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HRCI PHR Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
HRCI PHR Professional in Human Resources exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. HRCI PHR Professional in Human Resources exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the HRCI PHR certification exam dumps & HRCI PHR practice test questions in vce format.
As we all know, HR professionals do much more than provide administrative support for an organization. HR leaders should work in partnership with executives within their organizations, highlight the strategic importance of human resources, and enable the HR function to work strategically. HR leaders will also play several key transformational roles. As HR strategists, they participate in creating realistic strategies for an organisation by sharing their knowledge of the organisation's human capital and capabilities. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the organization's human capital enables them to provide realistic information and advice. As HR architects, they have a broad view of the organisation and its business environment. They are able to identify and interpret connections between business and human issues and to effectively address those issues. As HR facilitators, they work with groups as well as with individuals. HR leaders bring together resources, focus attention, and ensure that good decisions are made and quickly implemented. And as communicators, they help employees understand strategic change by communicating in terms of competencies and the impact that change will have on each area of the business. This helps to minimise the stress of change and provide employees with a game plan for success. The capabilities needed by HR leaders to fulfil their roles in a strategic business partnership include emotional intelligence. This involves the ability to perceive, understand, and manage your own and others' emotions of others.HR leaders with high emotional intelligence are aware of the feelings and perspectives of employees. This helps them motivate people, build teams, and initiate and manage change. For HR leaders, system thinking involves going beyond human capital to understand how the entire organisation and its environment interact and affect one another. And a strong leader has the skills and the vision to communicate the connections between business issues and human resources, as well as to model enthusiasm for change. Combined with a high level of understanding of the organization's business functions Organizations. Politics. Marketplace. And customers. An HR leader will understand the framework of the business model and how each department contributes to it. how to manage the political environment. What's coming in the marketplace in order to have insight into what talent will be needed in the future? and the various types of customers and their specific needs as they relate to the company's strategy.
EHR skills and concepts. Review before we move on. We are going to pause for a moment so that you can answer some review questions. The main objective of a communication strategy is to ensure the continuous, smooth flow of productivity. Which options are specific functions of an effective communication strategy? Employees and management collaborate to make decisions in this section. Employee motivation increases when employees know how to receive and extract information based on facts and when they follow management decisions. And here we have the option to compare. Option One. This option is correct. A communication strategy that supports two-way communication develops and maintains employee relations in an organization. Employees and management jointly work on our decisions. Some employees recognise that management values their competencies and contributions. Option Two: This option is correct. Open communication systems play an important role in creating trusting working relationships and positive attitudes and in increasing motivation, creativity, and adaptability, all of which establish employee involvement. Option Three: This option is correct. Having a communication strategy reduces miscommunication and its consequences because it clarifies the challenge of communication so that everyone knows how to receive or extract information based on fact, not rumor. Option Four: This option is incorrect. An effective communication strategy provides communication channels that empower employees to make decisions that comply with the organization's goals and objectives. This, in turn, clarifies common objectives. Employees need to work and make decisions on their own based on their organization's goals and objectives. There are five main steps that can help you create an organised presentation. Order the steps that are done to create a presentation from first to last. Here are the options Determine the loaded time, define the purpose of the presentation, identify supporting facts, and choose an approach to use. and this is the answer for you to compare. The first step is to determine the allotted time. The amount of detail that you can go into depends on how much time you have available. You often have to allow at least five minutes for interruptions during your presentation and at least ten minutes for questions at the end. The second step is to define the purpose of the presentation. When planning your presentation, you need to have a good idea of what you want to achieve with it. For example, determine what specific action you'd like your audience to take as a result of your presentation. The first step is to identify support. A careful selection of information is essential if you want to avoid losing your audience. Don't include irrelevant facts simply because they are interesting or amusing. Every fact you include must help to illustrate, support, expand on, or back up the purpose of the presentation. The final step is to choose an approach to present your information. You might select a time-scale approach, problem-solving approach, or storytelling approach. Other options include contrast and comparison or question and answer. Make sure your approach is appropriate for your message and your audience. The HR leader must have a seat at the strategy planning table and most likely also manage the work of the HR professionals in the organisation as they implement the organisational strategy. Which activities describe key transformational roles that help HR leaders implement strategy? Here are the options sharing knowledge of the company's human capital, identifying connections between business and human issues, helping teams function efficiently and productively, minimising the stress of change, focusing on HR departmental activities, managing the team, and providing work directives And here we have the answer. Option One. This option is correct. Sharing knowledge of the organization's human capital and capabilities and identifying business opportunities that leverage a company's human capabilities is a strategic role that helps create realistic organisational strategies. Option Two: This option is correct. By taking on an architect's role, HR leaders are able to identify and interpret connections between business and human issues and create the capacity to address these issues. HR architects have a broad view of the organisation and its business environment. Option Three: This option is correct. HR facilitators work with groups as well as with individuals to help them function efficiently and ensure that alliances are productive. HR facilitators monitor and evaluate change and also ensure that skills, knowledge, and capacity can cross alliance boundaries. Options for this option are correct. In the role of communicator, HR leaders can minimise the stress of change by helping employees to understand the strategic change. HR leaders can do this by communicating the change in terms of competencies and the implications of the change for each area of business. Option Five: This option is incorrect. HR leaders should have a broad, rather than a focused or narrow view, of the organisation and its activities in the role of an architect to interpret the connection between business and employee issues. and Option Six; this option is incorrect. Although HR leaders must manage the work of other HR professionals, this is not the type of key transformational role that helps them implement strategy. HR leaders need certain capabilities in order to fulfil their roles in a strategic business partnership. Which actions are examples of leadership capabilities that help them to engage strategically? Here we have the options of understanding the emotions of others, recognising how people impact an entire system, communicating connections, interviewing candidates, and/or managing conduct. and this is the answer for you to compare. Option One. This option is correct. The ability to perceive, understand, and manage your own and others' emotions is the capacity of emotional intelligence. HR leaders with high EQ are aware of the feelings and perspectives of employees. This helps them motivate people, build teams, and initiate and manage change. Option Two: This option is correct. The ability to recognise how actions, people, and structures impact an entire system is the capacity for systems thinking. For HR leaders, system thinking involves going beyond human capital to understand how the entire organisation and its environment interact with and affect one another. Option Three: This option is correct. Having the capacity for leadership and vision means having the leadership skills and vision to communicate the connections between business issues and human resources and to model enthusiasm for change. Option Four: This option is incorrect. Interviewing and selecting candidates for positions is a core task that HR professionals are involved in without the leadership capability required to fulfil strategic business partnerships. And option five is incorrect. HR professionals often must manage and deal with conduct issues among employees. But this is not a capability that helps HR leaders engage strategically.
HR concepts and applications. Human relations concepts and applications, such as emotional intelligence and organisational behavior, will be introduced in the first three HR Concepts and Applications chapters. Frederick Taylor pioneered scientific management, which theorised that productivity could be increased by using performance standards developed through the use of systematic observation and experimentation. Taylor believed that there was also one method of completing work that maximised efficiency, and that one best method could only be discovered or developed through scientific study and analysis. His approach involved breaking a task down into components that could be studied to find the most efficient way of completing the task from a different perspective. El Tomio conducted landmark research that led to what became known as the Human Relations Theory of Management. Maya's research looked at work from a humanistic perspective, focusing on what motivates workers both as individuals and as a social system. Building on the tenets of Taylor's work, Mayo theorised that efficiency could increase productivity to a point, but further increases could only be gained by motivating the individual workers. Further advancements necessitate managers recognising the social nature of work by encouraging teamwork, rotating workers between jobs, and achieving work experiences with higher levels of employee discretion. The Human Relations Theory was based on a series of studies that Mayor conducted at the hotel plant of the Western Electric Company in Chicago, originally looking to test the premise that the main determinant of productivity was the work environment. He tested the productivity of groups of workers under different lighting conditions. However, what he found was that the productivity of the workers in each group increased. From that, he concluded that productivity was not due to the workers' physical environment but rather to the fact that each of them had been singled out for attention. They felt valued by the experience, and they were inspired to be more productive.
From a theoretical perspective, according to the theory of human relations, productivity is tied to managing social and personal factors such as camaraderie, recognition statues, and group support, as well as managing industrial relations through good communication, cooperation, and consent between workers and management. Further, this theory is concerned with the interrelationship between an organization's requirements and the characteristics of its members. states that work satisfaction is based on recognition, security, and being part of a team, and managers must be personally involved with workers and focus on their emotional wellbeing. And efficiency is based on inspiring and motivating workers to be more productive. So to be successful today, organisations need to be highly efficient, flexible, and productive. At the same time, they face a number of challenges. Globalization and rapid global communication through technologies like the Internet often result in increased competition and increased diversity of the workforce, which means it is necessary to manage differently in order to achieve stability. The shift towards smaller, more flexible virtual teams and increased use of strategies like outsourcing and changing attitudes about the employer-employee relationship, including a greater focus on work-life balance, The common thread in these challenges is their relationship to the way people behave and interact with each other. Organizational behaviourists divide human behaviour into three levels: the individual, with behaviour driven by personal characteristics and attitudes; the group, with members who have a need to communicate and coordinate their activities to achieve a common goal; and the organization, where collective behaviours affect employees and are in turn affected by the operating environment. Also, know that groups are not the same as teams. The people in a group have their own responsibilities, and they are typically managed so that their efforts support the common goal. In a team, everyone participates in shaping the team's single goal, often under the direction of a team leader. Then they work on individual tasks and communicate their results to the team.
A written code of conduct provides a framework to guide the daily actions and decisions of employees by letting them know exactly what is expected and what is unacceptable. In addition to establishing and publishing expected behaviors, a code of conduct helps build collective identity and supports existing ethical attitudes and the people who already behave ethically. It also provides a measuring stick for people to use in self-evaluation and establishes a framework for professional behavior. Professional ethical codes and standards are generally more focused versions of common ethics. Adjust for the specifics of a particular corporation, organization, or industry. Several major areas should be addressed inevery code of conduct confident, inappropriate useof confidential information is unethical. Employees with access to this information are ethically and often legally obligated to maintain its confidentiality. Conflict of Interest: Whenever an employee stands to personally gain from an action taken by the organization, there is potential for a conflict of interest. Any code of conduct should make it clear that even the appearance of a conflict of interest is damaging to the organisation and is to be avoided. Use of the organisational code of conduct should clearly state what is and isn't appropriate for the use of organisational assets. This often includes personal use of computers and printers, the Internet, and even the employee's worktime and integrity, which can be defined as a firm adherence to a code of values. People and corporations show integrity when they do the right thing, even when it means passing up on greater profits for opportunities.
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