well. And then finally you have an.org wide team, whichan organisation team is something that everyone just automaticallyis a part of when they go into teams,they're automatically a part of an organisation wide team. Okay, so I'm going to click on Create a Public Team, all right? And then, if I want to give this a name for my public team, I can. All right, so let's call this the Social Team. This is for people to socialize, communicate, or maybe just be open to anybody to join. So I'll just click to create, and at that point it's going to create that team. And I love how it's, like, nice work. You really did something hard when you did that. At that point, if you wanted to go ahead and type a name or group that you wanted to be part of, I could do that. So if I want to specify a user or some users that maybe I'm going to allow to be part of it, like Alex Rogers, I could add Alex Rogers to it if I want. I want to add Chris Jones to it. I can, all right. I can just start adding members if I want. Jane Doe, all these people click Add, and so that will make them members. Now the other thing is, if I want to make somebody an owner so that they can have some control, I can drop this down and choose to make you an owner. Okay? So at that point, I wanted Jane Doe to be an owner. I could at that point; I'm going to hit close, and I've now set up my little team. I've created a team using the team's app. All right, now, so it's pretty straightforward to create the team. If you wanted to go through the process of adding a channel, you could: you could add more members, you could leave the team, you could edit the team, and you could create a link for it. There are even these things called tags, which I'm not getting into right now. I can set all of that up and control a few of the different settings for teams, but I'm not getting into all the details on settings just yet. But that's something we'll get into a little bit later. But creating a team, as you can see, is pretty painless. It's not very difficult. Let's go through and create a private team this time. So I'll just go and I'll say "create from scratch," and we'll say "create a team." I actually think I clicked the wrong thing that time. Let's try that again. Create a team, build from scratch, and we'll do a private team. So at that point, if I want to create a private team, all right, I'll call it the Laboratory Team. Alright? and we'll click to create. And at that point, it's now about creating that team. All right? Such nice work. Again, very hard. At that point, I could start adding people if I wanted, like Holly Holt here. Let's see. Anybody else? Bob Hyatt. All right. Robbie Wilson. We'll click "add," and there are our people. We'll make Robbie Wilson our owner. Okay? So at that point, we've now officially created a private team, all right? And we could start creating channels for that and everything else people can communicate about. All right? Again, this is very straightforward and easy. We'll get into the permissions and the privacy stuff. Here comes and up. So if you're not quite understanding the rules and restrictions when it comes to privacy and who can see and do what, don't worry, because we're getting into all that right now. I just wanted to demonstrate how to actually create a team.
Another way to manage team creation is to use the Teams Admin Center. Now, if you start out on Portal.Microsoft.com, if you look over to the left, you may already see the Team Admin Center show up. But if not, just click the "Show All Its" symbol and then scroll down, and you should be able to see the team's object here. I'm going to go ahead and click on that, and that's going to take me to the team's admin center. Now don't worry, because I'm going to be getting into all this stuff here. We're going to look through and learn about the settings and object options here. Right now I'm just getting into team creation. So I'm just going to drop down Teams right here, and then I'm going to click on Manage Teams. So let's click that option. And as you can see, I can see all the teams that I've got available. I can see team members, I can seewhether it's private channels or not, who theowners are, information about the owners. I can select these; I can do some searches on them; I can delete them. Now what I'm wanting to do thoughis I'm talking about creating right now. So I'm going to click Add, and I can now, if I wanted to create a new team, create a new team here. So I might actually create a team called "It. Okay? So it's my IT department, and then I can specify who the owner is. Okay. Of course, if I specified myself, I'm actually already there. How about we do Jenny Smith? So Jenny Smith is added as an owner. We can make this a private team. After all, it is it, and in this case, it is unlikely to be a public team. So we're going to click "Apply Now. All right. Although you might have a public team that's available for people to get IT support, if this was talking about the IT department, you're probably not going to make that public, right? As you can see, it's very easy. The team is now officially created. And so if I go back over to open up my team's portal at office.com, we'll just open the team's app, and at that point we can see if our new team has been created from the Admin Center. Okay, so that's loading up. And as you can see, there it is right there. Again, I don't have a whole lot of channelsjust yet, just have the one general channel. But I've now got myself an It teamand I could start inviting people to tothe team additional people if I wanted to. But as you can see, it's very easy to create a team using the team's administration.
Let's take a moment now and see how we could use PowerShell to create a team. Okay? So the first thing you've got to do is make sure you're connected to Microsoft Teams. We've installed the Microsoft Teams module so if wesay connect to Microsoft teams we hit enter andthen we put our credentials in here. All right, get logged in, and at that point we'll be connected to teams. And again, we can type Get Team, and this will show us our existing teams. If we want to create a team, then we're going to type "New Team." And now again, don't forget to look up the knowledgebase article if you need help. So if I go out there and I search "new dash team" on Google or something like that, being whatever you prefer, here it is: new dash teams," or click on that, and it shows you how to use this command. You gave some examples on how to do it. Very easy. Okay. So let me jump back into PowerShell now and let's create a team. So I'm going to say "new dashteam displayname" and let's call this the payroll team. All right. And then the description. All right. This is a private team for people working with company payroll. Okay. And then this is going to be private. So there's a dash visibility switch parameter, and we'll say private. All right. And at that point, we can click okay. And it should go through the process of creating that team for us. It does take a moment to create, but once that's created, there it is. I should be able to say "Get Team" now, and that should show up on the screen. So it does take a moment. This is going to be one of those cases where it's going to take a moment before it actually does show up. But after a few moments, it should. There it goes, right there. Remember, you want to be patient. It does take a moment to show up when you first create something. So there it is right there, and I can go over to portal.microsoft.com and we can just, I'm sorry. Let's jump back over to teams, and let's verify that it is officially showing up. And it is. It's showing up here at the bottom of the screen. So our payroll team has been officially created. As you can see, PowerShell is really easy to work with in PowerShell.Of course, there are numerous ways to manipulate the situation. You can write scripts for automation. And I'm going to talk about coming up with some automated ways of dealing with all that.
Now that we've got a couple of teams that we've created, I did want to point something out. When you create a team, that team will have a one-to-one relationship with a Microsoft group, basically an Office 365 group. In fact, we jump over and go to portal Microsoft.com.Let's go back over here to our admin centre and we'll click on groups. Let's go to groups. So notice here within teams, I've got this social team that I created and this laboratory team that I created. And you'll notice that there it is right there: the laboratory and social team. And those are Office 365 groups, and you can see that they have a team associated with them. Okay? So another thing I could do, for example, if I wanted to, is go up and look at an existing Office 365 group I wanted to join, like the consumer group. Here, notice the consumer group does not have a team. This is one I created through PowerShell, but it does not have a team associated with it. If I wanted, I could click on that, click Microsoft Team, and I could create a team that way. Another option for doing that, for creating a team from an existing group, is to go back over to Teams, go down here to join, create a team, click to create a team, and then you can say create from an existing Office 365 group. So by doing that, it'll give me an option. It will show me the different groups that I have available, and I can select that specific group. Okay? So I'll just select Office 365 groups here—the groups that are available to me. And there is the consumer group. For example, as you can see, it's a private group. That's what that little lock symbol means. So I can select that, I can click to create, and it's now officially going to create a team from that group. So again, you can create a team and it will create a group. You can create a group and then make a team from it if you want. Okay, so there it is, created. All right. And I can go, and I can manage, and I can manage the settings and all that. I'm not going to get into managing all the settings just yet. I'll be explaining that a little bit later. But if I come back over here and look at my groups through the portal at Microsoft.com, you'll be able to see the group, and you should see that the group now has the team symbol associated with it, right? So there it is. It resulted in the formation of Microsoft Team. And by the way, if you wanted to make it a public group, you could. Okay? But again, we're not getting into all the settings just yet. I want to make it very clear; don't worry, I'm going to be explaining privacy and settings and all of that. Right now. I just wanted to get into how you go through the process of creating a team from an existing group.
Okay, so we've looked at different ways that we can create teams. We can create a team right within the Teams app. We can create a team from a group, OK? from an Office 365 group. But what about creating team sites with some of the other applications? Now we've learned that, essentially, with teams, they're all going to be associated with an Office 365 group. We've also learned that that group can be associated with other applications. SharePoint, Planner, Outlook, your calendar, all that stuff is going to link back to that Office 365 group. So let's jump into a couple of apps here and see what we can do within those apps to create that Office 365 group, which can then be used to create a team for us. Okay, so we're going to pop over to Portal.Office.com and let's jump right into SharePoint. Now you've seen a little bit of this before. I can go into SharePoint. I can click to create a site, right? And then I can name the SharePoint farm so I can make it a team site. And I can name the SharePoint site something. Let's call it the Demosharepointeam site for now. kind of a long name, but this is just an example. Of course, it can obtain an email address and other information. Here are your privacy settings here.Public or private? Okay, so I'll just make it public. All right. And then I'll click next so I can specify some additional owners. I can add some members to it if I want to. Okay, so we can throw some additional people in here, additional owners. We can throw ad members inhere, click Finish, create the group. And then we've now officially got ourselves the team site, which in turn creates that group I was just mentioning. Okay, so demo SharePoint Team site, let'sjump into Portal Microsoft.com and look tosee if the group is created. So we'll jump back over here, click on Groups, and click Groups right there. All right. and scroll down. And it looks like it's taking a moment to actually create the group. and that can happen. You do kind of have to be a little bit patient here before it will actually show up. There it is. Okay, so on the demo site, notice that teams have not been created because a team has not been created. It's a team site, but no teams have been formed as of yet. So if I want, I can jump right in here, click Microsoft Teams, create a team from it, and it'll create a Microsoft team from this Office 365 group. Okay, so that's SharePoint. Create one from SharePoint. Let's go over to Planner now. So we'll go to PortalOffice.com again, all right. And jump into the Planner app. Alright, so within Planner, I can say "new plan." And I'll call this a demo plan. All right, actually, we'll just say team, all right? and then I can say public or private. I'll say public, and then I'm going to click to create it, alright? And it's going to create that plan with the Demo Plan Team. All right? And then this goes all the way back to a Microsoft 365 group, okay? Of course, just like with the SharePoint teamside, it can take a moment before thatgroup is going to show up. Sometimes it will be quick, sometimes it won't. It looks like in this case, it's going to take a moment before it actually appears. But rest assured, our group will show up. If we want to create a team from it, we can. Now let's jump over to Outlook. So back to portal.office.com, and we'll pull up the Outlook app here, alright? and we're going to scroll down here on the lower left. And I'm going to bring it up, click on NewGroup, and it says, "Okay, you're going to create a new group." I'm just going to call this demo Outlook. All right? And there's the email address associated with it, all right? And of course, I can say public or private. I'll say public again. All right. language settings here. Click to create. All right. And if I want to go ahead and add members, I can. same kind of thing we've seen, right? And so I've now got my group created there. Okay, so back over here. If I return to my Groups page and refresh my screen here, my group should be visible. Okay, so there's the demo outlook, and there's the planner team as well. I don't have Office 365, so I can make them, or I'm sorry, neither of those have teams associated with them right now. But I can click on those just like I did with SharePoint. Go to Microsoft Teams and create the team from there. Or I can pop back over to Teams, and I can say "join" or "create" a team. Create the team and wait for it to pop up. Create from an existing Office 365 group or team, I can say. Office 365 group. There are the different ones that I've got. So there's the demo plan. If I wanted to create one from the demo plan, I could click on Create. And as you can see, it's appearing right here, right? And if I wanted to create one from the other group, which is the Outlook demo group, I can do that very easily. All right? And then again, if I wanted to manage the settings and all of that, for all of this, I can click Manage Team, and I can adjust some of the settings channels and all that. And again, I am going to eventually get into going over all this stuff. We're also going to look at the administration as well. So don't worry, we'll get into that. I just wanted to demo the fact that you can create these Office 365 groups because that Office 365 group is sort of the core of a lot of these applications that we're using. You can create one of those Office 365 groups from those different applications, and then in turn, you can create a team from that Office 365 group. and it's really nice because it just sort of ties everything together. It allows me to link things from Planner, from Outlook, and from SharePoint and jump in. And of course, you've got a drive for business. You can link files, of course. All that sort of ties back to SharePoint, right? I'm not getting into the details yet on that, but rest assured, it makes it really easy to kind of collaborate and utilise these different apps and link back and forth. So hopefully that helps you get a good understanding of the fact that you can create these Office 365 groups through these other apps and existing resources.
I'd like to take a deeper look now at the different privacy levels that we have on a team. Okay? So the first order of business here is to go and look at creating a team again, alright? And then we'll say "build a team." team from scratch. All right, so here we are. I kind of moved through this quickly before because I was just showing you team creation, but I want to talk a little bit more in depth now on the privacy level. So with the team, you basically have three levels, all right? Now what you need to understand about teams is that when you create a team, it's associated with the Microsoft 365 Group. And what a lot of people don't realise is that there are a lot of variables that are taking place. There are a lot of things that are happening here. Okay, let me pull up a quick drawing and I'll show you what I'm talking about. Okay? So when I create an Office 365 Group, okay, let's do that. Let's say we have an Office 365 Group, all right? When you create an Office 365 group, that group can actually be associated with a lot of things, and there can be a lot of things that get created along with your group. And when you create a team, for example, along with an Office 365 Group, you're also dealing with SharePoint, you're dealing with Exchange, and you're dealing with Planner. You get a calendar. You get all these things. So you actually have a team that can be created from it. You have an email address associated with it. So it's time to exchange with that.Microsoft 365 Group. So you get email and you have Planner associated with it, all right? You have a SharePoint site that can be associated with it as well, right? where you can collaborate and share files and all that. And then there's also the drive for business and all that; that plays a role in this too. But I'm not going to get into One Drive for Business just yet, okay? And finally, a calendar. So now you have calendar settings. People can use their calendars to create free busy information, such as meeting schedules. All of this is connected to your teams and Office 365. So this Office 365 is the center, and this Office 365 Group is the centre of all this. Now when you start working with public and private options and all of that, you have to understand that you are making, for example, if I create a team and I make it a public team, I'm making that publicly available, not just in teams, but it can also be publicly available in SharePoint. People can send emails to it and so on. And they don't even have to necessarily be a member. They can join anytime they want. If it is a public team, okay; if it's private, then of course people have to be added to the team. in order to collaborate and work with it. And then I'll explain. Let's jump back over to teams and I'll show you what I mean. Okay, so again, if I click private, people have to be given permission to join. You have to be able to invite people. Owners have to invite people. People can't just join without somebody, like an owner, accepting them. Okay? And granted, there are some policies and things we'll look at on that too, but ultimately, for somebody to be a part of that team, they have to be given permission from somebody. Now, a public team is a team that is available. Anybody can join it, but they'll still have to specify the name of the team to join it. The team isn't just being advertised right here on the left side of the screen for you to join. People will have to actually go to join it. They have to specify that they want to join it. That's what a public team is going to do for you. It's available to people, but they have to join it. Finally, an organisational team, an organisational team. This is a team that everybody is automatically a part of. Okay? So if I create another.org team, I've got Exam Lab practice. I'll call it Lobby, okay? And then I'll click "Create." It's going to create an order gate team. Everybody's going to be a part of that. Okay? Now I want to demonstrate a little bit about a user who is trying to log on to a particular team. Okay? So I've got the payroll team here, and the payroll team is a private team. If I click on "Add a Member," I can specify. Let's do Bill Williams. Okay, so Bill Williams has been added as a member. All right, and let's go and look at our Microsoft 365 real quick and look at our users. So if we go to PortalMicrosoft.com, click on Active Users active users.There's Bill Williams. We click on Bill Williams. Let's take a look. So Bill Williams There's an email address. All right, I've got all this information about Bill Williams, and I can see what groups I manage when I click on Manage Groups. I can see which organisations Phil Williams belongs to. Look at that. There's an exam lab and a practise lobby. That's an Office 365 Group, right? All right. Payroll group. There it is. So these are the groups he's automatically a member of. Now I'm going to log on as Bill Williams. Now we're going to pull up my browser; we'll go into the private window here, and let's go to portaloffice.com and let's log on as Bill Williams. All right, so Billwilliams@examlabpractice.comput in the password. All right, and here we go. We're signing on. We'll click on "Teams," all right. And this will allow us to see exactly which teams he is available for. All right, notice that this is the first time he signed on. It's going to ask if you want to download the app or if you want to use the web app. Instead, I'm going to say use the Web app. Now look at that. We created that organization-wide team. That's the exam lab practise team right there, right? The lobby. And there's the other one. I had already had one called "Org" that was at it.And there's marketing. And look, there's payroll right there. So he's part of that team, right? And so these are the teams. and I had already added it to Marketing earlier. But he's got access to Payroll. He can also go into payroll, say, "We'll say test message," and hit enter. And at that point, Bill Williams had just posted a message. So if I jump back over and look at my teams over here on Payroll, I can look at General, and there's his message. But as you can see, the idea there ofa private team is he had to be added. All right? If I logged on to another user right now,that users not going to have that payroll team. They had to have been added to it. Now, I'd like to show you something else quickly. Let's go over to SharePoint, okay? And we'll do that as Bill Williams suggests. So go back over to portal.office.com and click on SharePoint. All right, so here we are on SharePoint. Bill Williams does have the ability to go through there and create sites. And here's what I want to show you. Look here, I can say "create a team site," right? So notice that through SharePoint, this is going to let me create a team site. I'm just going to call this site a team site with SharePoint. Just a quick demonstration of how to make one. Now, I want you to notice I gave you the site address. But down here, look, I can do public and private. You don't have an ".org" option through SharePoint. just public and private. So I'll just say public. Let's click next. I can specify additional owners. If I want to specify additional owners, I can click Finish. And it's now created that test site—the test team site. All right. And so I did that right through SharePoint—directly through SharePoint. And it will take some time to populate the teams here, but you're tying to teams as well as not getting into Planner and all that right now with the help of SharePoint. but not exchange. You can create a group to Exchangeand that can tie the teams. Well, my point is that Office 365 is sort of the core of all of this, linking it all together, and whoever's a member of that group gets to utilise these different service teams and SharePoint and the Exchange online. It's sort of the glue that ties it all together, okay? Then, using public, private, and.org, you can control membership and who can join. And who can invite them if they're the owner and all? And, of course, again, with your organization's wide group, everybody's just automatically a member of that. If you're part of the Azure Active Directory for your organization, you're automatically going to be a part of these organization-wide groups. Okay? Hopefully, that gives you a better understanding of those three. Now, keep in mind, I'm going to get more into managing the security and all that. By no means does this brief lesson explain the security of all of this. This is just trying to help you understand those three: the public, the private, and the ORG Set organization.
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Premium dump is valid. I passed the exam with 800. Just a few new questions.
Premium dump still valid i pass 2 jun score 8xx. 4 New question but Premium dump enough for pass.
(11 May 2021) Premium dump still valid and passed with 85X.
The dump is valid. I have passed today with more than 850 points.
Past today 03/24/2021 with 850. Still reliable. Good luck
Took the exam 03-03-2021 and passed with 8xx. Around 2 new questions, study good and you pass! Premium is valid.
i took the exam yesterday valid but copule new q
Took the exam 02-14-2021 and passed with 7xx. Around 2 new questions, study good and you pass! Premium is valid.
Passed my Ms-700 with 857 marks on 13th Feb 2021. Other than 4 new questions, the premium dump was valid and got me successfully through my exam.
Valid and passed comfortably.
Thank you, ExamCollection, I passed the Microsoft MS-700 exam with 765 using the Premium file. The dump is 90% valid, because some of the answers to the questions slightly differ, for example, you would answer with the PowerShell alternative to the Teams admin centre and vice versa, but in the dump is would be the right answer. You just need to know both.
I passed the exam this week with 867 points. There was a new case study, some newly arranged questions / answers and about 5 completely new items. If you don't just memorize the dump and use it with some other prep resources, you can do it!
I passed the MS-700 test with 810 points after I used the premium dump from this site and an official training course. During the test, I ran into about 3-4 new questions and a couple of the answers were reworded but not many. All in all, I think it’s better to practice with premium file only after you learned the topics.
Premium dump valid enough to pass(09/11). Ran into about 1-2 new questions.
Passed today, about 10 news questions.
over 12 news questions, if you have been working with Microsoft Teams for the last year or 2 you should be able to get through the new questions, the premium dumps helped as well. I passed with 8XX.
Premium dump is 80% valid, at least 10 new questions. Passed 8XX
Exam is no longer in beta
First 2 are case studies, and the rest are MCQ
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