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Cisco 350-601 Implementing and Operating Cisco Data Center Core Technologies (DCCOR) exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Cisco 350-601 Implementing and Operating Cisco Data Center Core Technologies (DCCOR) exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Cisco DCCOR 350-601 certification exam dumps & Cisco DCCOR 350-601 practice test questions in vce format.


17. BGP Basic Lab iBGP vs eBGP Continue

All right, so let's complete the basic lab. Now here, if you go to 1, we can see that the BGPA is wrong. So I will go and do the changes go and changethis to 200 and then rest of the configurations are correct. All right? Now, once we have done that, wecan go and check the summary. You can see this is up and running. Similarly, if you go to IPGPsummary, you will see that it is operational. All right? So now once we have this what we cando, we can check other basic stuff as well. For example, that's up.

18. BGP Neighbor & Synchronization

We are going to continue the lab. Plus I'm going to add few topics more in thelab section we will go and check the BGP neighbors. Once we enable and run the BGP, then we'll go and check the PCP neighbor. Plus, we have one concept related to BGP synchronization. What does it mean by "VGP synchronization"? although our lapse is different. But I'm going to take the same type of structure: I have one device for EBGP and a few devices for IBGP. And then already, we have checked the IBGP and EBGP and how we are going to form these BGP tables. Now what is happening is that once you have the neighbour table, it will build the BGP table, and then we have the routing table. Correct. But one of the important tables we have is the neighbour table. We have this command "show IP BGP neighbor" where we can go and check the BGP neighbour details. If you want to check the specific details for a specific neighbor, then you can go and use this command: show IP BGP neighbour and the neighbour address. Next we have the BGP synchronisation rule. Now this is important. What is happening is that the general rule for BGP, or the golden rule, is that if your BGP is inside the autonomous system or within the autonomous system, So you should enable the IBGP rule or implement IBGP full mesh capability inside the autonomous system. Suppose you do not like this. What will happen? Say, for example, that in this diagram, this wants to reach this network. Assume I have an IBGP relationship here; I obviously have an EBGP relationship here, and we obviously have an EBGP relationship. So the traffic or the update will come to B, and then from B it can go to D. Because, remember, in the BGP and IBGP neighbour relationship, it is not mandatory that they should have physical connectivity. So this BGP relationship can form over non-connected interfaces as well. Okay? So that means that I can have the IVGP relationship between B and D. It will now proceed to A. Now at this point in time, the router C doesn't know about this network, et cetera. If the returning traffic goes and hits D. And again, suppose it goes to C. Since C does not have the update related to ten50 zero, he doesn't know how to reach ten50 zero and will be working as a black hole. He will cause a black hole in the traffic. So what is the rule, then? The rule here is that you should have an EVPGP relationship. Sorry, you should have IBGP relationshipin between all the should have IBGPAnd that's the rule you have. You should have this type of mesh rule or this topology. And that's the reason we are using some sort of other technology like configuration or route reflection. Because if you have so many devices within autonomous systemand if you go and turn on BGP and ifyou do this full mesh IBGP relationship, then obviously theCPU, the query utilization, memory utilisation will increase. So this is not the optimal design solution. This is not that all the routers couldachieve this target because obviously they have tothink more because they have more number ofcontrol packets to process the same explanation. Here's what we can do for BGP synchronization. The local is not a public transportation option. So, if your ES is transit or all routers in the transit run IBGP and are fully measured, you don't need it. The question is when you don't need the synchronisation rule. When your air conditioner stops working as a transit system, this is the solution. Second, they are running the IVG payroll while all of the devices are in transit. how you can disable the synchronization. The command is no synchronization, and you can see that twelve-point-28 synchronisation is disabled by default. So in the latest code, this synchronisation rule is disabled. All right, so let's stop here and we'll go back to our LAPS section and whatever small and basic verification commands are there. First of all, we'll check that before moving further.

19. BGP Neighbor & Synchronization Lab

Now we are going to perform the lap task. You can see in the diagram that we have 100 and we have 200. Inside the 200 we have devices that are going to form the IBGP relationship, and in between we have the EBGP relationship. So let me quickly log in to the devices. We are going to perform some of the tasks that we have covered already in the theoretical section. So, let me quickly show you what configuration I have on these devices, and obviously, let's look at the IP addresses as well.So if I send the script, you can see on switch 10 that we have this IP. Let me show you this diagram as well. So, as shown in the diagram, the IP schemarouter one inside is 100, with loopback one, and all the switches have loopback as their name.So for example, you can see the loopback IP, then the interface IP, then the interface IP. All right? So you can refer to the diagram that we have, and as for our diagram, we have assigned the IP addresses to the interfaces. All right, the next thing that we should do is go and check the BGP neighbor. So I can go and check the showIP BGP summary for all the devices. Now here I can see that, as per the hourdiagram, we have the Evgp relationship and the Ivgp relationship. If you have this type of topology, you still want to switch 10 3 and 10 5. Although they are not directly connected, they are indirectly connected, so they should form a neighbourly relationship. In that case, only they have the full mesh, correct? Suppose even I have the back-to-back connection here, although I don't, but still I can go and form the neighbour relationship in between the three and 105 because, underneath, we have EIGRP up and running. So before doing that, you can see here that all the devices have their EBGP and IBGP relationships running on EBGP in between R 1 and 10 5. So 1051 interface having Evgp relationship,other one is having Ivgp. Suppose you want to know details about that particular neighbor. So what we can do is go and check our IP BGP neighbor. And first of all, let's see that in this neighbour command, I can see what outputs you have. So you can go and simply check "Show IP BGP neighbor." Obviously, it will show you all the neighbors. So here the neighbour ID is this belongingto 100 as an autonomous system, the routerID, the establishment, what time the neighbour gotestablished, what type of messages they have exchanged. Here you can see open notification updates, keep alive, and keep the route fresh. So like that, we can get the details. Now if I am very specific about a certain neighbor, then I can go and run the neighbour command related to that particular neighbor. So I have one neighbor, and I can run and verify that. Okay, so what I will do first of all thatI want to show you that we can form theIBGP relationship in between 10 five and 10 three. So let's do that. I'm already inside Building 10 five.I can go here and route to BGP 200. I have my neighbor, for example, at 10:03, whose remote is the same. Then for this neighbor, I can go and use Update Source again. I will go to the server and we can run the same command. Then there's the neighbour save only, with the same remote, and the neighbour update source.See here now show IPGP summary thatwe have one new neighbour added. So not only my directly connected neighbor, but also my indirectly connected neighbor, is there. That is the true power of BGP because it functions as an overlay protocol.All right, so once we have all this information, then what I want is to say, for example, in routers 1 and 10, if you go to router 10 and you want to put the password, suppose if I go to my neighbor, and you can give the password to Cisco. So, if you put the password from one side to the other, you should go to BCP 100 and check the password route.And just to show you that, it will take some time because we know that Keep Alive is sending every 60 seconds and the holddown time is 180 seconds. So it will take some time to tear down the neighbourly relationship. Still, your neighbour is up and running because BGP is meant to be a slow protocol due to various regions. So if you wait, it will take sometime because one side your neighbour having thepassword, other side we don't have the password. So I'll wait till the timer expires, and then I can come back here and set the password. Meanwhile, we'll go and check the other option. So we have a timer option as well. For example, I can go here to the router process, and then I can check the timers for VGP and then KeepAlive. I can give 30 and then hold down. Suppose if I ten and 30 keep a life ten and hold down. If I give 30, it means that it is true for all of my neighbors.Now suppose you are a specific neighbour and you want to change the timer for a specific neighbor, for example, 10 510-510-5105, then you can also do that. So we can check the timers here and see how many options we have, for example, 20 and 60.So it is saying that you should go and specifythe Maintain a life of, say, 20 and a hold of 60 as a peer group.So then it will take that command. We can check later on about the peer group as well. So we can leave it. But we have the option to go ahead and specify per neighbour as well. So let's quickly see this BGP configuration. So I have a neighbour with a timer, and if I go ahead and check, and we can go ahead and check, it shows IPBGP neighbouring ten one one.So here you can see that you have the neighbor's established time. It is showing. It is showing what the whole timer is for and how to keep it alive. Although if you go here and check "show IP BGP neighbor," and here, you can see that this is still the case because maybe the command that we have run is okay, so here you can see the timers and the neighbour command. When we were running this neighbour command earlier, let me show you that we were getting some errors because that was not my neighbor. So that's the reason it was throwing an error, right? Because my actual neighbour is five. So what I'll do now I can goahead and I can do this neighbor. And then ten times I can specify 10 and 30, and that's it. All right, we'll go here as well. And I can go here. Router BGP 200 neighbour is ten. And then we can go and check the show IP. This time I'm clearing the BGP table. And now if we go and check the neighbor's table, So let's go and check the summary. Now you can see that after clearingthat we have the authentication issue. because we haven't put the password on one side. And you can see that the password problem is still present.So I should go show this neighbour and the password, and then I can go ahead and give the password as Cisco.Once I do that, you'll notice that it returns to normal and the neighbour reappears.Now it is up. So we know that in BGP, first of all, it will form the neighbour table, then it will go and form the BGP table, then it will go and form the routing table. Or those things will get added to the routing table. Okay, so let's stop here, and the next section will discuss more about all these behaviors.

20. PIM next 2 Videos

In one C, we have labs related to PIM. So what I'm going to do here is that first of all, we'll discuss the basics of PIM, which is a protocol for independent multicast. Then, in the following lab, you will find the lab related to them. So two videos are there. First theory and next section we have the lab video. So go and watch. The next two videos will move to the next section.

21. Protocol Independent Multicast PIM

The next important topic is PIM, which is protocol-independent multicast. Now, you can see that PIM has variation. It can run in dense mode, disposable mode, and fast dense mode. the Cisco proprietor. Now, we should understand what the use case of dense mode is. And then there's passmode. "Dense mode" is something you are doing with the flood, and "prune method" means you have the multicast source. He is flooding the multicast traffic throughout the network. And then the receivers, if you have receivers, will join that. If you don't have receivers, you will get proof. Correct? However, what is happening in this passport is an intelligent way of performing the flood and prune methods. So in this case, you have one authority referred to as a run debut point, RP. So what will happen is that RP will get selected, and now it's the responsibility of the rent debut point, or RP, to do the flooding in the network. So it's like you are saving bandwidth by being selective throughout the network. You know who has the authority to do the flood and prune to build the multicast tree, right? So in this way, we can save the bandwidth. We will not unnecessarily flood the multicast traffic throughout the network. So it's a bandwidth-severe methodology; it's efficient. But again, there is a use case that dictates at what time we should use the dense mode and at what time we should use the fast mode. So you can see that the key point is that when we are going to use the dense mode, suppose that in a network we have a large number of multicast hosts. So in that case, actually, it's very easy. So everyone will send the multi-carrier, and then pruning will happen. It's very easy. And you can think that if you want to compare, you can do that. For example, rip vs. OSPF rep is something that the router rips before issuing a network command. But OSPF defines the area's limit. The LSE does things in an efficient manner. They will perform the SVF calculations, and everything will be fine, but there is a password. Again, the thing is that you are doing it efficiently. However, when you have a limited number of multicast hosts, both have advantages and disadvantages, but it is recommended that we use this pass mode at least in the enterprise network. All right? So, in PIM dense mode, you can see that the multicast source is sending the feed to all hosts across the network, but there are no host multicast receivers. So you will go and do the pruning. So here, you can see that. Finally, we have a tree structure oriented toward the receiver sender, receiver source, and receivers. This is the dance mode. It is easy to use and very easy to build, but it is consuming bandwidth. Now, the next thing we have is the sparse mode. In sparse mode, suppose we have two multicartons here. Who is going to send the feed? First of all, they will go and select the random point. So here you can see how the selection of RP will happen. Once you have the selection of Rpoint, it's the responsibility of RP to send the feed to the selected interfaces where you have the multicast receiver. Obviously, this is the most efficient way to build and maintain the multicast routing or multicast feed. Great. Now you can see that you have version one andversion two, how we can go and enable it. We can go to the interface, and then we have options. We're either running pins in dance mode, sparse mode, or sparse dance mode. Now you have this RP option as well. So RP can be identified manually. Suppose this is your RP; you can go and run the manual command. And we have the auto-RP feature in Cisco as well. So if you want to do it manually, the command is IPPMRP address 192-1681, again if you have the multicast source. So these are the feeds. We can go and create the ACL. And with the RP address, we can go and map this ACL just in case. So this is something we have seen earlier as well, in the previous section, when we created the ACL just to limit the number of multi-car car source.And then if you want, you can map with the RP as well. Okay, next is the verification and troubleshooting command. So we can go and check, show IGMP groups, show IP IGMP neighbors, and show the IP PM who is the RP. Then we have debug commands: debug IP IGMP, debug IPPM. Okay, so let's do one thing. Let's stop here, and in the next section you'll continue from here, and then I'll show you the CLAcommand in the GNS lab as well.

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