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Download Free 70-743 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-743 - Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA: Windows Server 2016 |
Size: | 7.56 MB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, October 12, 2016 |
# of downloads: | 10755 |
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Where can i download Premium with 187Q?
Premium with 187Q contains all questions. No new questions at the exam. Good luck all!
premium 973. all you guys need to go with!
Passed with 865 using premium dump only. Four new questions were not in the exam. An IPAM scenario about what IPAM can be used for. Options were DNS, Tracking audit event on a dc and tracking rds audit events. A HyperV question about high CPU on 1 CPU on a VM with several CPUs. A question about installing Server core with docker options.
from where can i download Premium 187q dump
Passed this week with Premium 187q dump. All exam questions were in Premium dump
Looks like the file has been recently updated. Any comments on passing the exam by using the Premium 187Q file?
I passed yesterday with 968 points. Used the premium dump from examcollection with 173 questions. I wish you good luck.
Hello, Santos if you have MCSA 2012 you can upgrade this to MCSA 2016 you must pass only this exam 70-743 it include only one exam with 48 questions, minimum points - 700
Is the 70-743 exam devided in 3 parts and you need a score of a least 700 for each (like upgrade to 2012)? Or is this just 1 exam? Please let me know so I can prepare for the exam.
I passed with 155 premium file from prepaway.com valid passed with 890, 10 new questions which I remember were about: 1.how to connect to remote host via powershell, 2.some new question about network policy, 3.how to share .vhd file, 4.how to change dc to global cotalog, 5.About office 365, 6.nano server installed on a physical machine, how to add a virtual machine live migration feature, 7.need to add a network driver to windows server 2016 image.
Premium still valid but as everyone else said there are a few new questions not in the file.
@Donkeys did you use the 155 or 173 Dump
Yes that is correct. It seems to be missing 10 to 15 questions according to other posters. Looks like they need to update it.
Guys premium dump says 173 questions is that correct?
Premium Dump still valid although about 10 new questions not in dump in exam. Passed 830 23/5/18
Passed today 817 48 Q and about 10 new questions. Premium dump still valid.
Passed yesterday with 7**
around 48 question, out of which 15 questions are new but easy
studied with the prem. dump
Passed yesterday 800 point Use OZ.90q, Muhammad_Omar.93q, TNG.96q.vce
I do not know, from what I've read in the forum, 7 or 8 new questions are missing. But you have the complete assurance that all the responses of the dump are good?
Hello, is premium dump valid?
What questions do you want to compare?
What questions do you want to compare?
I have a 155question premium. I want to compared with someone who has one from here
Which dumb is not valid
@King NL
Which Dump do you mean?
Be careful not a valid dump. Did not got any question out of the dump.
passed with 830 in poland. i used premium vce. 15 new questions.
Hello guys,
I'm very happy today, I've passed the exam today with 907 scores. I think that exam have ten new questions and one of these questions were about Office 365 and on the moment I don't know the answer. But if you use the premium file you will pass without problems. Regards
There are new questions, about 20 from total of 48, I studied from Omar, OZ and TNG. All the other are for losing time. The new question: where can you change settings for global catalog, one question with Office 365, how to connect remote with PS from one server to another, ...
The exam has 48 questions. passed exam with 713. 25 new question regarding how to deploy office 365, the study sequence
1.Muhammad_Omar.93q 2.Atif.54q 3.OZ.90q 4.bob.190q
and Recommended best reference 70-740、70-741.
I bought vceplus premium but alot of answers were wrong. I paased the exam on 22 March 886. about 7 Questions were new. I had the question how to connect AFDS with O365. The Answer is variable set previously
Connect-MsolService –Credential $cred
Set the MSOL ADFS Context server, to the ADFS server
Set-MsolADFSContext –Computer adfs_servername.domain_name.com
Convert the domain to a federated domain
Convert-MsolDomainToFederated –DomainName domain_name.com
I had too a question that ask to to take a production Snapshot after migratin to 2016. The Answer: stop vm, set-vm, checkpoint-vm
Failed horribly, not a single question is even remotely related to the questions found on the exam :S
passed today with 869. new question regarding how to connect ADSF farm with azure 365, question about which role can you install on nano server. the the two premium are still valid
Passed with 804.Premium VCE still valid but got 10 new questions.
passed with 810. Premium is valid but there are 10 new questions about nano and IPAM.
Hi all!
Tomorrow, I have this exam. Is this 155Q file premium valid?
what u mean by premium ?
i bey basic vce it is
Enough confusing .
where ist the update for premium?
Did you used the Perimum Dump or othr?
I just passed 947 on mar 9 from ethiopia majority of questions are changed !!good luck folks
@exam Collection Support, may i ask for update the premium dump? It contain now 155Q
Thanks a lot.
Is the questions in the premium different to the the free version? or am i missing something here?
years ago there was no different versions.
I sat this exam today. passed with 765...in OZ...lots of new questions.
Also anyone pass recently with the premium VCE?
Passed with a high score. Premium dump is valid. Some new questions on exam, about Hyper-V, ADFS, Storage and clustering.
Some answers in premium dump need to check.
Good study is required, watch YouTube video's and read on TechNet about the new WS 2016 capabilities.
Free dump is utterly worthless. 190 q of not being any usefull. Only 1 q is in the real exam.
I'm study this premium test im going to take the test in a few days, someone knows if the answers are in the same order or can change
I pass using the premium file from 12. Feb. 2018 (155 Q): 850
But there are new queations. I had 48 questions.
Some new questions about:
- Office 365 and ADFS
- Only ADFS
- Cluster / Hyper-V
Good Luck!
Premium is valid. This dump is not valid.
New questions in exam. I pass 835.
Pass the exam with 835 score. Premium dump is valid but around 15 questions are new.
The Premium dump is valid in Germany. Only 5-7 new questions received.
pass the exam with 8XX score. Premium dump is valid but around 15-20 questions are new. Study the features on the Technet or any videos will work.
Passed few days ago with 750 score, about 15 new question here are some of questions that i remember:
1- nano server installed on a physical machine, how to add a virtual machine live migration feature.
2- need to add a network driver to windows server 2016 image.
3- which command that you need to connect to another server by powershell.
4- how to enable global catalog in a domain named lond-dc2 a global catalog.
5- how to add a hyper-v feature in windows container.
Tip: read the premium file, and focus on reading the windows server 2016 new features on technet and youtube, best luck for all.
Passed with 857 points used premium only during preparation. 7-8 questions were new.
Prezados, bom dia!
O premio está suficiente para passar no exame?
O premio é valido para 2018???
I passed on 08/Feb with scored 7XX only studied premium dump, about 20 new questions
so people tell us recent updates
Hi every body some quest are changed !!any success story this week!!!
Passed today 804/1000. There were 48 questions on my exam, 16 of those weren't in the premium dump.
Premium dump is valid. Passed with 882 in The Netherlands. Few new questions.
Premium Dump is valid. The free dump is not valid.
Passed today (947). Premium VCE still valid but got 16 new questions.
Can someone please tell me the version number of the latest premium dump?
Failed too. The dump is useless.
Is it just me or is the avanset website (VCE) down? I have a premium subscription to exam collection but the tool to open (VCE) is not usable as of the moment.
Failed today, dump is not valid.
Passed on Jan 30, used dumps TNG96Q and Muhammad_Omar93. Got 16 new questions.
Passed yesterday with 850 studying the TNG dump and some research on the internet. Beware that there is a lot of new questions on the test that isn't in this dump!
Only used premium passed with 778
Hi, when the new damp will be ready?
As 26th Jan 2018, there are no questions from this dump on exam. There were about 35 questions from OZ´s dump.
Premium dump is valid. Around 4-6 new questions.
Pass today, used updated premium file also has 16 new questions.
i passed today 860 using premium (140Q)
48 questions in total but it was 16 new questions
This file is dated well over a year ago, how can it possibly still be useful?
Passed today with 865 , 20 new questions.
Prepared from book and premium dump.
Good luck!
Passed today 20012018 with the premium dump
Some news questions but if you prepare well the premium you will passed
Passed 791 today using the premium (140q) only. About 8 new questions.
Hi, I passed today (18.01.2018) with 890 score, using only premium file (140q) but new questions on my exam... good luck
From premium I got scored 830. It's re-worded from the actual exam. Still valid in my area in Northern California.
Anyone use the updated premium VCE and Pass the exam? Please let us know if this works for you
Does these dumps are valid or not?i am going to appear in exam in 2 days.
Passed yesterday using the Premium Dump, but had 16 new questions
Any updates with the premium dump? I am planning to take the exam this February. Thanks!
Passed yesterday 9 Jan, used dumps TNG96Q and Muhammad_Omar93. got almost 16-18 new question out of total 48.
not use premium but recommend to use premium.
thanks and good luck for your exam.
Anyone written this year yet? Are the dumps still valid?
so this file is not valid lately looks like you have to buy the premium in order to pass
Does anyone have the valid dump for me
Hi Dan,
Did you use the updated Premium file for your exam?
The exam has 48 questions. I passed with an 856 but the Premium VCE needs a lot of work.
Premium VCE still valid. The exam has 48 questions. About 70% are in the premium VCE
The premium is valid in Belgium, but also 18 new questions
The premium valid but more than 15 new questions in my exam.
btw I passed
amount of questions was changed
Anyone recently took the exam and pass?
pls advise when updated amount of questions will be displayed on site
passed today, score 726 some new questions. I have studied the 120 and 140 premium
The premium was updated. You can download it now! But information about updated amount of questions will be displayed on site later. The premium contains 140 questions.
The premium file is still valid, today I pass it with 800 score, I got about 15 new questions. I passed today! Be aware new questions still not present on premium file.
The premium file is still valid but there are new questions on the exam. I got about 20 new questions. I passed today! Good luck to you all.
Hi ExamCollection,
what is the status of premium file? its updated or not yet?
any body knows this dump is still valid or not?
let me know what is the status of premium dump? is it still valid or not?
Is the premium VCE still valid?
Please let us know
Also anyone pass recently with the premium VCE?
I didn't have single question on the exam :)
Most of the questions is about containers, virtualization clustering, ADFS. PLenty of questions with powershell commands.
We are working with new additional questions now. The premium will updated for new questions very soon.
Can the premium dump be updated for the new questions some time soon?
Anyone pass this with premium dump lately? Are there any valid dumps?
and when update the premium with the new questions?
Took in UK today most of premium is valid but around 12 not in dump. Further reading required on ADFS to office 365, certificates, hyper v. I passed
Has any one taken the exam recently using the premium dump and pass?
Thanks Rotor for your replay
there is new other premium dump and new questions
we need new questions
When you say its not valid anymore are you referring to the premium file ?
Please Advise.
Adam, I got 5-10 new questions.
Why is anyone looking at this dump anymore, it's well over a year old! Look at the release date of other dumps...
Not valid (anymore) in the netherlands
Absolutely none of the questions from the exam were in this file.
It was the current Premium file version, at least last week. Might be different today. You can see the version when you open the VCE file.
Where can I find the Premium VCE v5?
With hands-on lab experience, studying nugget videos and questions from the Premium file v5.0, I have passed with 900 points. Around 15 new questions, however with the hands-on experience and watched video material you should be fine. New questions were about: ADFS with Office365, Hyper-v (Clusters), IPAM, Containers, Network Controller, Nano, Storage QoS.
Passed in Luxemburg around 735. This dump is surely not valid, but still worth to study with. I had pratically no questions that looked like one of it.
Dear Rotor
How many quotations in your valid dump ?
Passed his exam this past week in the USA with 8xx score. Around 8-10 new questions, some reordering as well. Premium VCE still valid overall.
Passed this exam yesterday with 8xx. Premium file still valid. Some new questions.
Used premium and study material. There were quite a few new questions (10+). I had a lot of cluster and storage pool questions.
How many quotations in the Premium dump ?
How many quotations in the Exam you passed ?
Hi all,
Passed the exam 900+ last Thursday.
Only studied the Premium and reviewed how to setup Office 365 powershell and ADFS.
They have changed the order of the answers, rephrased some questions and added some new ones but nothing you will not be able to shake.
Good luck and keep on providing feedback.
There is new valid dump for 70-743 a lot of questions added last 2 weeks
Pass Today 11/15/2017, some new questions are not in de Premium.
Today passed in Spain using the premium file with 765/1000 score,some new questions are not in de premium
Today passed in the Netherlands using the premium file only with 791. There were 49 questions, new questions not in the premium.. A lot Nano, ADFS make domain federated to 365, IPAM..
use premium only
Is this valid the Microsoft.certifyme.70-743.v2016-10-12.by.Bob.190q.vce?
still valid
Hi Guys, I passed today with 864.. But be aware that there is some wrong answers in this file.. The most are correct, but there are at least 4 wrong.. In the test there were I lot of questions that were not in the vce file was well.. Be prepared and good luck!
Hi Guys, which dump is correct? Microsoft.certifyme.70-743.v2016-10-12.by.Bob.190q.vce or Microsoft.BrainDumps.70-743.v2017-01-16.by.OZ.90q.vce ?
Please heeeelp
Passed yesterday in Italy premium dump 99% plus some new questions about vpn.
Premium file in combination with VCE player is 100% valid. Just passed with score of 9xx. You need VCE player to see the correct version of the file. A+ player displays a wrong set of questions.
Premium dump is valid, passed today 9xx...
passed today, 948 points
I am currently studying to upgrade my current 2012 certificate to 2016.
Anyone willing to share experience with the premium with me?
Ho many questions in the real exam?
Premium very valid in UK. Passing score 9XX.
Dears, Where i can parched premium dump the exam from Exam Collection from above link $69.99.
premium still valid and Scored a 948
premium 100%
passed today, premium still valid here in South Africa
Is this valid in Germany also?
Passed with premium 932.
3 questions are not in de premium and are about VPN
Just passed the Exam.
Score 9XX
premium file is Valid.
*** Don't use Microsoft.certifyme.70-743.v2016-10-12.by.Bob.190q.vce or OZ.90q these files are not valid at all.
Just use the premium VCE file.
Got 59 Qs.Exam Time 140 mins
Good luck
It's not Windows 2016, it's 2012 R2 really
Valid In Brazil, Just passed this exam 70-743 today with 9XX points and i used the premium file and that one is 100% valid
Premium is valid, passed with 9xx...
Is the premium dump similar to TNG.96q, OZ.90q or Dany104q? thank you. I'm planning to take the exam this week.
Anyone can confirm that TNG.96q, OZ.90q or Dany104q are valid? thanks in advance.
Premium file 100% valid
Because in this review they talk about "Windows 2016 R2"????
I think I had about 60 maybe 70 questions and the passing score required is 700
@ GAMJRS Congrats
What is the passing score and How many questions you have got?
I passed on Oct 4th with a 974 using the premium file. Maybe two that I did not recognize on the test itself
Just finished Exam , Valid with the Premium file which is 107 Questions ... all my questions was from there ... i got 948 ... really valid and good for passing the exam ... good luck to all of you .
passed today 965 marks 3 questions though were still out of dumps
All questions from the premium dump, 100% valid. Only premium.
this tump is 100% valid, i passed that with 965/1000.
just use premium
please specify any premium 107 or 120
Took the exam today, passed 940. Only used premium dump. Be carefull!!!! some questions have been reworded, so if it says, for example, NIC 1 in the dump, it uses NIC 3 in the exam. All exam questions were from the dump.
@ Dariusz
Could you please tell us more details about the exam ?
Thx :)
Can anyone check this question please.
Your company has 10 offices. Each office has a local network that contains several Hyper-V
hosts that run Windows Server 2016.
All of the offices are connected by high speed, low latency WAN links.
You need to ensure that you can use QoS policies for Live Migration traffic between the offices.
Which component should you install?
A. the Canary Network Diagnostics feature
B. the Network Controller server role
C. the Data Center Bridging feature
D. the Multipath I/O feature
E. the Routing role service
In the premium VCE, it has been answered: C
but in other different VCEs it has been answered: CE
Can anyone please confirm what's the correct answer
I bought the premium VCE file. I will take the exam by the mid of October.I will update you guys once I passed it
Passed yesterday, 922. Valid in Poland, 1 new from docker. Rest are exactly same like premium file.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for accepting Examcollection.com's promo offer. As special thank you, we're giving you 40% discount code for order.
Your discount code: Promo40Sept17
i have not
Someone knows how this works. are I supposed to buy only the premium File? or i need something else thanks for your advice.
@ mikem
Have you done your test ?
THis dump (free one) is not valid. Not even one question from this dump.
@ ibrahim
I will buy the premium VCE file soon.
Yes you can.
Who should take this exam?
This exam is intended for IT professionals who want to validate the skills and knowledge necessary to implement the Windows Server 2016 core infrastructure services. Candidates have already earned an MCSA: Windows Server 2008 or MCSA: Windows Server 2012 R2 certification. This exam covers key aspects of installation, storage, compute, networking, and identity functionality available in Windows Server 2016.
can this exam be completed with MSCA 2008
thnx ya brother mafih any update3an el dump
@ Wolfi
(Microsoft.certifyme.70-743.v2016-10-12.by.Bob.190q.vce) is not the premium file.
The premium file is not free, you should buy it
@ HubbaBubba
Thank you for your updates. Good Luck :)
Hello, is that the Premiumfile: Microsoft.certifyme.70-743.v2016-10-12.by.Bob.190q.vce???
Premium is valid in germany. Had 59q, 3 new VPN questions at the beginning of the exam.
Still waiting ya Basha for any answer ;)
Ya mosahel
hi brother
this dump is still valid or not
thank U
Is the premium VCE file still valid and updated ?
Thank you :)
Don't waist your time with this. None of the questions on this file is on the test. this file should be removed from the server
Dump is 100% Fake. No questions from this dump in real exam. Most of the questions about Hyper-V, Disk pools etc, PowerShell, Nano
I have done MCSA 2012 and MCSE: Cloud Platform and Infrastructure on this year (2017-08-18). Do I need to update my MCSA 2012 to 2016?
Passed the exam with a 934 using only the premium dump.
premium still 100% valid
The premium dump is valid passed with 940. Any new question about vpn and how to reduce the connection only at specif hours of a day
Premium is still 100% valid. Passed today. 4 questions not in premium were "does this meet" questions.
I passed the exam 2017/08/04 with +9XX just studied the premium and this VCE
The premium is 100% valid, I just passed the exam today with +9XX just studied the premium.
Passed today 888. Used premium VCE valid. Only the VPN Questions new
Where can I find the premium file?
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