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Google Professional Cloud Architect Practice Test Questions in VCE Format
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Google Professional Cloud Architect Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Google Professional Cloud Architect Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Google Professional Cloud Architect Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Google Professional Cloud Architect certification exam dumps & Google Professional Cloud Architect practice test questions in vce format.
Alright, welcome back to lecture two here on VMs. So let's go ahead and talk about images. Now, images and compute engines have essentially two types. You've got the public image, and you've got the private, which is customary as well. Same thing. Now with public images, you basically just select the image that you want. So, if you want a virtual machine with Linux on it, you select it and just select the image, modify it, or whatever, and it's ready to go. But what about if you need to create a custom image? Let's say, for example, you need additional features like image sharing or you need to integrate with other clouds or something. That nature is a reason to use a custom image. You can also use VirtualBox, or you can connect up with some AWS images as well. So you go ahead and store those in the cloud. With virtual machines, it's important to also note that each compute engine VM has a very small persistent disk, and again, that's just used to load the image for that virtual machine and make the boot process quicker, of course. So again, the image could be bootable; you could also use snapshots as well. It should also be durable. These are just some characteristics. And then, too, Google adds some software to that operating system, mainly for optimising the environment. Now a quick note: each persistent disc can be up to 64 terabytes, and again, that's a lot of storage. And again, you don't need to have a storage array or anything for that. Now when we talk about virtual machine disc options, it's again important to understand that the persistent disc could be a couple different types. You've got a hard disc drive, so that's your spinning disk; you've got an SSD; and then you can have a local SSD or RAM disc, and again, you want to choose the right option for the right situation. And if you go over here to the link, and the link will be in the Resources tab, you really should take a few minutes to look at it. So if you get a case study question and it talks about setting up the customer with a computer engine and asks you about what type of disc storage you should use, you need to read the case study and correlate what would be the right choice. So, if cost is an issue, you should probably just use persistent disk. But if it's high-eye-op surgery, you might want to use a local SSD. If it's latency, a RAM disc would be a better choice. So, once again, I'll just recommend that you spend a few minutes reading the disk-related documents. The link is in the resources, and as far as disc continued, you have the cloud-persistent disc and the computer hardware disk. Now I wanted to just clarify again. You go back here, you have a persistent disk, and now the question is, is it a persistent disc or is it a hardware disk? And again, just pay attention to the case study because this is where the confusion can definitely set in if you're not taking it step by step. Now, I have a note down here. I put it here for a reason. You may see, again, a case study question where the customer is trying to or wants to configure a single file system and they want the best performance. And so if you get something of that nature, you know that the cloud's persistent disc is the best And so if you geNow you can't take a snap of the local SSD drive. You can, of course, take a snapshot for incremental backup to cloud storage. Snapshots can be restored to a new persistent disk. So for example, you go out there and create a snapshot, and then basically use that to recover or build on a new disk. For example, be careful with database migrations. This is a whole separate subject area. When we talk about migrations, I'm going to go into that. I don't want to cover it now, but I put it in there because a lot of the challenges with database migrations could be the storage that you're using, and we'll talk more about that. Move virtual machines to an alternate zone. Okay, there are two ways to do this, but again, it depends. And so what I mean by "it depends" is that it really depends on the zone you're in, it depends on the configuration you're on, and it depends on where you're going and what the configuration is of where you're going. So if you understand what I'm saying, this is a Zonal Challenge, and you need to make sure that the compatibility is there. Now, don't use a virtual machine on a local SSD. I'm going to highlight that because, as I should have again noted on the test, they do expect you to know the different types of storage that a virtual machine could be using. Now if you're trying to move that virtual machine, make sure that VM is attached. Also, don't exceed your quota because it's going to fail if you do. Okay, so let's go ahead and go over to the dashboard here and continue on.
Welcome back. So now that you saw a virtual machine being created, let's just do a quick little tour of the view engine in GCP because I think it's important for you to get the feel and understand how some of the things come together in GCP because it's not totally obvious in some cases. So let's go ahead and go over to Google Cloud platform. Of course, go over to Compute Engine. Now I'm in VM instances, and you can see that I have two instances here. One is started, the other is not. So out of curiosity, I'm over here and I'm looking to see what's going on. I can see that under the VMI I've got the default network instance. I'm allowing http traffic now over here, and you could see that the instance name and boot disc are here. It's 10 GB, and it is a standard persistent disk. Now, for availability policies, you could again set those appropriately. And then if you go down here you couldenable when you configure the virtual machine, enable theseaccesses for these specific Google Cloud services. And then over here, if you go over to Rest, you also get the response from the GCT reference. You can copy the code if you so choose. It's pretty cool. Okay, so let's go over here, and I want to edit this virtual machine. So if you go here and you can see enableconnecting to so you can connect via a serial port. Again, it's not like you have physical access, but you can at least connect to the command line if you so choose. Now you can see the machine type. I've got it set to use a shared CPU, and again, you could select whatever you so choose. Just remember that there's a cost for this when you're running them, and if you don't need that much power then don't select it. So much memory and customization Now I'm using the free account, so I don't get up to 64 cores. Of course, zone is central, and then I added a label, and so you go add a label. So let's say down the road you're in a large-cloud environment and you have 1,000 virtual machines running. You want an easy way to find their network interface. You can see that the external IP is a thermal by default, but I can create one, or none at all, and leave that alone. I can then also add additional discs as well. So if I did, I could create a disk, and again, I could go attach it to that. So remember, you've got the standard persistent disk. So remember that "standard persistent" means that that data is kept available. And the same thing is true with SSD. Now the question is, do you need general storage or do you need performance? And again, that's a cost decision. You want to make sure you know. Then I could also attach a snapshot as well, or a blankdisk if I say cheese so I can go source image. I could go ahead and select the images that are available. So you could see that Sent OS is there (coreOS), and you could use Google Container Engine as well. So let's say my developers develop something in Google Container Engine, and I want to see how well the images actually work and to actually run the application in production. I go ahead and import the container, configure the image, and use that as a source and basically run off of that. if I said that's pretty neat. Again, you could select whatever you want for that. I'm just going to leave that as ten. Use OS encryption. I can encrypt it, or I do not need to. So I'm going to call this boot camp, and I'll gocreate, and then it'll take a couple of seconds or a minute, not too long, and it looks like it's done. Now this is the availability policy that we talked about. I want to make sure we get this because once again, there's a lot of confusion from what I've seen around availability policies and when to use what. And so again, just pay attention to those. Now, for example, if you select automatic restart again, that's going to allow the virtual machine to restart on a crash or maintenance event. But remember that if you turn it off yourself, that's not going to do that. Now, what about if there is host maintenance? You have the choice to set it to migrate, terminate totally, or call. And then you could add metadata. Again, if you say choose, you want to find it easier, document it, assign it to a specific project, whatever. And then here, you could either use the default ComputeEngine account or you could also use App Engine. Again, if your developers are using this, you may want to allow them access that way. And so this is essentially just an instance type. Again, you could see that there isn't much to it. It's fairly straightforward overall. So that'll take a minute. I'm going to go back to instance groups here or go over to instance groups because I want to cover this as well. I didn't find a lot of content in the real architect course because I think one of the areas on the test that I think might not be well again, maybe I should speak for myself. So I wanted to cover this just because for those folks that do take the test, you understand the difference between a managed and an unmanaged instance group. It's very simple. It's just that again, if you don't study the content, it may not be totally clear to you. Okay, instance group name—whatever you want to call it. Put it in the description. Go over here. You could select multi zones.So for example, if you want high availability, leave it as multi zone.If you want a single zone, availability So basically, you could have it in the same zone, but again, it won't have H A.You can select the zone whenever you want. I'm going to send us east. One B. And so is this going to be managed or is this not going to be managed? and it tells you exactly what the differences are. And again, it says autoscaling and autohealing enrollment updates are not supported. Now clarify: if you're going to use dissimilar virtual machine instances, then effectively you need to use an unmanaged instance group in most cases. So again, be cautious with the way you set up your Zonal resources because it's more than possible to go in and create a VM and realise that you selected this one configuration and it's got this type of processor on it, and then you just realise that it's got a different revision of the processor on the next one. And then guess what? It may not just work. Pay attention to that, and you've got to create an instance template. Now, when you create an instance template, you have the option of using a default or creating a custom one. same thing here. I'm just going to use one vCPU. I could customise this. So for example, I could select the number of cores up to two. Let's say how much memory. I could extend memory as well, and the CPU platform could be automatic. Now again, this is where, I guess, the proof goes into the pudding, as Grandma used to say. When you're thinking about setting up a managed instance group, you need to pay attention to the processor types. This could affect your platform. Choose machine type, for example. So you select that. Make sure you take a look at this documentation, and again, it tells you what's valid and what isn't. It goes into extending memory; it tells you about the limitations that there may be as well. I won't go into everything there, but take a look at it. I'm going to just cancel it. I'm not going to bother with that for the time being. I'm going to cancel here, and again, I could go manage or unmanage as well. So I'll just leave that there for you. So you go ahead and play around with creating an instance group. But remember, the main goal of an instance group is typically to provide auto scaling, load balancing, and additional features that are needed for failover multi-zonal configuration and instant templates. So you go over here to create a template as well. And if you want, again, you'll see that it's very similar to creating a VM. Go over here, select what you want to do, and go over here, down to management. Now this is where you get to throw in your startup information. So, for example, if you have specific software to install, you want to set up a VDI environment or whatever. You could post a script in there, and it would run during the runtime. Metadata Availability: Now you could use a preemptive process, as we spoke about; you could use a preemptible availability process. It is cheaper, whether you leave it on or off; it's cheaper. But again, if Google needs the resources, they can just turn off the compute engine again and have it restart if there is a failure, and then what about maintenance as well? Now, if you go over to Disks again, you can see the options for networking. Again, a lot of this comes down to what you're doing and the complexity you want to get into. Now again, you want to turn on IP forwarding. If you've got applications that are basically collecting or receiving data, make sure that's on so you can show IP address ranges, et cetera. So again, I won't bore you with creating this again, and when you do create a template VM, it tells you its effective cost, for example, per month. Now, you can see that there are four types, and once again, standard persistent disk. You can create a disc over here if you want. It could be SSD as well; it could also create an image, a snapshot, and so on. I could create a source image. Let's say I want to create it for Red Hat Linux and I want 100 gigabytes indicates the number of IUPs that will be read and written, as well as the maximum sustained input for that configuration. Then I go ahead and hit "Create," and you'll see that it'll pop up here in about a minute and you'll want to create your disc types. judiciously because, again, in a large corporate environment, everyone needs to have all kinds of disc space. So again, there's a cost to that, and just be aware of that when you're partitioning the persistent disk. Again, you don't want to make it too small so that they run out of space, but then don't make it too big either so that they have too much again, in a larNow, you go ahead and take a snapshot. Again, it'll tell you what you have over here. Create a snapshot. It's a very simple image. So this tells you the available images. So you could see that these are all the available images, and again, you could select what images you want, and what you could do is select, for example, something very common; a lot of people know Red Hat. You can select, say, a Red Hat image, and then go ahead and create an image. You could use the source disk, I believe it was disc three, which is 100 gigs, and then I could go ahead and use images, and then it warns you that if you haven't used the API before with this configuration, it lets you know that it's not fully configured. Then I go back. You can see that that project has been enabled. So yeah, feel free to play around with this. Go ahead and refresh gigs, aThis is committed. Use discounts. Now, the committed use discount allows you to commit to specific machine types ahead of time for up to three years. So it's one or three years right now. So you go over here to purchase, and it tells you the total. So again, the pricing is going to vary based on the region. Now you see that one year was 21 and that three years were 15 per year. You go ahead and then select the machine family and number of cores, and then you go ahead and purchase. That purchase discount will be granted to you once you're done. Then you go over to the details, which tell you the discount, and you cancel that. I don't need to do that. Metadata. Go ahead and add metadata. Remember, metadata is data about data. Go over here. I get to add one. I can say GCP boot camp. I need to spell default properly. And then, just for fun, zone value is -- I'll just say -- local. and then you can save it. Again, you want to use the metadata judiciously because, again, if you don't use it judiciously, then what can happen is that you really lose track of where resources are if you can't locate them appropriately. A more complex configuration is health checks. Now, a health check will basically just make sure your instances are up and running. You can now monitor with stackoverflow, which is another topic we'll go over. But again, you create a health check, and you could do that a few different don't use So you could basically just list the zones that are available for the compute engine resource operations. This tells you the requests that are available. Quotas: we talked about quotas earlier. And then settings. This allows you to set your default location to whatever you so choose. And then you could also enable usage reports so that you could download a CSV of account usage and then copy it over to a bucket, for example. Oh, that's the end. Let's continue on.
So we're back at the GCP dashboard, and so let's go to Compute Engine. Let's go configure a VM right now. So let's go ahead and go to Compute Engine. Now, before I go right over to the Compute Engine dashboard, there are many different ways you get to the Compute Engine. You can go over here to Resources, go over here to the Compute Engine section of the dashboard, or go over here and type in Compute Engine as well. So we're over here. Compute engine. What we'd like to do is create a virtual machine. Now, you'll see up here there is an area called "Create Instance." So we go create an instance, and we're going to leave the default name. Now remember, when you do create a name, I'm just going to go ahead and leave this just as an exercise. So if I put in caps, let's say, or anything like that, you'll see that it's not going to let me leave it. In other words, it'll stay red. But if I go back and just leave like instance one, I'm going to change it to two, which is how it was set to begin with. Leave that alone. So when you're naming your virtual machines, here's sort of my best advice. You want to name this in a unique manner for your project. So it could be for a specific department like development, operations, legal, whatever. Try to name it unique for the project. Remember, you're creating this under a project, and the project, as we spoke about earlier, is a way for you to manage your Google Cloud Platform resources. This is important to understand because the same instance name may exist in a different project or region. Just be aware of that. You can see in this zone that we are on US East. I'm going to leave it as "D." And if I go over here, you can see that it gives me the estimated billing, or what it would cost to run this virtual machine per month based on the configuration that I have as of right now. So let's say I want to go to AMICRO, and you can see that this changes significantly. But if I want to have a specific vCPU configuration with additional memory, like a performance configuration, you'll see that the price will go up considerably. So again, just be aware of that. You could also configure this up to 64 cores for pricing. If you go to "customize," this is actually pretty cool. I like how they have the slide where you could actually change the number of cores and adjust that based on that. also play with the memory as well. And then you could also do what's extend memory," where it will automatically extend the memory for you if needed. And then there are different configurations that you could use based on the machine type you're using. It'll default to the specific processor configuration. Also, if you want to do something similar to mine, you'll typically need something called a GPU. And this GPU has a very powerful processing capability that you're going to typically use for analysing data, for example. So again, play around with this if this is of interest to you. And so let's go ahead and boot the disk. So you go ahead and change your boot disc here, number two. You go ahead and select specific images that Google has predefined, or you could go in and then create your own images. You could import them in any way you want, including as snapshots or from an existing disk. Let's say, for example, you have additional machine images on the east coast and you want to import them from the east coast to the west. That's what that's for. So I'm going to go ahead and leave this the way it is. I'm going to let firewall access occur here for HTTP traffic. I could then scroll down, and you'll see that you could add basic capabilities around performance and security, create tags, and all that. But for the time being, let's go ahead and just kick off the VM here. But one of the things you do want to do is create, essentially, a label. Now this label is going to identify, for example, this VM. And let's say I want to look for specific virtual machines. And so, for example, let's go—I just had a brain fart there. Let's go ahead and create another tag. For example, let's call this AWS import images. Let's say you go ahead and create a value. It could be whatever value you want to create to identify it. And so you go ahead and leave that there. So that way, you do a search, for example, up here for that specific virtual machine metadata. You go in and create metadata as well as preemptability. This is basically where the virtual machine could be turned off due to system demands or turned on—basically off—if it's not being utilized. And so I go to create, and it's going to go ahead and create that instance. Now it's very easy to spend an hour and a half just going through all the options with the virtual machine. But the good part is, for the cloud architect courses, you're not going to need to know all the fancy details. We just want you to know, in general, what some of the basic options are for creating a virtual machine and how to set up the firewall like that.Okay, well, let's go ahead and continue on.
You have the core data centers, the edge point of presence, the POPs, and then the edge caching and service needs. Now, if we go over here to the browser in the link, the link will be in the reference section as well. We could scroll down here and, of course, see that we have the current regions and the planned regions. And then again, we have the resources and what's available in each region and zone. Now if we go back up here, again, the goal was just to make sure that you're aware of the locations. And then we go over here on the network. And then you can see that this is where you could see the edge point of presence and then the CBN points of presence. Again, if you're a media company, then, of course, having a content delivery platform could make the difference between being profitable and not being profitable. So again, designing your network is very important; do it properly the first time. And then just another note: Google does have submarine cables and then the current network infrastructure as well. So let's go back to the PowerPoint. Again, just do understand that there are three key elements, and I'm going to talk more about these in a minute. Now. virtual network objects. You're going to want to know these for the task. There was a question that asked about identifying what was considered a virtual network object and being able to correctly identify that. So again, just know projects, networks, subnetworks, regions, zones, IP addresses, virtual machines, firewalls, and routes. So for example, organisations would not be network objects, nor would a file share or anything of that nature be okay. So I wanted to also cover networking from a very basic standpoint because again, it just seemed like they really wanted you to know GCP networking really well. Now you can have an internal IP, and this is allocated by DHCP. It's renewed every 24 hours. And again, the virtual machine name and IP address are registered with the DNS. If you need an external IP, or, in other words, if you have to route outside of the GCP network, then you need to have an external IP. And so you want to go ahead and assign that an address. So that'll be a permanent address. It is reserved. So it is a static address, and you're billed for that address whether or not you reuse it with the VM or not. So the VM also doesn't know the external IP, it's just mapped. So basically, what you're doing is mapping the internal IP address to the external IP address. And again, this is all accounted for in the Google DHCP services. And on the test, what you can expect is a question that is going to make sure that you understand how to attach an external IP address to a virtual machine. Now again, don't get confused. You can't directly provision the external IP from the virtual machine; you get a provision from the internal IP to the external. So you're linking these up, essentially, which is what you're doing. Again, depending on how the question was answered or asked and how you answered it on the test, this could be tricky. So just be aware of that. And again, just a quick review there's.global, regional, and zonal resources. Do you understand that specific resources are global, and there is another handy chart in the link section on resources for you to look at, regional or zonal, and I have a different section under Manage Resources where I cover this little bit in detail? Supportive Protocols Now again, you want to know about the support for protocols on the virtual machines. It is TCP, UDP, or ICMP. Again, TCP, UDP, or ICMP support only IPV 4. Every virtual machine instance belongs to a network. So basically, anytime that you create a VM instance, if you don't assign it to a network, it will essentially be assigned to the default network if you don't provision it to a network. So again default network is used sort of already hadthat there and then legacy and Subnet as well. Now why would you want to use a subnet? Again, it's basic networking in the sense that a subnet is a way to group similar or related resources together. Again, if you want to create virtual machines or you want to add specific storage targets, then again, this is a good way to do that. You could define IP addresses in two ways: automatic or custom. Remember to define IP in as many ways as possible. Two ways it's auto and custom routing. Now, for the test, I know most people are familiar with routing, and I'm not here to discuss routing protocols and everything related to OSPF, BGP, or anything else; you don't need to know that. But again there's a couple of points that Itook from the test and I want to makesure you get it with routing control, flow ofdata and direct traffic where you want it. So you want to use that for that main reason, and then the default routes can work in most cases. But again, if you need a custom route, you can do that as well. So for the test, just think of those two things and you'll be fine. Firewalls: now with firewalls, again, you have to know what tags are. You could group virtual machines; tags are for users to find, and again, we'll do a demo on that as well. When you do tagging you can apply that to allthe VMs or just one, whatever you need to do. However, it is not strictly limited to an IP topology. Again, the firewall rules are pretty flexible. So firewall rules are again a global resource. You want to have them for controlling traffic, incoming priority,but then you can also have Egress as well. Now the default allows ingress only, and it matches the IPC to ranges. And again, the three tags that you want to know are ICMP, SSH, and RDP. So support allows for ingress only. Now, this is one of those things that you need to know for the test because, again, I was caught off guard by this one. Again, you need to know that it permits ingress, not denies it. So if the traffic is coming in, it allows for that ingress traffic, but it doesn't have the capability to deny it. So remember that this is a little tricky. Again, just be aware of that. So default allows ingress allow only andit matches the destination, the cedar rangesfor the protocols, ports and the target. So with billing, it's again an area that you'll see on the test. Again, I saw at least one question on billing. And for billing, you want to know that for egress, you're going to be charged based on the region. You'll also be billed for traffic egress from one region to another. And again, the rates could be very different, and then you'll also be charged for traffic between zones within a region as well. Now, when you're taking the test, the way the billing questions were addressed is that they're more scenario-based, and so one of the questions came off as: "Customer so-and-so is trying to migrate from one region to another region, and they want to do this in a way that is going to reduce costs." Again, they give you different options to address that. And so with the billing, it's very important to understand that anything that goes basically outside of the GCP is charged. Anything that goes in is generally not charged. Now again, that's a little different for specific services, but overall, most traffic going in is not charged. Now VM traffic in a single zone is not charged to GCP services. Again, like I said, it depends. So if you're running something like BigQuery and you're doing a lot of searches and queries, then you have a certain limit that is included, and then if you exceed that limit, that's a different story. And lastly, it's very important to know that at Bastion Host, there was a question about a Bastion Host, and why do you want one? So one of the main reasons to have a bastion host is that you want to use a bastion host to basically have a jump-on or jump-off point. So you need a way to connect to the GCP without worrying about having to scale. For example, like with SSH, that can be a challenge. SSH doesn't scale well. Also, it could be used for site-to-site VPNs and then for that gateway. So you'll see a question on Bastion Host and just realise that you have an inbound connection. Your bastion host would be a second instance here, and then you would then connect to your primary instance via that route. Again, that's the main gist of why I want to make sure that you're aware of just the basics of virtual networking. Now, again, you know what a bastion host is. Again, know why you're billed for some traffic and then why you're not billed for other traffic as well. And again, this is an exercise in just knowing the basics and realising what the basics are when you take the exam. So again, have a bastion host, especially if you have a corporation that has a fair number of service connections or a fair number of reviews trying to connect to the GCP platform. Okay, with that said, I think I reiterated the points well enough. Let's continue on to the next module.
So let's go ahead and create a VPC. So we go over here to the console. We want to go over to networking and then go to VPC Network Works. So now that I'm in the VPC networks, I go over here and I create a VPC network. So I want to call this something that is unique and then optional. Just say "class demo." I have the option of creating a custom or an automatic. Now again, you have two options here. The question is, do you need specific addresses or an address range set up or not? If you want to make a VPC quickly and you don't have any special requirements set up yet for addressing or firewall rules or anything, then again, automatic should work just fine. Now I go over here. What I want to do, too, is select. Now by default, when you create a network, all those ports for ingress are actually turned off. You've got to enable those. You want to allow the specific IP addresses that you want. Again, if you have specific compliance security requirements, you should probably avoid going auto. I'm just doing this for a class demo, just to show you. Play around with it and figure out if it works or not. So I go create, and you can see that, down here, it's still doing something. You can see up here that it is updating. So we'll give it a second, and then we'll refresh it. and so it should be just about there. It doesn't take that long, usually. There it is. And so you can see that the boot camp has been created, and it has created an IP range for each zone here, as you see. Again, I go over to boot camp, and it tells me that this is the range here, this is the VPC network, so on and so forth. I go over to edit, and it allows me to enable private Google access or to disable it. And again, I could just leave it in this case; there's no need to enable it. So again, now you can see that there are four firewall rules that have been applied as well for the inquest that we had set. Again, this is a good default VPC just to get you started, especially if you're just doing labs; this is good enough. But again, if you're in a corporate environment and you need to set up specific security requirements or specific IP ranges, then just go custom. That's really the only way you're going to be able to get it to work. With that said, let's continue on and talk about external IP addresses. Next.
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