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ISC CCSP Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps

ISC CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. ISC CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the ISC CCSP certification exam dumps & ISC CCSP practice test questions in vce format.

1 (Architectural Concepts & Design Requirements )

11. Key Benefits

So guys, now in this session we are going to discuss the key benefits of infrastructure as a service, a platform, and software. So let's start the usage metre as a price based on the number of units or instances consumed. So pay as you go, and whatever you consume, you are going to build as per that, with the ability to scale up and down infrastructure services based on actual usage. This is particularly useful and beneficial when there are significant spikes and dips within the usage curve for infrastructure. So let me try to explain myself here. Like this is your website here on the clockand you may be offering some sort of discount. It's a retail website; you are selling something. So one particular day you will know thatthere's a lot of load is going tobecome as compared to the normal day. So what you can do is have extra service so you can prepare for that day, okay? So, if my usage exceeds 75%, create two more instances, and here you will be using a load balancer, which is a virtual load balancer, and it will automatically balance load. So you know that at the end of the day, your requirements get fulfilled, so you no longer need to use them, so you can delete them as well. Okay? So that's the best thing about a clot. So with the reduced cost of ownership, there's no need to buy assets for everyday use, no loss of asset value over time, and reduced costs for maintenance and support. Reduce energy and cooling costs while also going green. You don't need to own a data centre and maintain cooling for it; it's better to rent one; you can simply have internet access and access it because a computer may not require as much cooling as a data centre does to save energy and money. so green it.With the optimum use of its resources and the system, the next one, guys, is a platform as a service. The operating system can change and upgrade frequently, including associated features and system services. Globally distributed development teams are able to work together on software development projects within the same environment. Services are available and can be obtained from diverse sources. Okay, using a single vendor instead of maintaining multiple hardware facilities and environments can significantly reduce upfront and ongoing costs. Instead of creating your own platform as a service, take advantage of the key benefits of cloth software as a service. Most of you may have used that too. The overall reduction in cost is there because if you're looking for a hard drive, you no longer have to set it up better; you can use it that way. Application and software licencing and reduced support costs Support costs are high, but instead of having your own IT infrastructure, you have a clout administrator who can manage and set up your entire Claude. Thank you.

12. Cloud Development Model

Hello guys. The next one is Claude's development model. So what kind of a Claude what kind ofa Claude you want to deploy in your organization? So it depends what are the factors to deploy is. The selection of a cloud deployment model will depend on any number of factors. Okay? Your organisation may have had a significant impact. Number one is here. So, appetite, risk. The second is the cost of it. Third are compliance and regulatory requirements and legal obligations, along with other internal business decisions and strategies. So the following are the points that determine the Claude development model for your organizations: So as you know, here, one is called the public cloud. We are aware of it. The CLAUD infrastructure is provisioned for open use by the general public. Okay? So there's a Claude over here. It's a public cloud. This Claude is for the public. It may be owned, managed, and operated by a business. So, for example, Google Claude, Amazon Claude, or Microsoft Claude Those are the organizations. So they may be owned, operated, and managed by a business, academic institution, or government organization, or some collaboration of them. So it may be possible that there's a cynical collaboration with company one and company two. So what is your role in it? Your role is nothing more than that you are here; you simply look forward to what services this public cloud is providing. So there are three types of services we have already discussed: infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service. So if you're looking for infrastructure, platform, software, or all of them and a particular organisation is fulfilling your need, you simply need to go to their website, shop with your credit or debit card, and get the services. That's it; there's nothing much else to it. So that kind of cloud is a public cloud. The advantage of public cloud in this case is that it is simple and inexpensive to set up because the provider covers hardware, application, and bandwidth costs. So the good benefit of this Claude is that you don't have to buy any hardware or anything; everything has been done by the cost. So the So, for example, this is the provider; this is why you don't have to be looking for infrastructure as a service. You don't have to set up your servers, and you just have to have a laptop or computer to access them. And this is the service provider who haveall the setups, all the maintenance, all thebandwidth, all the networking, all the security. You simply need to pay as per your usage for a streamlined and easy-to-provision resource. Okay? Scalability to me meet customer need in future ifyou're looking for multiple server, you can get it. You want to increase the RAM; you can do that. No wasted resources; pay as you consume. So tomorrow you are using 20 servers, but the day after tomorrow you want only five. Yes, you can reduce it. For example, Amazon is there, amazing web services are there, Microsoft Azure is there, Salesforce is there, and Google's are there. So these are the public cloud benefit. Next is the private cloud model, okay? As a result, private cloud infrastructure is designed to be used exclusively by a single organisation comprised of multiple consumer example business units. It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organisation or a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off reminders. So private cloud is—let me give you an example here. This is a company where they have the infrastructure, the platforms, the software, and whatever other services there are. So it is possible this Claude is here, the users are here and accessing it, and it is managed by the same company. Or it may be that they have given a contract to a third party or a different company to manage this infrastructure. Or it may be possible that your Claude is here and is a private Claude, but you are accessing it from a different location. It is possible this is managed by your company or a different company. So that is a private plot model. And what are the benefits of this private plot model? The one benefit is increased control over data. As a result, it is unquestionably private and only accessible to the specific organization. So control over data, control over systems and applicationso no one else have a control over them. Second is ownership and retention of governance control, so it's on you. Third is assurance over data location and removalof multiple jurisdiction, legal and compliance requirements. So you are a sole being, and everything has been taken care of by you. Only the legal requirements of your country or organisation apply. Plus ownership of the data or the servers, revokingthem or accessing them, everything is in your handwherever in public cloud you have access to yourthings but not same as a private. So the next one is the hybrid clawed model, which is nothing but a combination of private and public. So suppose this is your organization and this is your private Claude. In your private Claude, it is not fulfilling all your needs. Suppose in your private Claude you have infrastructure; you have a platform, but you are looking for some sort of software for that, and you are getting help from the public Claude. So your user is accessing you as the public here. So this kind of structure is called a hybrid model, okay? So hybrid model benefits are here. First, retain ownership and oversight of critical technology-related tasks and processes, and repurpose previous investments in technology within the organisation to control the most critical business components and systems. So whatever the critical things are, you use them in a private plot, and whatever the noncritical things are, you can use them in a public plot, okay? Act as a cost-effective means of fulfilling noncritical business functions utilising public and cloth components. So whatever you feel that for example this isyour setup, private and having something you need itmaybe storage or maybe some software or application, youcan get it from the public. So whatever critical things is there, tryto make them on a private. Whatever noncritical normal functions, you cankeep them on a public. You can use them in public. So these are the three here Claude Development model. Thank you very much.

13. Cloud Cross Cutting Aspect

So guys, the next one is hereis a clawed cross cutting aspect. OkaySo the development of a clawed solution is, by its nature, often deemed a technology decision. So, what kind of Claude do you want in a private Claude? Are we looking for a public Claude? Are we looking for a hybrid Claude, or are we looking for one more that I have not explained, which is the community, Claude? So the whole cross-cutting aspect is, however, truly a business alignment decision. Like what kind of your business is and whatkind of your needs will it satisfy the publiclaw or private or hybrid or what? So that is a technology decision; what you are looking for; and here, again, a business decision, for two distinct reasons. First of all, all technology decisions should be made with the overall business direction and strategy at their core. The second is the budgeting and funding. So, if I'm looking for a Claude and I go for a public or a private Claude and it costs me a lot of money to set up, I shouldn't go for it, but the public is also an option, as is a hybrid. Second, when it comes to funding and creating opportunities, they should be made at the business level. So what are your requirements; what kind of claw are you looking for; and what is the cost of it? Thank you.

14. Enterprise Security Architecture Framework

So hello guys! The next one is Enterprise Security and Architecture Framework. So, when it comes to our organization's security and architecture framework, the reference business security architecture is also known as SAPSA S C VSA. The second is ITIL? Third is the open group architecture framework. the open group. That is Do, GA, and Zyko. The Open Group is the one, and NIST is the one. So these are the Enterprise Security and Architecture Frameworks. So following your note, according to the needs of your organisation, we need to satisfy the business it requires. That is why we need a security architecture. So as per your business needs, you can look for the following architecture and framework. So what do they do, actually? What is the role of those enterprise security architectures? Framework here. So, number one in the last slide here, in the above architecture, is interoperability. Second is portability and availability of data, security, privacy, resiliency, performance, service level agreement, audibility, and regulatory and compliance. So those architectures and frameworks they look for follow these ten points, okay? So that's all about the Enterprise Security Architecture Framework. So go for it, go in detail, go to the internet, login to the website, find 1234, and read more and more about this because in a slide I can only explain that much. Thank you.

15. Network Security & Perimeter

Hello, my name is Muki Singh, and today's topic in the CCSP class is network security and the parameters. So there are two types of network security. Network security attempts to cover both physical and logical security. Okay, for that we need to implement securitycontrol for each there are three types ofmodel as earlier discussed that software as aservice is there, platform as a service isthere and infrastructure as a service is there. So to have security on these two, we need—there are two types of security—one called physical security and the other called logical security. Physical security is who can accessit, who can access it. In terms of logical security, we must monitor that rather than monitoring tools, CCTV cameras, other devices, other networking equipment, security guards, and many other things. The links. The protocol. The application so that it works with the model early in the next domains is something we will talk about more in the network tumble, but for now, let me explain the link protocols and all. There is some sort of port or protocol open. People from outside can go in and access that particular service and come out. So we need to make sure whatever services need to be accessed from outside can actually be accessed. So those types of services are called logical services. Okay, so logical security is there; physical security is there. So network security and the parameter now understand that the cloud service provider, this one CSP, and the client both have a concern about the data's security. So understand this: This is the service provider, this is the building of the service provider datacenter, and this is you. Okay, it looks better—some sort of Mickey Mouse type. Okay, fine. So this is your data, somewhere on the clock. Here is the data that you are driving. Oka So your concern is for the data to be safe and secure. And so far as the cloud service provider is concerned, if the cloud service provider fails to secure your data, you will definitely no longer be a client or customer for that particular provider. Because the parameter is not clearly defined, there is definitely a negative impact on customer confidence, brand awareness, and overall security posture in Claude. That's why it is important to define where the service provider needs to provide the protection. So he's also providing protection, and you also have to provide protection, and you should be clear that the boundary for CSP ends here and the boundary for you begins here. So you have to be careful if he is encrypting the data; you must add one more encryption; or while you are adding or transferring data, you should be careful, as we will discuss in the upcoming slides. Thank you.

16. Cryptography

Hey guys, welcome to my next session. My name is Mukish, and next session we are learning about cryptography. CryptographHere, the cloud architecture and administrator should explore the appropriate encryption and access measures to ensure that proper separation of tenants' information and access is deployed within a public cloud environment. Okay, so the clot architecture and administrator now understand that this is a clot, and this is you, the administrator, or maybe your organization, which is not pretty good anyway. If you are accessing it, make sure there's a proper separation for the data. Your data is stored over here. So individuals would understand that these are the boundaries for the providers, and these are the boundaries for you to make sure your data is safe and that you have to secure it. Okay? So we will learn about data while it is at rest or while it is in motion transferring. So whose responsibility is it that proper security measures should have to be implemented while data is in motion, processed, or stored? So it is important when your data is at rest—it's locked, it's saved, for example—but when your data is moving, it's moving over the public network, over the Internet. The security threats are greater, so we have to make sure. So the best solution is to use the cryptography there. Okay, so we can go for cryptography. We will discuss that in more practical terms in the section on data in motion security. So data is being transferred from one end user, an endpoint laptop, desktop, smart device, and so on, to a web-facing service around the clock. So this is your clot. Suppose the data storage is this one, and this is you. Data is going, you are uploading something where this is an Internet service provider, and there are hundreds of millions of users connected over here. So security is required; the threat is greater here. So that is called "data in motion" when something is uploading or when something is downloading. So data is moving between machines within the cloud, including between different Claude services such as a web virtual machine and a database. So it is also like this is your storage in the cloud, and this is your web server, website, or server data moving within the cloud. So also, there is data in motion, but in this case, there is a service provider who has to take care of it, and in that case, that is you. You have to take care of it. So data traversal, trusted and untrusted network environments, Claude and non-Claude based environments, creating tunnels using IPsec, and so on. So let me explain it to you here. For example, suppose you are connected to the Internet service provider Internet, and you have the option of accessing it via your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop machine; via internet, you are connecting to a cloud service provider, such as Microsoft Azure. So in that case, when you are here, you have some sort of service, like infrastructure as a service or maybe platform as a service. For example, here you are using a virtual machine, or you are using a web server, and you are also using a storage device. This one is a hard disc drive. So if the data is here, that's fine. That's data at rest, and it is secure, for example. However, when data is in motion, you have downloaded Explorer and Storage Explorer to access that data. With the help of that, you are able to upload data to the hard drive and download data from the hard drive. But this is you going through this ISP, and there are hundreds of millions of users on the internet at the same time, and there is a threat to your data. Because you are connected to a public network, there is a chance that your data will be hacked. and it is not safe. So what you can do is explore the multiple technologies you can use. For example, Ipsecase There, you are creating a secure tunnel from the source to the destination. You are connected all over the public network, but none of the outside users can go and access what is in the tunnel. So you can use this IP tunnel or VPN tunnel to make your data safe and secure, and it can be done with the help of various technologies. So there is a tunnel—an SSL and TLS tunnel is there. The rest of the data is then secured. So where your data is at rest, it focuses on information or data that is stagnant or at rest, typically not in use within the system network or storage volume. So, if your data is inside the provider and is idle, it is not being used. Okay, so it is the cloud architecture that is going to decide which encryption protocol is best for the data. So Microsoft is using its own architecture and encryption to make it safe over here. But it is up to you when your data is in motion and when you are accessing it from here to use tunnelling or another method to make it secure. So in the next slide, we will talk about key management. Thank you.

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  • Oct 10, 2019

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  • Sep 24, 2019

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  • Jun 04, 2019

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