Microsoft Word MO-100 – Create and modify lists

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  • January 27, 2023
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1. 3.3.1 to 3.3.6 Create and Modify Lists

In the previous section of the course, we learned how to use tables to organize data and ensure a consistent and professional look and feel to groups of information. But you don’t have to use tables to organize collections of related data. You can also use lists. We all use this for everyday pieces of information, and you can do the same with Microsoft Word. There are a number of different ways to emphasize or separate the information in the list. These include creating bulleted, numbered and multilevel lists. If there is no priority among the items in a list, then a bulleted list will suffice. Applying numbers to a list can imply an order of importance to the items of data.

A multilevel list can be used when you want to show a progression of importance to the data items in the lists. Here you can see examples of the three types of lists. Let’s see how we can create a list from scratch. It’s simply a matter of pressing the Return key after each item in the list. So we have first subfirst 2nd 3rd that’s a simple list. Creating a bulleted, numbered or multilevel list is achieved by simply selecting the list of items and clicking on one of the predefined list styles available on the Paragraph group on the home ribbon. As I select each one, you can see the effect. Of course, the multilevel list in this case doesn’t look any different because all of the items in the list are at the same level. If I add a couple of items beneath the first item, select those items and then click on the Indent button.

Here you can see the effects when I select the multilevel option. Each one of these slides has a number of variations which can be viewed and selected by clicking the arrow at the right edge of each button. For example, when I click the arrow at the right of the Bullets button, the available Bullet style formats display in the Bullet library. The arrow at the right of the Numbering button displays various numbering styles, and the same is true for multilevel list options. To change the format of the style, I can just click the arrow at the right edge of the appropriate style and then click the format I want to apply. When you apply one of the available styles, Word automatically applies the style using the last format that I’ve selected. For example, if the last bullet style format you use was a Tick box bullet, then the next time you click the Bullets button, word will apply the Tick Box Bullet style.

Once I’ve finished using the list style, then I can stop applying it by clicking on the List style once again. So each time I add an item to the list, the Tick box bullet is used. When I press Return again and now click on the Number style option, the use of bullets is terminated. The alternative way to do this is to press the return key twice and this will return the document to normal text format. Word automatically reorganizes information within a list so when I move, cut or add items Word as the appropriate bullet or number and renumbers the list as required. When I select any of the list style options, notice that in each case one of the available styles is highlighted. The highlighted option is the default one that will be used when you apply that style to any list. However, you can change the default by just clicking on the style that you want the next time I use that option.

Notice in each case that the new default is applied within any individual document. The last bullet or numbering or multilevel list format that was applied will be the format that’s applied when the bullet numbering or multilevel list button is clicked again. However, if you open another document, the default bullet numbering or multilevel format will be applied. You can define new customized style formats by using the defined new option which is available on each of the list style options. For example, I can select the Define New Bullet option and this dialogue now allows me to select a symbol, picture or font that I want to use as the basis for the new bullet. I select the Picture option and now I navigate to where the Excel logo is located. Once I select the picture, I can see a preview of the bullet and I can change the alignment if necessary. The new bullet is now available in the library when I click on the list style library once more, creating new styles for the numbered and multilevel lists works in the same way. Let’s say I want a new number format which has the Word part in front of each of the numbers I want in the list.

I go through the arrow beside the numbering list style and select the Defined new number format option. This invokes the appropriate dialog. And now I can add the Word part into the number format box and select the style I want. Here I’ll select the one, two, three, etc. Option and you can see in the preview how this style will look. I can change the font and color and so on, and it’s shown in the preview window. Now when I press OK, the new style is available for selection in the library. There may be occasions when you may include a numbered list in the document, then return to the normal paragraph formatting to insert some text, and then you want to return to the numbered list again. Consider this piece of text. The key elements considered at the meeting were the following one introduction, two impacts of climate change and three presentation by Greta Thunberg.

The meeting then broke up into small group sessions to consider the points that have been raised in the first three parts of the meeting. Following these discussions, we resume to consider the following issues one, tree planting. Two effective deforestation and three reducing the national heritage. Now, when I apply a number style to the first three items, we get one, two and three. But what happens when I apply the same number format to the item following the piece of text? Well, as you can see, the numbering begins at one. Again, I don’t want that for continuity. I want the numbering to resume at four. To restart the numbering, I click the point to be reset and then on the Home tab in the Paragraph group, I can click the arrow for numbering and click Set Numbering Value, which invokes the following dialogue. Now I have a number of options. The one I want to use is Set Value Two and I can click here to change the number to four. The other options allow me to start a new list which indicates that from the selected point onwards you want to start a new list.

I can continue from previous list and indicate that this list is a continuation of a previous list. At the same time, I can set the starting number if I wish. The Advanced Value Skip Numbers option becomes active only if you’re continuing from another list and you can use this to indicate you need to set a different value as the starting number. As you’ve seen earlier in this lecture, you can create a list with levels of topics using a multilevel list. This is useful when list items are not titles or headings, but you want to prioritize the topics in order for it to apply. The appropriate numbering to an existing text tab must be used with the text to donate the different levels. You can press Tab to demote Text or shift Tab to promote text. Alternatively, you can click the Increase Indent or Decrease Indent buttons in the Paragraph group of the Home tab to demote or promote text accordingly. I’ll modify the text index list to add some more information. For illustration, when I press the tab key, the text moves inwards and you can see that it has a different numbering system applied.

This will be whatever is the current default multilevel list style which has been set. If I click beside the item currently numbered two and click the Indent icon, you can see that it now becomes part of the second level of the multilevel list as item C. The multilevel list size can be applied either to existing text or as you type. There are a variety of numbering formats that you can choose for the list by clicking a format in the List library. As I click on each one, you can see the effect. You can also change the level for an item in a list by clicking anywhere in that item. And then on the home tab, in the paragraph group, click Multilevel list and click Change list level. I can now select the level I want to apply the defined new multilevel list option invokes the following dialog there are a lot of options on this menu I can foresee select the level of the list that I want to modify. I select level three. Now I can customize the way I want that level to look. If I change the number formatting, its font type and the number style. I could also change the alignment and position of the invent here also if I wanted to. You should experiment with these effects options to see the effects. In the next section of the course, we’re going to learn all about how to use references, a word which is particularly important for long documents. See you there.

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