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Download Free 70-411 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-411 - Administering Windows Server 2012 |
Size: | 11.9 MB |
Posted Date: | Thursday, October 24, 2013 |
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Can you tell any one is this dump is till valid?
about 20 - 25 new q - not valid
guys tell me .. this exam still valid !!!!
Please can any one confirm that Dumps is still Valid in PAKISTAN....??????? waiting 4 ur Response Plz update anybody
Used this one one and Microsoft.Passguide.70-411.v2013-11-13.by.Snowden.238q - almost all questions relevant
Passed with thanks. It's valid for R2.Thanks.
Passed today with 857. All questions from Snowdon, Edge and David. No mention of R2. Thanks, guys.
Please can any one confirm that Dumps is still Valid and when R2 will be added ....
Passed today with 9XX.. still valid dump. only a couple of new questions. thanks
Passed Today !
Thanks David.
Dump still valid I pass the exam today 23 January
Dump is still valid. I heard that exam will be updated for R2 by End of Jan for MCSA and by April for MCSE. Order of the answers were different and context of some questions were changed. so Do read the questions before selecting the answers. Do not just remember the answers. Good Luck. I studied this and Snowden. Thank both of you
Hi Bob i passed the exam in 4-1-2014 all question from this dump only one new question still valid in Egypt
Finally I passed Today with 905 ....Thanks for the below comments that helped me to pass the exam . you can depend on this dump ! Thanks .
Valid Dump cleared today with 905, 5-6 New Question and some of them were rephrased. Excellent Dump. Recommend everyone to do their own research on TechNet before attempting. See you all at 412
Thanks David
Hi @ Mohamed El-Sakhawy, did you take test on 01-01-2014? Is this still valid???
Has anyone did the test after Jan2014?
Guia valida en Mexico, examen presentado y aprobado con 843 estudiando 200 preguntas de esta guía
Finally Finally I passed Today 856....Thanks for the below comment that helped me too much to pass the exam you can depend on this dump
I have spoken to Microsoft Training Institute (Gold Partner), has confirmed that the R2 exams will be commenced end of January 2014.
For those who want to know about the upcoming changes to Windows Server 2012 R2. Please watch the video here...........
For everyone who is in a battle tank or has no access to Internet
For everyone who is in a battle tank or has no access to Internet:
Is the exam update to windows server 2012R2 applied after january????????????
could you please tell me if can depend on this dump i will take the exam
i will take this exam 1-1-2014 ..is this any problem or i can proceed
Hi, does anybody knows when Microsoft is going to update the question with R2 ? it is in January, but exactly the first day .... ?
if i take my exam On the second week, is there any possibility not to face these questions ?
please help
Passed yesterday 8XX thank you David
Hello.. this dump is still valid in Colombia. Today i passed with 857. Are the same questions. Thank you very much.
Passed today. Dump is still valid.
Valid dump passed yesterday with score 889 i studied from it and also from Snowden all question is from the dump and there is no any new question
passed yesterday with 889 this dump is valid in Egypt i studied from it and also from Snowden
pass it on 12/12, 810, thanks.
today i will pass
valid exam still
Studied this dump only and passed with a 8XX all 50 of my questions came from this dump!
Thanks to all that contribute to these posts and keep the most up to date information for us all to use!
Great dump. Just passed yesterday with a 747. Most questions are from this dump. About 30% were new.
Dump is valid, all 50 questions from here. passed with 863/1000 (i was sure for 44 and not sure for 6 so it seems the answers were correct.
Thanks, time for 70-412
100% valid. Thanks David... This is the only dump I used. Passed today with 890.
Dump still valid. Passed this morning with 963.
Still valid in Sri Lanka, Passed yesterday with 8xx.
Only two new question.
Valid in Sri Lanka. Passed yesterday with 8xx. only two new questions.
Valid dumps in India passed today with 731/1000.
Please confirm anyone still this dump is valid?I am planning to write this exam...
Valid. Only one question new. Passed with 842. Thx David.
Passed yesterday with 842. Thx David.
thank u for this
passed yesterday 874
very good dump all question except 2 question and very easy .
i think some question in dump not solve correctly i should get more 900 all question from dump
thanks david at all :)
passed today with 8xx. Thanks alot David.
Passed this morning with 921 Thanks David
Passed today. Dump is highly valid. Thanks to all those who put in the effort on these dumps.
Still valid. All questions from this dump only. Score 889.
Still valid. All questions from this dump only. Score 889.
Hello Everyone, Passed today with 905, using this Dump Only. There were 50 questions in my exam and all of them from here, there are some wrong answers in this dump though, but if you learn all the questions by heart, you will Pass. I would like to Thank David, and all of the people who put together such a great Dump.Good Luck to you All. C U in 412.
Passed today with 905. All the cuestions from this dump. Thanks a lot to David and all the people who made possible such a great dump. There are a few wrong answers though, but if you learn the cuestions by heart you will pass. Good luck to you all and see u in 412 :-)
i passed today and get 905 .. at egypt .. thanx david .. u can depend on this dump
Thanks to this dump I scored 8** on the test, Valid on 20/11/2013
Still valid : Passed the exam with 873.
50 questions. Just one new question. Very valid. Passed today
Pass today :) 936 >>> still valid.
Only 3 new questions.
This dump is still valid in the Netherlands. Pased with 889. No new questions , but about 5 changed questions, with other answers.
Thx God I passed today and my colleague abd el rahman ..you can depend on this dump
I pass my Exam today with 889 I wan a thank you David(Jessica)
I have passed today with 873 . All questions r from this dump only ... thank you David !!!!
Passed today using this dump in the US. I studied each question in depth and any related content. I found it easiest to break it down by section. In fact, I didn't even go over every question on the exam. I only covered about 100-150 of the questions. Measureup helps as well.
Passed! Valid in Brazil!
Passed ! Very Dump! 826/1000.
Valid in Brazil!
Passed today with 763/1000.This Dump still Valid in Rwanda. Thanks David.
dumps is still valid.passed today 8xx.Thnks David and SAM.
The dump is still valid, thank David no new questions
Passed yesterday 8xx. Used sam and mostly this dump.thnks to all
Passed yesterday 8xx. Used David nd sam file and mostly this dump.
Thnkx to all
i passed yesterday very valid, thank you David
Passed today with 778. Still valid, however Snowden's dump covers more than 90% of the actual exam questions.
Still Valid. Passed today with a score of 857. About 3-4 new questions
The dump is still valid, thank David
Passed today in AUS only using this dump 8xx, thought id get higher coz they were all from this dump
this dump and snowden are valid, i scored 8xx today.
Dump is still valid, got 8xx
dumps is still vaild.
Can't you view vce file due to error message? I have just found out that those who open any vce(dump) file they never open before encounters the following error message. "it was created in newer version blah blah." The solution is you need to get the needed vce(dump) file from those who had opened the file in their computer successfully. Thanks.
You beat me to it. I also tried both ways in my lab. guess what. it worked, go figure.
There is a question asking for the order of the commands and there are two orders.
I will still to:
NTDSUTIL > Snapshot > Activate Instance NTDS > Create I think if I get this question.
Fingers crossed, my exam is in 1 hour.
Dump is valid , Passed yesterday with 92X . only 2 new questions
See you all at 412
Dumps Valid passes with 826 marks,
@Craig, used both ways in lab and it works either way :P
Valid Dump cleared today with 905, 5-6 New Question and some of them were rephrased. Excellent Dump. Recommend everyone to do their own research on TechNet before attempting. See you all at 412
Thanks David & Sam.
Are you sure:
This is the way CBT Nugget tutorials advise as well.
Passed today in the US. 8xx, thanks! Dump is valid. Used video lectures from CBT. 2-3 new questions.
NTDSUTIL > Snapshot > Activate Instance NTDS > Create is correct
NTDSUTIL > Activate Instance NTDS > Snapshot > Create
This exam lists the answer as:
NTDSUTIL > Snapshot > Activate Instance NTDS > Create
I would say this exam is a decent base for what to expect. there may be a few incorrect answers.
I will be taking this exam tomorrow, in the UK.
Fingers crossed!!
This dump is valid. But like what others had mentioned before, don't use it as a brain dump; instead use it to supplement your studies. Passed 842. Used it only twice.
Q61 Add a data recovery agent to domain
Should be DE, not DC
Option (C) Get-certificate is used when there is a local CA and question says there is no CA in domain.
Valid dump. Pass today 857.
"You can't have more than 1 default gateway setup"
Oh yes you can! :)
Old schools stuff this but have a look into..
Route print
Route add
im using 3.0.1 version. I can open that files for now.
Valid dump.Passed yesterday with 79x.two new questions about cryptography.
@Vera, @Selam, need latest version 3.3
Murat Hocam,
3.0.1 or higher
valid passed 8xx 44 questions directly form this dump. some re-worded or had different options of answer with the correct answer but if u understand the tech notes for the answers in the dump on what the questions are really asking, u shouldnt have any problem passing using this dump hence dont brain dump, study! use the dump as a guide not a answer sheet guys
still valid in egypt passed from 10 minutes
Dump is still valid, got 8xx. Not sure why others stating otherwise from USA.
Dumps no longer valid, took exam last Friday and failed 45 new questions not on this exam.
50 total questions on the actual exam, only 5 or less were within the last three major dumps.
A lot of questions on GPO's, WSUS, Routing and Remote Access.
Guys. With which version of Visual CertExam are you opening this dump with?
Ali your first post says you from pakstain now you in USA.bit weird :) EOM
sorry guys .dump not valid .i fail 620 got 52 question 35 to 40 new question
trust me .waste of $$$$
passes today with 84x, have 5 new questions。 i studied ricardo and this david's dump. thanks
@ali khan not valid why? u taked the exam?
not valid in pakistan..
Thanks David
Pass today with 905,All questions from this dump , only 1 new question
Study this dump and you will pass.
Passed yesterday with 9xx
Aproved witch 921 today .!!!! NEXT 70-412 ..
Passed today with 905 using only this dump and CBT Nuggets. Two new questions. Thanks for an awesome dump!
Passed yesterday 8xx. Used sam and mostly this dump.
Q13 and Q179 answers seams strange for me - normal GPO running : - local-site-domain- OU - why they sorted in other line as i expected? hope someone could explain me that - thanks
Passed today with this only
Valid !
Only 1 new question.
Thx David
pass the exam on 8-nov-2013. SG
Passed yesterday. only 1 new question about cryptography
This exam is the best one. I past yesterday with 794/1000. all the 50 questions were in that dump. thanks david.
Passed with 7xx
2-3new question about DFS
Gdluck guys.
Thanks david =)
All in all this is the best VCE ive seen for 70-411 although I found 2 wrong answers.
Q165 and 253.
165- This is a trick question, but when you delete a group the users inside of the group are not deleted and in the question it asks you to retrieve only the group not the users so tombstone reanimation is correct.
253- You can't have more than 1 default gateway setup. So idk if the answers are incorrect or what.
Last thing it has a tons of duplicates I whish there was a way in Visual Designer to delete dup questions.
Valid for Germany. Passed today with 8xx, so some answers could be wrong.
Still valid. Passed today with more then 900 point. Some new questions but if you understand this test-exam, you will pass.
Yes that is Okey
Thank you.
Valid in Saudi Arabia KSA
If I open it up it says 2013-10-10 by Jessica. Is that okay?
I passed from this dump 763
I passed yesterday 7xx.
@shkoukou . yes all of them from this dump.
Thanks to all wonderful people for sharing your results and experiences, I wanted to confirm if all the answers are correct in this dump or do I need to cross check the answers.
Please reply as soon as possible
Passed today with 800. Did all the questions from this dump. Not much different from the exam. Thanks
Dump still valid. Passed yesterday with 842
Dump still valid. Passed yesterday with 857
Study this exam dump and you will pass.
Dump still valid. Passed today with 873
One Question was out of Dumps
thx David
I passed today before 2 Hours
Thanks David and sam.
DUmps are still valid
One Question was out of Dumps
Good Luck gays
see u in 70-412
I passed last Saturday with 842. This dump is valid.
889 - onwards
You must research and click the links some answers will be proven wrong. Sam seems to be a clone of Jessica/David so I recommend Erin or Donna (9/23 9/26) as alternate perspective.
To audit account addition/deletion use ADVANCED !
To synch DFS use ASDIEDIT
DELETING users from groups, you can use Recycle Bin the new version of Tombstone as it will restore membership.
REMOVING members or deleting Groups is not feasible. Rather than restore a DC from snapshot which will put it out of synch, I chose restore objects via DSAMAIN. In this case it was probably the Recycle Bin depending on how you interpret the question.Slightly ambiguous
Passed yesterday with an 800, but the exam I took in the US had shifted quite a bit. Only 55%-60% of the questions here made it to the tests. A lot of it is the same content, so study the ideas in this dump along with the questions.
thanks to David and Sam
Passed yesterday. This dump is 100% valid but be aware of the answers. few answers are not correct. I had 3 new questions.
good luck to you all. see ya in 412
passed today 8xx thanks Sam and David.
Q13: Should not the answer be 14325?
From http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc785665%28v=ws.10%29.aspx it mentions " GPOs are processed in the following order: local, site, domain, organizational unit, child organizational unit, and so on."
Thanks for the help :)
Please enlighten me on restoring users and groups ? some links indicate tombstone reanimation (either via LDP or recycle Bin) while others say membership is lost and must be done via Authoritative restore. Which is correct ?
Also why does every certificate end up in local pc personal ?
Passed with 8xx marks, all from this dump, thanks all.
next is 70-412
Passed yesterday 9XX, all questions from this dump.
Thank you all!
Very valid in Brazil, all of the test questions included in the dump.
Thanks to everyone (David, Sam, Snowden, Xelian) and others who contributed.
See you guys in 70-412.
Score = 9xx
good dumb. only 1 new question about bitlocker template
passed with 79x.
q84 wrap error on sysvol.
Q237Same question but another answer
Witch is correct?
Why is there 278 questions in this dump but at Testinside there is only 51?
Passed today, still valid in UK.
Some new questions regarding AD recycle bin and DFS
In india is valid
Today i passed the exam is very valid thank davidcsam graciss
Passed yesterday with score of 921.
Dump valid for Brazil.
Passed with a 9XX a few days ago using only this dump and no other dump or source of study was used (including training videos). 1 or 2 new questions only, rest came from this dump. Thank you so much David!!!
Dump is Valid, passed today with 8xx. There was some new questions. But if you know this dump you will pass. Thanks David and Sam.
Valid dump - passed a few days ago
Shezy, Its very easy,
For view a cache in client ipconfig.exe /displaydns
For view a cache in server: show-DNSServerCache , because? the similar word say that show-DNSSERVERCache and for the client, you renember when you need to konw the Ipconfig /all in Window, for example your personal Computer.
Best regards form Spain.
Please help with the below Questions:
Q1. How to view TTL value of a Name Server?
a) show-DNSServerCache
b) ipconfig.exe /displaydns
Q2. How to view TTL value of a Cached client?
a) show-DNSServerCache
b) ipconfig.exe /displaydns
the question about using unix as a secondary. I think the answer is dns manageradvanced settings in there, there is a check box to allow bind secondaries.
passed today. valid dumps. almost all of the questions from this dump .
pass with 900, just 2 new questions
gracias a todos
Q1 - can anyone confirm the answer? I think it should be Configured-YES.
The questions says ".settings that are either enabled or disabled."
You have 3 options in the settings:
-not configured
Which means that Disabled is also configured.
Passed today with success, dump still valid
Dump is very valid. Got 50 questions, passed 8xx, thank you SAM and David! Great work. Also got the bitlocker template question like Kani said. Maybe 2-3 new questions i don't remember.
Valid Dump. Done today 30.10.2013 87X points one new question. Bitlocker template creation
Just passed today, mostly from this dump. One new question on creating bit locker template and which option in cryptography to set
this dump is very valid. prepared from SAMs and Davids. passed yesterday with 905
SAM questions are not in david? are certainly david responses are almost certainly correct?
why is there 278 q/a but at testinside there is only 51?
Great!! Pass 8xx today 29/10. Is valid all questions, but answer are something different but in the same context. Gracias a David and Sam!!!
Thanks all, dump still valid, 5 new questions not in this dump. scored over 900, see you in 412.
#61 it says no CA in domain, so get-certificate can't be right, or am I missing something?
is 13 right? I think 31245
Exam is valid do it today 826
Exam is very Valid , Passed Today with 850 .
All questions came from this Dump , Thanks David
Amigos, el vce es completamente valido, con muchas preguntas de Sam corregidas. Muy completo y todas las preguntas vienen de este vce.
Examen pasado el viernes 25.
this is correct?
Mount VHD - Correct answer is Diskpart?
Epposed AD snapshot - Correct answer is DSAdmin.exe?
The right answer is ABD!
crash override from Brazil - me pasa lo mismo, lo descargo y es el de Jessica. tengo muchas dudas, cual es el que tiene las respuestas correctas?, estoy confundido.
Guys, Q65 - has different answers than in Sam's dump. Can anyone pls confirm, if the right answer is ACD or ABD?
@crash override
The same thing with me
Hi Guys,
When I download this dump, It appears on my VCE like Jessica´s dump. Is it happening the same with you? Can I still studying by this dump?
Pass today 87X,
Dump is valid, used this with Sam dump. Little bit of errors though.
Passed yesterday!!!
100% valid
50 questions, all from this dump, no new question.
Thanks David, Sam, Snowden and the other guyz.
Adios 411!!! 412: here I'm going!!!! :)
Passed Today With 8xx
50 Q. All From This Dump Exept 1
BTW Iam Sure That I Answered As In The Dumb So>> For Sure THere R Some Wrong Answers !
Good Luck Gays . Bye Bye 411 :)
in addtion to this there are some answers wchih are shuffled in the Exam.
Be Carefull !!! and Good luck :)
Passed today with marks 90x. The dump is really good and few question which was wrong in Sam's here is the correct. Few are as follows
Mount VHD - Answer is Diskpart.
Epposed AD snapshot - Answer is DSAdmin.exe
Thanks a lot to David for providing such dumps.
Q 203 I want to check the answer again As in sam's dump It is : Run the New Delegation Wizard for the zone.
Good Luck Omar please feed us back after passing ISA
This Dump is valid.
Today passed exam 8xx.
all questions in this dump
Luck Guys
@omar I hope to u the best luck and good score
and contact me please to m_tharwat1985@yahoo.com
Q138: rplmon is out since windows 2008, sure about this answer? Isn't it repadmin ?
This Dumb Graphic Interface Is Much Much Better Than Sam's one
Beside Almost No Difference In Questions
Will Have The Exam Tomorrow
Wish Me Luck Guys :D :D
Q224: Is now Corrected. The infrastructure master is also responsible for updating the group-to-user references whenever the members of groups are renamed or changed. When you rename or move a member of a group (and that member resides in a different domain from the group), the group may temporarily appear not to contain that member. The infrastructure master of the group's domain is responsible for updating the group so it knows the new name or location of the member. This prevents the loss of group memberships associated with a user account when the user account is renamed or moved. ..There is no compromise to security during the time between the member rename and the group update. Only an administrator looking at that particular group membership would notice the temporary inconsistency.
Q228: I suppose it has to do with this, Using Regular Expressions in NPS
but the answers do not match.
Only someone that had take the exam can tell us that.Using regexp should be 192.168.0.+ or something like that
Q84:On the DFS replication your receive a wrap error on the sysvol on domain controller 4.
Which 3 steps should you do to recover this error in the correct order.
Domain controllers use a special shared folder named SYSVOL to replicate logon scripts and Group Policy object files to other domain controllers. Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003 use File Replication Service (FRS) to replicate SYSVOL, whereas Windows Server 2008 uses the newer DFS Replication service when in domains that use the Windows Server 2008 domain functional level, and FRS for domains that run older domain functional levels. ( I suppose it's 2012 because it tell us "On the DFS replication your.")
Windows 2012 Service name is DFSR. Wrong answer?
@Thomas can u should study the two dumps And a comparison it by searching and choose the correct answers
Thomas: I wouldn't trust ANY exams even if they are 100% correct. Why? Because you should LEARN the material rather than just memorize answers. If you are unsure of an answer, research the subject. It will make it easier as you go through the 278 questions and you will be confident about what is wrong or right.
Q181 Answer D: From Windows PowerShell, run the Set-DnsServerResourceRecordingAging cmdlet
The rigth cmdlet is Set-DnsServerResourceRecordAging.
I think it's a typo.
Now I'm totally confused. This one has A LOT changed answers. Which exam can I trust? This one or Sam's.
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