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Download Free 70-411 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-411 - Administering Windows Server 2012 |
Size: | 21.42 MB |
Posted Date: | Monday, September 21, 2015 |
# of downloads: | 2357 |
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Passed in SA. Used Sacriestory-Aikonfx.383q and Snowden.238q and Angus
not good I got only 4 Dumps of this Exam.
Did anyone take the exam recently ? is this dump valid ?
i failed 635 not vaild in pakistan
i've passed and i scored 800 on monday 2, 2018 - thanks guys
hello all, anyone has taken this exam nowadays?
I passed using Sacrietory and Snowden today
Is this dump valid in the Netherlands?
Passed with 8xx I used premium dump and CBT/Pluralsight tutorials.
Passed yesterday with 947 in UAE. Used Sacriestory-Aikonfx.383q and Snowden.238q. i study few blogs and microsoft technet. Try to research questions as it helps your understanding
Hi guys
Is this dump still valid need to sit for the exam next week Tuesday
I got this dump guys is it good enough to pass pls help I want to write in 2 weeks. Anyone with current dump or valid one help
Guys can I use this dump is it still valid?
Valid dump. Few new questions but over study this dump to pass
Passed on Friday, July 14,2017 in Rwanda. Dump is still valid with 5 new questions .. Plz do also your own research.
dump still valid, only 4 new questions
Hi guys is this dump still valid. Please advise
Dump is valid, study only this one, 2-3 new questions.
Be aware that some answers are wrong in my opinion those questions:
A.8 - From the Group Poluc Managment console, right-click GPO1 and select Copy
A.16 - Hyper-V Hypervisior Logical Processor
A.30 - Run dsmain.exe command
A.49 - Group policy preferences (registry)
A.67 - Set the Advanced properties of the folder target in the Seattle office to First among targets of equal cost | Set the Ordering method of \\contoso.com\public to Exclude targets outside of the client's site.
D.9 - Vssadmin
D.15 - RootDSE
D.36 - WMI Filtering
Dump Still valid in South africa? Writing in 2 weeks time.
Passed today with a score of 8xx in Germany. About 3-4 new questions which I've never seen before. Used Sacriestory and SacriestoryAikonFX-Dump, Aikon is better. Make sure you crosscheck all questions with google results because there are some wrong answers in the dumps.
Passed today with 911/1000. Dump is 100% valid.
Hi All,
is this file enough to pass? or do you recommend Sacriestory file?
thank you
Yo aprobe con este VCE, saque 812.... Adicional a este, estudie con el de Sacriestory y Snowden
passed today in israel
3-5 new questions but this dump is enough to pass.
Passed, 9xx ! Valid!
Passed today 962. 2 new questions. 1 mod on an existing question. DFS powershell, how to prevent EXE in rep. Proper locations to transfer FSMO roles DomainNaming and Infracstructure.
I actually used EnsurePa33 and home lab and here.
Passed today 7xx 3-4 new questsions
passed last week exam 2 new questions came up
I wrote 23 September and scored 887 using this alone I'm from South Africa gudluck
Passed one week ago, 850. Study premium and this dump. 6 new question. Good luck all
30-AUG-2016 in the TX, USA scored 800 just studying Sacriestory-Aikonfx.383q.vce. Studied A,A.1/B,B.1/C,C.1/D,D.1/hotspot/draganddrop. Was sorta hard, but STILL valid. Double check answers since a slight few of them are wrong
Is this dump valid ?
This Dumb Still valid in Egypt i have passed for 2 days ago.
Best Wishes all Egyptian Engineers. :)
Is this dump still valid in the US?
valid passed in egypt
Not valid anymore in the Netherlands. a lot of new questions. failed today with 230 points.
Pase hoy 756, algunas preguntas nuevas. Valido en Colombia
Up to 70% valid in Sri Lanka
passed today, this dump is valid, 850 score. Sacriestory-Aikonfx.383q.vce. Only two or three question new, but very easy.
Passed today with 906 using this dump and examcollection premium 250q
Just Passed 2day with 962 This dump is valid (i saw 2 or 3 new questions)
The best files are Sacriestory_Aikonfx.383q and Sacriestory353q (Aikonfix is missing a couple of drag and drops that appeared on my exam)... Reality is, you will get new questions, approximately 5 in my case ... I was able to score +900, however, you need to know your stuff and understand what things are or you will be screwed with the new questions...
Still valid. passed 889!
Valid in brazil 810pts today
passed today using this dump and pt most qustions from this dump 2 new ones i never seen before
only got 810 score so some are wrong i think
Could somebody tell, do Premium 234 Q and Sacriestory 383 Q cover each other, or questions from Premium are newer ?
Passed 8xx. Study this dump and premium dump Q250. 3 new questions.
Passed with 8xxx. This is valid
Passed yesterday with 870 score. 42 questions. Only 2 new ones not from this or Examcollection Premium dump. Crosscheck answers around the internet to confirm the answers
I Passed Yesterday with 868, studying with this Dump, 42 Questions, four New Questions, but easy to answer, it works for me, Valid.
Still valid passed in Jun 22. Only 2-5 new quetions.
Passed today 820 the dump still valid.
Passed today 860 the dump still valid
Still valid in Romania. I've taken the exam today, got 900. only 1 or 2 new questions. All the other questions were from this dump. Read very carefully the questions and the answers as these are very tricky.Good luck!
dump valid passed this month (USA) 800+ score
is Dump valid ?
Valid 100% .
scored 840.
Only 3 new Qs.
Gppd luck .
Can someone please let me know how to get the premium dump.
Thank you in advance!
Noury read 383 Q
Thanks dear Engineers for all the feed back ,should i study the 100 Q or the all 383 Q of this dumb ? cus i got confused . please response . thnx
New 2 Question about :-
1- Edit Permission on Starter GPO
2- With Domain Can Be Cloned and Should be online
Pass Yesterday with score 840 , valid
Stady from Microsoft.EnsurePass.70-411.v2015-09-08.by.Sacriestory.353q.vce and Microsoft.BrainDumps.70-411.v2015-09-21.by.Sacriestory_Aikonfx.383q.vce
Thanks Scriestory, this dump is 100 % valid,
just pass today with 840 in 4/5/16
Got 8xx this dump is still valid however be careful as the is few new questions.
God bless.
Passed today with 800 in Netherlands. I used Sacriestory_Aikonfx, Sacriestory
premium valid but new 6~7 questisions
Just passed this in the UK with 847. Almost all questions were from this apart from 1 that I remember:
Q: How do you audit global resource SACL using auditpol.exe.
A: See https://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ff625687.aspx - learn these options.
Also, the question about copying GPO from one domain to another is missing a crucial piece of imformation - it said in the exam that you need to copy from test.contoso.com to contoso.com but THEY ARE SEPERATE FORESTS, and there is not connectivity between them, TEST is just a preproduction domain.
So you need to know how to backup and restore using powershell, backup-gpo and import-gpo. Note that one of the options was restore-gpo which is wrong, as this is only for restoring in the same domain.
So learn this and you will be fine.The most I got wrong were all the NAP and NPS ones which I hate.
Passed with 894. 5-6 news question
Dump valid but some wrong answers so be careful
Good luck guys!
This dump is valid 8XX
Passed 02/03 with 8XX.
No new questions, all from premium and this dump
Still extremely valid. Pass low 900's. about 3-4 new questions and a couple of subtle differences.
One new one was:
How to reset the password for the TPM Chip?
a) bde-repair.exe
b) initialize-tpm
c) cantremember.exe
d) cantremember.exe
Also the question about the default image that will be applied to the x64 client machine.... The test actually said x86 machine!!! Read every single question carefully. Dont add anything to the situation. Eliminate the definite wrong answers before deciding on the right one.
Dump valid pass today with score 823. 6 news questions ...
I scored 843 with this dump today, so yes - This dump is VALID. A few new question but nothing diffucult. Remember to learn/understand the answers and not only memorize. Lots of material on the internet as well.
Hi everyboday! I am taking this exam by march. can you please confirm if this dump is valid? thanks !!
Passed today with 853, some new questions but most was the same. Used only this dump.
Passed today with 853 in Czech Republic, used only this dump. Few new questions but most was the same.
I will be taking the exam this march, can you please confirm if this dumps are valid? Thanks!
valid in new zealand . i passed 873
I used premium dump and passed with 7xx. Definitely valid. changed wording on questions but same answers, also 6/8 new questions
pass 8xx..5,6 new questions dis is really help tq.some questions changes be aware,nt sure all answers here correct
Valid at 85%
Just took the test today and passed with an 805. Very valid!
Valid in South Afria, 90% of questions here
Can you please confirm if this exam is still valid? Thanks!
Valid dump
Can you please confirm if this dumps is valid? Thanks everyone have a nice day!.
Also can you please confirm if you do have a apk mod of A+ Classic VCE and Avanset? Thanks!
Are the questions exactly the same?
Are the answers in the same order?
valid. passed high 8xx. every question was on here. not all questions are correct though. need to know why they are correct.
check comments for updated answers.
Valid, used only this dump.
46 questions, couple of new questions, but not as many to make u fail
passed with 802
I´ve passed thrusday, I had studied sacriestory and snowden, My scored was 8xx, every questions are there.It is necessary study because there are several questions reformulate or some different
Valid in The Netherlands! Today I passed with 826.
First I studied only snowden but I failed with 615. This one inclused lot of questions of snowden.
This dump is valid in Turkey. I was studying only this dump and very useful. My last exam 70-412 I will be MCSA soon
I passed the exam 70-411 on 01.04.16 7xx.
The dump is still valid in Brazil, but has a 6-8 new questions ...
I used the Sacriestory353q and Sacriestory_Aikonfx383q. Beware that has enough questions with wrong answers between the two dumps. I focused more on Sacriestory353q.
Passed with Premium dump although 6 new questions
One new Q i remember:
You need to be able to download updates in French using WSUS. What should you do?
A: Change language of local machine to rench.
B: Update WSUS to version 3.0
C: Configure files and languagues using the wizard in WSUS.
Hello !
Could send me the valid Dumps PDF for exam 70-411 in English.
Dump is valid, passed today with 788, Thanks Sacriestory and aikonfx!
Please can anyone please send me the vce player to read this dump file... or the pdf copy I have version 1.2 and it's not opening this file... thanks
Passed yesterday with 8xx! Thx a lot ;) very valid Dump... a look @ the "just to review" questions worth - i had 3 of them. Merry christmas and good luck.
Valid in Thailand.
Passes today with 840.
5 new questions.
Still Valid here in Qatar passed today 805 like 4 new questions
Passed the exam using only this dump, Just read carefully the questions.Still valid here in Philippines.
Dump valid passed in WIndhoek
Passed with 8xx in Australia.
I'd suggest focusing on the GPO and powershell multiple choice questions as they are always asked (and you're most likely to mix up the answers!)
i passed today this dump is valid 7XX
Valid in Hungary! 9xx
Just passed few minutes ago with 8XX. Thanks Guys.
Passed today with 830.
One of the questions in the exam was:
You need to be able to download updates in French using WSUS. What should you do?
A: Change language of local machine to rench.
B: Update WSUS to version 3.0
C: Configure files and languagues using the wizard in WSUS.
D: Some rubbish.
I picked configure the settings in a files and languages.
Another question was something like this.
You have copied the ADML file to the group policy central store. You have the error message in exhibition: "An apppropriate ADML file could not be found in the location ....\PolicDefinitions". What shoud you do?
1. Modify the ADML File.
2. Move the ADMX file to policy definitions.
3. Move the ADML file to policy definitions.
4. Some rubbish.
I picked Move the ADML file.
Another question showed you a screenshot of Group Policy Management. There was default domain policy and also GPO1.
You want to write a detailed description of GPO1. What should you do?
1. Edit the GPO1 using it's GUID in notepad.
2. Edit GPO1 using Group POlicy Object Editor.
3. Use GUID and create and link a file to GPO1.
4. Some rubbish.
Another question was a drag and drop one. They asked:
How can you migrate the following roles FSMO roles: Infrastructure, PDC and RID.
They gave different options like using AD Users and Comps, AD sites services etc.
Anyways that's all I can remember for now. Good luck everyone.
This dump is valid. Passed the 10/12/2015. A few new question but a lot of question come from this dump. Thanks a lot to Sacriestory and Aikonfx. Good luck to all !!!
I only used this dump... literally did not study for this... scored 858... i dont even know how to thank you guys
Passed Today with 770.I used only this dump.
Dump is always valid. Thanks sacry team!!
Absolutely valid!
Hi Guys,
Is it valid in Australia?
Passed 11/25/2015 scored 805 - Question 46.
Thanks so much Sacriestory !
I passed 411 today, this dumb is very valid, only 3 new questions but the rest came from this dumb. I got 876, I couldn't believe it, I was expecting 7 something. Study hard guys and good luck. Thank u sacriestory and the team.
Passed in 18/11 with 9xx
Studied from this dump and Snowden.
Some questions need corrections.
4 new questions
Passed finally!!! Score 896, questions 46.
Second attempt, exam questions were always different but 94% questions were from this dump.
Again,there is nothing like 100% questions from exam. Good luck. Thank you everyone who contribute to this dump.
ust managed to Pass today with 7** second shot. This dump was a big help but becareful because Lots of new questions.
Passed 11/20/2015 scored 8XX. be careful though, some question replaced some term like user2 instead of user1 and it will mess up the whole question.
Valid!! Pass with 805 today, thanks Sacriestory
passed with 8xx on the 19 of November 2015 this dump is valid
still valid !!! passed today Nov 19
Passed today with 7**. Almost all of the questions in test were in dump.
Thank you guys
Any of you guys have valid dumps for 412? Couldn't find any
Need help thanks
Please send me pdf version of this dump. mohd_sirleem101@hotmail.com
Thank you
Passed with 8xx
Valid in Bahrain
Dump is Valid
send me please corect this dump please 70-411 PDF
Passed today 7 November with score 8xx
Valid in Spain
Passed today 5 November with score 9xx;
Valid in Canada. Few new questions.
Good Luck
took the test in Aug..i failed 610...i was preparing for my 2nd shot and all of a sudden an email from pearson vue came in and said that I passed!!!wasted a whole lot of time studyng again...i could have gone for my 412. Anyways, if you guys failed make sure you check your emails, same scenario could have happend to you.
Passed with 7** this dump is fallid, but i get about 6 questions who are not in this dump.
For those asking which file to use, the 383 or the 353 question dumps. My response is use both
Passed today using only this dump. Thanks Sacriestory_Aikonfx
Please send database or pdf 411 thank you very much : cleberveronez@hotmail.com
Some answers in Sacriestory_Aikonfx.383q are different from Sacriestory353...which one should I follow?
Passed today with 828sc. This dump is valid, however, there were many questions that are not in this dump.
Your network contains two Active Directory forests named contoso.com and dev.contoso.com. The
contoso.com forest contains a domain controller named DC1. The dev.contoso.com forest contains a
domain controller named DC2. Each domain contains an organizational unit (OU) named OU1.
Dev.contoso.com has a Group Policy object (GPO) named GPO1. GPO1 contains 200 settings, including
several settings that have network paths. GPO1 is linked to OU1.
You need to copy GPO1 from dev.contoso.com to contoso.com.
What should you do first on DC2?
A. From the Group Policy Management console, right-click GPO1 and select Copy.
B. Run the mtedit.exe command and specify the /Domaintcontoso.com /DC: DC 1 parameter.
C. Run the Save-NetGpocmdlet.
D. Run the Backup-Gpocmdlet.
Which is correct answer?
Answering your questions, i would go with answer D, as in order to copy a GPO between two diferente forests you need to have a trust between them, since that is not mentioned i would use the backup cmdlet.
Passed yesterday 8xx - Many Questions from dump
PASSED the Examn yesterday.
this dump is valid .. but a few new question
someone send PDF via email: marcio5903@gmail.com
someone sends PDF 70-411.v2015-09-21.by.Sacriestory_Aikonfx.383q.vce to marcio5903@gmail.com
Valid dumb Took it today 9XX points. Take a look at the last chapter with the 13 uncompleted questions. My correction to this dump:
ExamC Q76 is WRONG correct is C
Wxam D, Q2 is WRONG correct is D
ExamB Q47 Wrong Correct is B
ExamB Q50 - this question is totally mistaken
ExamB Q55 is WRONG correct answer is B
ExamD, Q9 is WRONG Correct is D VSSADMIN
ExamC, Q63 is WRONG - Correct is A Like I said, A is typo’d here, it’s add-kdsrootkey
Also -restricttosinglecomputer isnt there at all, it’s restricttooutbound
ExamC, Q55 is WRONG correct should be C or D - not 100% sure
ExamB, Q65 not sure which is correct B or C
ExamA, Q49 is WRONG correct is A
Exam D, Q22 is WRONG correct is C
Fill in the Blank, Q11 - auditpol.exe /resourceSACL /type:File /view
Fill in the Blank, Q12 -Add-KdsRootKey -New-ADService Account -Add modify to App1
Hi All,
Could any one who has pdf latest dumps of 70-411, 70-412 please send them to my email address m_asry7@hotmail.com
Thank in advance
Please can some email me this dump
Failed in SA today. score 612 . very dissapointed with dump
Passed today with score 850. In Thailand.
very valid 100% dump passed 21Th i used this dump with sacriestory 353q.
Thank you ı passed 7xx valid
Good day,
Can any one who has pdf latest dumps for 70-410, 70-411, 70-412, 426 and 427 please send them to my email address.
Thank in advance
plz send dump sir_hossam88@hotmail.com
passed today 9xx
My Dear Friends,
Any one got PDF of this dump please mail it to me. Thanks in advance. Email : nadheemthawoos@ymail.com
Guys. How valid is the premium dump for this exam? Is it missing questions?
i passed last week friday i got 807
Can you send me the pdf exam at
Can anyone please send me the dump.my email is godfreysiweya@gmail.com.please
Appreciate if you could send a PDF copy to
please any one send pdf file of this dumps on this e mail zeeshanahsan409@gmail.com thanks in advance.
9XX using Microsoft.70-411.v2015-09-30.by.Sacriestory_Aikonfx. the 9-17 or 9-21 are the same, just the 9-30 more refined. opens in vce player portable or A+ vce. Master each section then test...done!
Please guys send me pdf file am writing on Tuesday, wandiledd@gmail.com
Thanks Scriestory, this dump is 100 % valid,
just pass today with 807
Does anyone have any links to the 70-412 updated dump? Can you please pass it over. thank you! england07@hotmail.com
I wants the PDF format of 70-411 dump please send email : limjh@svteck.co.kr
email address: khutsholebelo@gmail.com
Good Day All guys anyone who has a valid 70-411 dump please forward it to me aswell whether PDF would truly appreciate it as iam writing this friday.Thank you
If any one wants the PDF format of 70-411 dump please send an email at hongquanghy10@gmail.com
Credit goes to Sacriestory & his team
guys plz clarify which VCE did you use to open this dump because i've been trying to open it but it says invalid dump please advice which VCE did you use
Elish and a.obeidat
could you send me those dumps guys please!!!
I'm writing on Friday
my email is: Khanyaray@gmail.com
passed on 10th 8xx this dump is valid
passed today 8xx , this dump is valid
finally MCSA
THANKS Sacriestory
passed on 7th Oct with 7** studied this dump only
Valid dump passed the exam with 8xx
Finally cleared 70-411 with 721 score,lot of new questions
I would like to thank Sacriestory & the team
Valid dump. Passed yesterday with exactly 700. Pay attention, they sometimes change a stupid thing in a question and it changes the answer. Study to understand
This one or the original sacriestory, which one is better because i see different answers?? Please answer...
Can anyone please send pdf version to me on mohamed_alaa_1292@yahoo.com
Anyone there, can you please send to me the latest dump 70-411 pdf version..
please send to my email : jordi.msc@outlook.co.id
Thank You in Advance.
can some1 please forward me the pdf version of this file lifesgoodplus@gmail.com
Valid pass today with 9××
@frankruss i got 935
this question was the same. except for the second optoin the wording was different.
our network contains an Active Directory domain named contoso.com. The domain
contains servers named Server1 and Server2. Both servers have the DFS Replication role
service installed.
You need to configure the DFS Replication environment to meet the following requirements:
Increase the quota limit of the staging folder.
this part was different than this (Configure the staging folder cleanup process to provide the highest amount of free space)****I can't remember exactly. but it was different.
Which cmdlets should you use to meet each requirement?
there was the same domain controller questions but with different requirments:
You network contains one Active Directory domain named contoso.com. The forest functional level is Windows Server 2012. All servers run Windows Server 2012 R2. All client computer run Windows 8.1.
The domain contains 10 domain controllers and a read-only domain controller (RODC) named RODC01. All domain controllers and RODCs are hosted on a Hyper-V host that runs Windows Server 2012 R2.
You need to identify which domain controller you can be cloned.
my answer was get-adgroupmember because the DC has to be part of the clonable domain controllers group.
valid dump. I passed yesterday with score 8XX
studied old sacriestroy and this one. this one was very helpful because it has the new questions people commented in the old dump.
there was around 4 questions with different wording and 1 question totally new. I'll see if I can remember them.
Is this the latest dump ? I see 2 version 353 & 383 Admin can suggest please
Valid. Passed with 892
Your network contains two Active Directory forests named contoso.com and dev.contoso.com. The
contoso.com forest contains a domain controller named DC1. The dev.contoso.com forest contains a
domain controller named DC2. Each domain contains an organizational unit (OU) named OU1.
Dev.contoso.com has a Group Policy object (GPO) named GPO1. GPO1 contains 200 settings, including
several settings that have network paths. GPO1 is linked to OU1.
You need to copy GPO1 from dev.contoso.com to contoso.com.
What should you do first on DC2?
A. From the Group Policy Management console, right-click GPO1 and select Copy.
B. Run the mtedit.exe command and specify the /Domaintcontoso.com /DC: DC 1 parameter.
C. Run the Save-NetGpocmdlet.
D. Run the Backup-Gpocmdlet.
Which is correct answer?
Hi Linkz,
Kindly please advise:
- Which exam section did you use in this VCE?
A,B,C,D? all or just D?
Guys please lets us know if this dump has helped to pass the exam
Passed today 8XX. This dump valid
Which exam section did you use in this VCE?
A,B,C,D? all or just D?
passed today 2 rewrote Q... 7XX
Valid, Passed 935.
People if any one wants 70-411 in pdf format kindly send an email appdownleo@gmail.com
Can you Please share some questions with us.
Or if you want just tell US if you can, like this : Exam A (Q1,Q7,Q10,Q11,Q13,Q17,and so on) // Exam B (Q4,Q8,Q20,Q31,Q32,Q40,and so on) That would be great!
passed today 764. with this dump
If any one wants the PDF format of 70-411 dump please send an email at appdownleo@gmail.com
Credit goes to Sacriestory & his team
recently I did toke the exam, I did fail 2 times and since that, I'm studying do understand. And the same way I did my best to collect the actual questions!
What I do realize is, no matter how long you work with Server 2012, it's very hard to know witch Menus, and sub-option, and hundred powershell command...
I want to repeat the exam, but I do want to be proud that I understood the concepts from Microsoft. At least the important things.
passed 828 using dumb only
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