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CompTIA CTT+ TK0-201 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
CompTIA TK0-201 CompTIA CTT+ Essentials exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. CompTIA TK0-201 CompTIA CTT+ Essentials exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the CompTIA CTT+ TK0-201 certification exam dumps & CompTIA CTT+ TK0-201 practice test questions in vce format.
Let's talk a little bit about the in-person classroom setup that is setting up the classroom for in-person technical instruction delivery. As you can see in the picture here, this is a beautiful training lab. Everybody's got plenty of room. It looks organized; it looks clean. Everybody can see the whiteboard. They're going to be able to see the instructor. I hope you have the opportunity to teach in a lab like this. The truth of the matter is that you may not have any control over the environment, but to the extent that you do, you want to create an environment that's conducive to learning. So when students are comfortable and undistracted, they're free to learn and focus on the material that you're presenting them. So there are ways that you can make this happen for them. You can set up the seating so that everyone has plenty of room not only for themselves but also for any bags that they might bring or materials that they need to have at their desks. Give them space. And you want to set up seats so that everybody has a direct line of sight not only to you as you're teaching but also to your instructional media. If you have a presenter, excuse me, a presentation device, you can show slideshows. If you have a whiteboard, you need to make sure that every seat in the house can see it. Unobstructed lighting is important to give consideration to. If the lights are too dark, people can start squinting; they can actually start getting tired and feeling taxed without even noticing it. So it's important that you set the lights to be bright and that you use natural lighting to the extent that you have the ability to do that. Same with temperature. 70 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit, 21 to 22 degrees Celsius, are considered comfortable. If students are too hot or too cold, they'll be distracted. You're not going to be able to make everybody happy. There's always one or two that are going to be cold or hot, but be responsive to that feedback overall when it comes to the majority and try to make sure that everybody is comfortable. Cleanliness and organisation also contribute to undistracted learning. So make sure that everything is neat and tidy. When you're setting up your training space, you also need to think about your materials. So are materials already on the desk of every learner before they enter? Are things easily accessible if there are materials that they need to access during the course of the training? Make sure that's all set up before you start, and then another very important step—and you're going to get a lot of questions about this on the exam—is doing a technology test before you start. So you want to make sure that every computer is set up with the right software. You want to make sure that your laptop can get plugged in and that you can connect to the presentation screen. You might need to liaise with lab technicians to make sure this is all set up. You want to make sure tables are not going to present a tripping hazard for your students and that they're neat and tidy. You might need to bring whatever organisational device you have to keep cables in place. So these are important considerations before you get started in a class. And here's an example of how you might set up the class. As you can see in this lecture training style, every seat can see both the presentation screen and also the instructor as he or she speaks. As another option, you have the horseshoe kind of style, which allows the chairs and the desks to be along the perimeter of the room and the trainer to sit in the middle so that everyone can have an unobstructed view. So it's nice to think that, again, we could just come in and have all this set up, but that's not always the case. And it's your responsibility as a trainer to go through the process of making sure that this is all set up before you come and that you've done any necessary communication to make sure that the classroom is conducive to learning.
Let's talk about the virtual classroom setup. So for those of you who will be taking TK 203 about virtual teaching, you need to pay considerable attention to this. But quite frankly, given current technological advances (I'm actually recording this during the COVID-19 pandemic), more and more training is going to be done virtually as we move forward into the future. So getting yourself set up with some good equipment is going to be more and more important and will also give you flexibility as a trainer. You'll be able to take advantage of more opportunities, and you'll be able to do it from the comfort of your home. So you can see in our picture here that our instructor has a nice camera, and she's setup in a nice, clean, organised room and is projecting very professionally as she does her training. So there are some things to consider when purchasing a high-quality camera. You can get an HD webcam; they're about $100 now, and they're substantially better than the one that might come stock on your PC. So do some research into some affordable HD webcams that can give you a little bit better quality. Or if you really want to get some great quality, you can get an external DSLR camera that can interface with your PC. And a lot of YouTubers are using these now, and the quality of their videos is incredible. So if you can afford one of those, then by all means, that's a great option. Microphones: you want to be able to be heard clearly. Again, sometimes onboard computer microphones are not the best. It's nice to have something a little bit more professional. There are some really good condenser microphones available for around $100 or $150 that can significantly improve the quality of your sound. A lapel mic, which clips to your shirt and eliminates some of the background noise, is also an option. It just makes sure that the audio is coming straight from you and is nice and clean. lighting and background. Again, there are so many resources now on YouTube about how to create an excellent streaming picture so that you have light on your face and so that you look professional. There are some great resources for that. But yeah, a green screen can help. They're relatively inexpensive. You can even get one that clips on the back of your chair, and then you can have any sort of virtual backdrop. Some lighting is good; little ring lights to put some light on your face make a big difference. You can see mine here anyway; it's just a little thing that clips on my desk, but it makes a big difference in terms of the quality. and you may also have some external stage lights too. So I was thinking maybe you could leave a comment below about some of the equipment you're already using or plan on getting that's been working out for you. Some quality. You might even drop a link or two to some instruction that you've seen as to how to create great streaming video and streaming audio. any resources that you'd like to share with your classmates, please drop them below. But the point is, this is your classroom, so let's make sure that it looks neat and orderly. Whatever you have behind you is respectable, so that you can really present a professional look when you're teaching. Virtually.
Creating engaging presentations. So we're very comfortable using PowerPoint nowadays. It is a very common tool that is used when it comes to training and organisations because it's so easy to project it on a very large screen for everybody to see and because it is very versatile. But there is one thing to remember: that phrase you've probably heard before Death by PowerPoint. And this is where a trainer will stand in front of the class with some unappealing slides and redirect from them. And really, that is not teaching. That's something that you will get points markedoff on the performance based CTT Plus exam. It's also a concept that you might be tested on in the computer-based exam. So just remember that you're teaching; you're having a conversation and interacting with the students. But PowerPoints are supplementary. They're auxiliary ways of presenting the main points and contributing to the teaching that you're doing with your oral communication skills. So some things to remember with PowerPoint slides are to make them engaging but not distracting. So colour is good, but not every color. Animation is okay, but not every animation feature You don't want to use every tool to the point where it becomes distracting from what you're learning, but adding aesthetically pleasing elements can be engaging for the learner. about 15 words per slide. So again, you're not reading from the slide, but you're hitting main bullet points that provide an outline for your teaching and allow students to follow along with what you're teaching. Also, we have worksheets and handouts, and this is really helpful for visual learners, as we'll talk about further in the different types of learners that we have. But having something in your hands as a physical copy can help a lot of learners. but just make sure it's well designed. Give some consideration to the aesthetics—the font, the colour layout, the graphics. If there is a graphic design team in the organisation, you might pass it to them for comments or for them to touch it up. Make sure that it meets the standards of quality for the organisation and your standards of quality as a trainer. You also want these to be interactive, so they can be creative representations rather than simply regurgitations of the slides. So a lot can be said for presenting in a way that is engaging if we give some consideration ahead of time to the quality.
All right, so you've reached the end of your first domain, domain one, in your planning prior to the course. and we covered a lot of information in this section. So let's go over it quickly. We started by learning how to identify the organisation and learners' needs. This involves interviewing stakeholders in the organization and speaking to the learners themselves to make sure that the objectives of your course—the purpose of your course—really fill the needs of both the organisation and the learner and that there's real benefit to both parties. Then we talked about developing learning objectives. And remember that was a three-step process that started with this overall instructional goal, or that clearly defined high-level objective of the course, which then informed the creation of a topical outline where you would break out all the different subtopics. And then finally, a clear articulation of the learning objectives—that is, the practical skills and abilities that the learner will be going home with. So that is a process that is crucial to the design of your course and planning prior to the course. We also talked about assessing current skill levels. So before you get too deep into your course development, you do need to know what the learner already knows. And that way, you're creating a course that really touches on some fresh information and is captivating for the learner. We talked about the Addiemethodology for instructional design. Remember those five steps: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. So in the analysis step, that's discovering organisational learner needs and defining clearly the expected changes in learner behavior. And then in the design section, that's all about creating the materials, making them practical, engaging, and learner focused.And in the development That's when you create, sort of, a pilot of your program and do all the media creation. Maybe you even do a practise run of the technological demonstrations and an implementation; that's when you actually teach the course. You take care of the logistics of reserving a room and making sure the technology is in place before actually delivering the course. And in step five, evaluation, you look back on what you've done, analyse what needs to be done to improve the course, and also do some reflection on how you performed as a teacher. So remember, all those steps of the Addy methodology give you some real structure for how you develop a course. Finally, we talked about some training session logistics. How to set up a room, how to make sure a schedule is created, how to deliver materials on time We saw some examples on how to setup a classroom so everybody can see and create an environment that is comfortable and conducive to learning, making sure it's clean and orderly and that the temperature and lighting are appropriate for your learners. Again, we discussed something similar for the virtual environment: making sure you have a high-quality camera and microphone. You're familiar with the technology, and you still deliver a professional product, even though you may be teaching from home. And finally, we talked about creating engaging presentations, handouts, and worksheets that are aesthetically pleasing and accomplish a specific purpose. So, that is domain one. I hope you've enjoyed it. Please move on to the next section and go ahead and take the course. is for domain one. And you'll start getting ready for your CTT-Plus computer-based exam.
Being able to impart knowledge effectively is an art form. And there's a big difference between being a technical person, maybe being able to perform a technical task, and having the ability to teach a classroom of adult learners. and domain two draws that distinction even further. In this section, we're going to talk about methods and media of instructional delivery. So in this section, we're going to dive a little bit into educational psychology, for example, talking about how you can access the motivation of students and develop material in a way that touches their practical lives and helps them feel connected to you as an instructor. We're also going to talk about some theories of adult learning and how people gather new information and apply it. And you'll talk about different ways in the classroom to leverage your understanding of the human mind and how it learns to create effective courses. And then finally, we're going to talk about different presentation styles, some of the media that you'll use in class, and some of the different styles of teaching that you'll need to use in class. You'll need to have an understanding of these for the CTT Plus-based exam. But also, you will be demonstrating these different methods of delivery in the CTTPlus performance-based video submission. So let's dive into domain two.
So here we are: a domain, two methods, and media for instructional delivery. In this initial slide, we're going to talk about motivating, engaging, and facilitating. So when you're talking about a group of adult learners, the most important thing is that you tap into their motivation for being there. So you have to really put yourself in the shoes of the learner, so you can understand why they're there, what matters to them, and how the information that you're presenting to them is going to be practical for them on a day-to-day basis. When you understand that, you can create course material and ways of presenting methods of instruction that really tap into the learner's reasons for learning. So you have to know your audience a little bit. You could be in some sort of academy where you're teaching technical courses to people who are interested in getting into a career. So understanding a little bit about why they want to get into a career in that field For example, my experience comes from technical training with information technology. So sometimes with entry-level courses, people are interested in a career change. They're trying to do something challenging and new—perhaps get a bump in salary—or perhaps they're trying to make money because they have family members that they're taking care of. These are very personal motivators, but it's important for you to keep them in mind when you're teaching or may be dealing with career professionals. So these are, again, people who are perhaps trying to get into a different role in the organisation that they're in. They're trying to level up in their career for all different kinds of reasons. And this varies from student to student. So you want to understand collectively—generally for the entire class. But then you might even start to learn, over the course of your training, about individual students. Maybe in asking questions before and after class, you'll start to learn a little bit about their circumstances, and you'll get a good indication of what's important to them. and you can keep that in mind when you're creating the course and also when you're choosing the means of delivering the material. And then again, the question is: how will they use this information? So what is their specific job role? How will these specific tasks be implemented in their day-to-day? Understanding? That too will help you to highlight the points that are of particular interest to your learners. So after you've tapped into that motivation, the next task you have is to engage your audience. So you're not just going to give lectures. It's not going to be like a university campus lecture hall where the professor stands in front and talks for an hour and a half. Now, this is a technical training course. So your goal is to guide the student toward the acquisition of new knowledge. So when people go through this process of discovering new information for themselves, that new information tends to stick in their minds a little bit better. So your goal is to bring them into the learning process so that they can really attain this understanding for themselves. So this means interactive dialogue. You're not just giving speeches, but you're encouraging questions. You might do Q&A sessions; allow them to ask questions. You're going to ask open-ended questions to get people to think. You're going to create hypothetical situations to help them try to problem-solve. You're going to generate group discussions. So this means that nobody's just sitting in a chair waiting for the training to end, but they're involved in the course. And you're going to need to design your course and plan it in a way that facilitates that. And again, finally, when it comes to facilitating learning, we're talking about technical tasks. We're talking about tactile abilities. When you're using new hardware or new software, or when you're implementing a new process in an organization, students need to have the opportunity to practise it. So they have to get hands-on with the technology. They're going to learn by doing, through performing the new task. So remember that motivating, engaging, and facilitating You're going to guide the adult learners through the process of acquiring new understanding.
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