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Download Free 70-743 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-743 - Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA: Windows Server 2016 |
Size: | 8.18 MB |
Posted Date: | Thursday, December 15, 2016 |
# of downloads: | 3739 |
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passed 2/3 high score 9xx.
studied by oz,tnx and atif.
48q total, 20 new questions
study hard, cbt nuggets, official moc peppers, measure up practice test
BE CAREFUL! Microsoft has changed this exam recently. I didn't pass NOT VALID!
Hello everyone, can confirm if the file premiun 107 is valid, I am scheduled to take my exam on Monday. It is urgent please. Thank you so much
Passed with 828 using OZ & Atif & comments.
Passed today with 785. using Atif's and OZ's vce but still there were 5-6 new questions in exam. dont really funny depend on dumps. but yes they are good.
Used Oz, atif and ocean.... some questions match, but have different answers... just look them up in your study material....good for the actual learning part!!!! All three still actual and usefull
U used the 54 qs to study to pass? Awaiting for your kind assistance as I having the exam end of February.
Valid in Brazil.
I passed with 794, I ended up not answering the questions of yes and no, because I thought I could mark them later, otherwise I would have been quiet with at least 820
Atif,how did u attempt this exam by Pearson or any other one,Please reply.
Premium is valid. around 6 new questions regarding VPN
Hello everyone, someone has passed the exam using the premiums, I have scheduled my exam for Friday, could you confirm me please. Thank you very much
@ Ayman
Thanks for your comment.
Have you tired the dump with 90 questions provided by OZ ?
Does it contain more questions in your exam ?
A lot of new questions especially for IPAM and Storage. Only 10 questions came from Dumb.
Study well also from TechNet
Bahdagh, Your answers are corrects.
Q16) For me, the correct is: On Server1, run Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName ContainerHostVM | Set-VMNetworkAdapter -MacAddressSpoofing On
Q19) There is no way to convert from exFAT to ReFS. The only mode is deleting and recreating.
Q21) For me, the correct is: Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName VM1 -NotMonitoredInCluster $true
Q34) Is possible to do Storage Replication without Failover Cluster: New-SRPartnership and specify the –ReplicationMode parameter. Ref.: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt744556.aspx and https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server-docs/storage/storage-replica/server-to-server-storage-replication
Q52) I tested in my lab and for me the correct is: Server 1 can resolve host names that are in the adatum zone on server2 = No
Q53) To create 1000 users you will need a RID Pool request, because the DC RID Pool is 500. Then you will need the RID FSMO, not the PDC FSMO. The correct answer is: Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole -Identity "DC2" -OperationMasterRole RIDMaster -Force Ref.: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh831724(v=ws.11).aspx
Still valid in Canada. Passed today 800+ about 13 new questions, 59Q
pass today with score 800+
59q in exam.
30q from Atif54q and OZ90q
OZ90 is Atif54q plus some new questions, and these question have a lot in exam.
my answer to some new questions are as follow
vm SCSI controller
repadmin /prep
docker -vmname container1 path c:/container c:/container server1
change to generation 2 for nano server (not sure)
NT Service / network service
dhcp administrator
Can you tell me which Premium file can I use?
How valid is Atif
Just took the exam with 800+ score. Most of the questions were not from this dump but you may use it as a reference for your study.
Some questions are similar but different. Be prepared on few Nano commands , docker, Software defined network and Access control list for NVGRE. I had a few IPAM questions in the exam and they were related to permissions, scope and migration to SQL server.There are a lot of wrong answers in this dump.
has anyone pass using either the premium file or the normal file recently?
Hi @AB,
Noted with thanks. Meaning to say the premium dump (59qs) is good enough to get a pass considering not all exact questions came out from the premium dump (59qs). Thanks for assisting
Has anyone used the exams premiun and has approved ?, Just with that exam or is required experience to pass
Premium dumps have 59 Questions and also exam have 59 Questions
Hi @AB,
Can ask if the premium file consists of 54qs? And the actual exam is how many qs?
Passed the exam with 8xx score on 19-1-2017, Premium dump is still valid 80-90 %.
Someone has passed the exam, please confirm. I have to take the exam next week
Still valid. I Pass exam 2 days ago with score - 900. 70 percent of questions was from this dump. Thanks and good luck.
Someone has given the exam, can confirm if they have used the premium exam and how many questions come in the exam, also if this dump is valid
Can ask if the premuim file is this?
70-743 Premium VCE File
70-743.vce - ExamCollection Verified - Instant Download
59 Questions & Answers
EniGMA.... how big is the Premium VCE? How many questions does it have?
dump valid in ZA. 59 questions in exam. 80% of questions from premium file, passed with 871
Please...........answer anyone. Is this valid in Germany?
Any valid dumps?
I passed, 59 questions, about 20 new.
Premium and atif VCE are OK valid, I passed today.
Premium have 59Q and atif have 54Q who was the same as Premium VCE. The exam have 59Q and I got about 5 new Q that I had not previously seen in Premium or atif VCE. Be aware that the order of the answers in exam are not the same as they are in VCE. The question of "Perform a live migration of VM ... and you need-to create a chechpoint for VM on server2 having four answers in VCE but in the exam are only three answers, answer: "Upgrade-VMVersion" does not exist in the exam .... .
Good luck
Not valid....about 40 new questions of 60 question exam.
is premium vce valid?
I passed the exam, 57 questions, about 30 new.
Someone had this questions on exam, someone only a few as I understood. I think these are 54 possible questions. You may get all of them or none. Today I got only 10-12 of them, but I pass the exam. If you practice all technology there is a good change to pass. Good luck.
I passed the exam whit 811 but with 29 new questions in 30 of december.
Hi all,
Anyone has recently use this or the 190qs to pass this exam?
I want to know actually how many questions the exam?
dump is valid, some new questions.
Dump not valid and only 5 questions from this dump.
Not vallid. I failled the test. Got 624. Only a few exams where on the test from this VCE
Not valid for me. I only got 5 questions from this VCE, but it helps for training purposes. Made the exam yesterday in the Netherlands.
Hi @all,
Anyone pass this exam recently to share the study guide?
Hi @jose,
Can check with you if u are using this Microsoft.BrainDumps.70-743.v2016-12-15.by.Atif.54q.vce to study n pass? how many qs appearing in the exam?
took the exam last week, questions very valid.
Scored 8XX, using Atif, Mara
Just 4 new question
I passed today with 736 score. This dump has only 20 questions in my exam (59 questions). A lot of new questions about IPAM...
If the DC holding your ops roles is offline, you need to transfer the roles to an active DC. This would be done with ntdsutil.
Hello everyone, could you indicate if the dump is valid, I need to review the exam this week. Someone has used the premium tests to pass this test. Thank you
The Exam is Valid only two new questions ...
I made 95 question VCE and i will add the new questions i saw ...
Question for people already took 70-743, how many questions have this exam ?
Passed with 787 :-)
Only about 30% from this dump...
A lot of powershell questions.
Just passed the exam. About 80-90% of this dump was on the exam. Some answers are wrong. 3 new questions yes/no related to vpn. Use 70-743 Exam Ref ebook (found on internet) for preparation (lot of usefull info related to exam) and of course if you can develop lab for practical experience.
Just passed the exam. This dump is valid. Sometimes 80-90 % of this dump is on the exam, but there can also be a lot of new questions. So to be safe, study not only the dumps, but also the subject that MS wants you to know...
Someone has passed the exam with the premium exams, please confirm
question 53 may be wrong:
Your network contains an Active Directory forest The forest contains two domain controllers named DC1 and DC2 that run Windows Server 2016. DC1
holds all of the operations master roles.
DC1 experiences a hardware failure
You plan to use an automated process that will create 1000 user accounts
the answer is to use ntdsutil. i think it should be move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole with RIDmaster (to create new account) then -Force
valid in egypt?
Is this dump still valid or did they really change the exam questions ??
There is a free e-book for Windows Server 2016, use google. This exam is around 80-90% of the actual questions. Some answers are incorrect.
Not valid
some exam questions has been changed.
just took the test, this jump has only around 20q, 39 new questions, mostly IPAM, docker and other powershell.
@William Hopson
Please share that WALNUT 80q 70-743 dumps!
Thanks in advance!!!
@William Hopson
The dumps has just 49q.
Ocean where can i find the material for server 2016 ?
Is it that the questions that are asked before starting the exam are making the difference between the questions?
Well! Just passed yesterday! 59 questions in total (it seems that some questions are not available in this 54q file). Questions were mainly on 1.) Installing Windows Servers in host and compute environments including Nano Server and PowerShell DSC. 2.) Storage Solutions (Storage Spaces Direct, ReFS, etc.). 3.) Implementing Hyper-V virtualization. 4.) DNS/IPAM/RRAS. 5.) AD DS/ADFS.
practice, practice and practice…
good luck.
This exam is 90% of the question in The Netherlands.
Some answers are incorrect.
It is not valid. Since moving to Pearson Vue has become more difficult. They always update the questions.
Não é válido. 670.
Just did the exam, questions very valid.
Scored 905, had a different dump with the same questions but quite some different anwers in it. Study material and you're good to go. 3 questions were about VPN login times
Mais alguém fez o exame utilizado esse simulado?
pls not for Saudi Arabia. I am talking about Germany.
The questions look 100% genuine, however I have some serious doubts about the answers.
Can someone reconfirm them sharing is caring people.
Yes, it is valid, you can score more than 850.
is this valid in Germany
This is the Premium VCE File, and it is including 59q not 54 or 66.
100% genuine.
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