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ServiceNow CSA Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
ServiceNow CSA ServiceNow Certified System Administrator exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. ServiceNow CSA ServiceNow Certified System Administrator exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the ServiceNow CSA certification exam dumps & ServiceNow CSA practice test questions in vce format.
in service now. All the users who are actually present in the system can be divided into two types. At high levels, there are two types of users. One is the group of people who use the service now, and the other is the group of people who configure the service now. Processes. Simply put, one configures the processes in ServiceNow, and others use those configured processes. As I said, as someone is configuring the process, the people who can configure it are nothing but the administrators or admins. On the other side we haveusers who use the configured processes. These guys can again be divided into two types. There are rolled persons and non-rolled persons. Role players are people who play at least one role. It could be a simple approval role, a high-level iTile role, or any role as a role. There are many roles in the service system. If a person has a role, he is nothing more than a role person. But the important person which we need toknow about is ITIL person the other person. I mean, if there is a person who doesn't have any roles, he is called the end user. So overall, we could say that the people who utilise the service in its current configuration can be divided into two types. There are rolled persons and non-rolled persons. Non rolled Persons Typically, their role in ServiceNow is limited to raising tickets. It could be a change, request, or incident. But they can only raise the tickets. They won't be able to work on those tickets. ITR people are the ones who work on those tickets. This is very important to understand because we are the people who can administer the service now. which means we are going to configure the whole service. service now processes. These configured processes are utilised by the users in a company like this.
As discussed earlier, everything in service now is in the form of tables and records. The same way, all the user records or all the group records do the same thing. There is a table called "user," and whatever record is stored over there, that is nothing but the user profile or user record. The same way, if you are opening a group table and you create any record that is nothing but a group, the same thing goes for the roles. Furthermore, role is a table, and we are creating records over it. Let's start with configuring the user administration. like doing the user administration. Just type user administration. You can see the application menu over here in user administration. And now you can see all the links related to that. Let's say we are going to the user table. So this is the user table. What you're seeing right now is all the records, and there are 575 users. which means there are 575 records in the user table there are 575 records.Let me minimise this lift navigation pin. These are all the existing or current users in the system. Let's check out a user. Now we are opening the form layout of the user table. There are certain fields that are related to this particular user. These are nothing but the details of the user. The first thing is a user ID. I would say there are two important or crucial things. Two details are very crucial for a user. One thing is the user ID, and then the password. How can a user log into the Service Now system? It is through the user ID. If I want to log in as this person—this approver user—then what I have to do is, while logging in, put in the credentials of this approver and his password. So that is the reason why the user ID is very important. And the second thing is email. Whenever an email is sent for this particular user It will be sent to this particular email. So this is also very important. Along with this, there are other details like his first name, his last name, title, department, password, language, and whether he's an active user or not. If he's not active, then he will not be able to log into the system. This is the basic outlook for the user. Let's try to create a new user. So how can we create a new user? Just come to the user table, where you'll be able to see all the lists of current users. You'll be seeing the new button over the top. Just click on the "new" You'll be redirected to a page where you can create a new user. You can fill in the details of the user. Let's say John Paul. His first name is John and his last name is Paul, and his email will be something like John Paul at the rate of one, two, three. We can set his language to English now that only English is available There is a plugin called Localization through which you can activate any other language, like Dutch or German, or anything. That's it. I can set some passwords for him. For now, just let's say I'm saving the record. That's it. The user profile has been created. Now let's come back to our user records. I'm typing the usernames again. So instead of going there, what I can do is come over to this history and click on this. We can see that John Paul has been created. A user is created. This is how we create users. The next thing is creating a group. Even for that, just go to the user administration. Underneath it, we can see this group. Once we click on it, it will be redirected to the groups page, where we will be able to create any new group. These are the existing groups. There are 27 groups right now. Let's say I'm going to an existing group. There are certain details that are to be filled in, like name, manager, description, group, email, and all. Let's start creating a new group. Let's call the team a name. As Oracle Support team, I can setany manager for this particular group. We can set any group email, and certain descriptions can also be set. Let's save the record. That's it. The group is also created. Finally, we have what is known as the roles. This is again the same thing. There is a table called Roles, and it has records. If you want to create any role, just cometo this table and click on New and youwill be able to create a new role. Before creating, let's try to understand certain important roles. I would say there are two key personnel in service now. One is the admin. This is the role that gives us access to almost everything in service now. Just now we have added a group. We have created a group. We have created a user. This cannot be done by everyone. Only certain people can do it. and admin is the guy who can do it. We can create business rules; we can create configurations. We can create a workflow only if we have an admin role. Then there are ITIL users, who are very important people. The person who has the ITIL role will have access to all the basic ITSM modules like incident, problem, and change. So he will be able to create the records. He will be able to modify the records or incidents. He will be able to assign the tickets to himself. Or he can assign the tickets to other team members. All these things can be done by the ITL person. To get assigned to a particular ticket, you must have the ITL role. If you are an end user officially, you shouldn't be assigning a ticket to that end user. ITL is very important. So what can an ITL do? He can utilise the service now, for instance, like creating the tickets, moving the tickets ahead, and all that, but what can the admin do? He can configure the process; he can configure what the ITL can see. He can configure, by which I mean once the ITL submits a request, what should happen to the workflow for that? Whom should that be assigned to? Automatically, all these things are done by the admin. Now if we want to assign users certain roles, how can we do that? And also, how can we get these users under one group? One way is to go to the user record. Assume that we have created John Paul and want to assign him to the Oracle Support Group that we have created. If we open the user record, we'll be able to see two important related lists One is roles, another is groups. If I click on edit here, we'll be able to see the slash bucket, wherein this is called the slash bucket inservice Now all the roles that are present in the service are shown on the left side, and I can add them by double clicking them or I can select them and just push this extra. I mean, by clicking the right arrow, it automatically adds that particular role to the user, and then finally, I can save the record depending upon the rules we have added it has added certain It.Let's say, as you have seen, that I have added an asset role. There are certain roles which are child whichare children to this particular asset role. Because of that all the other roles are also added. If I go to the settings or personalised list, if I say granted by inheritance, you can also see that all these things are actually inherited true, which means they are not assigned directly but were inherited by some other rule. In this case it is from the asset the same thing. Let's see, regarding the groups, how we can add a user to a particular group. So, let's look for our Oracle group, and that's it. Now this user is part of this Oracle support team. So that's it. This is how we create user groups and roles and also assign them to appropriate roles and groups. This is one way of assigning users to groups. The other way is, before I do that, let me remove the existing roles and groups from the user. Again, I can use the history, so instead of going to the users, I can directly go to the history and click on the list on the link How can I remove the roles? Just click on Edit. Just remove the group that you don't want him to be a part of. That's it. Now he's removed from the group sameway let me remove the rules also. Now this user doesn't have any role andalso he's not part of any group. Let's go to the groups. Now, the other way of assigning a user to a particular group and how we can assign roles to that particular user I'm going to the Oracle Support Team. I can add the roles over here directly. If anyone is part of this Oracle Support Team, then he must and should have, let's say, an ITIL role. Now what happens is that if I add any users to this group through this related list, automatically, that person will get the rule. Let's see how it works. This is the user whom we have just now created. Now. He's a part of this group called the Oracle Support Team. Now if I go to the user, we'll be able to see the same things, like the roles and the groups in which the user is part of. As you can see, there are six roles assigned to him. This is because of inheritance. All those are inherited from this group, Oracle Support Team, so this is how we can assign rules to a particular user. And also, this is how we add group members. What is the best method for assigning roles to your users? I would say the best way is always through a group. Do not assign any roles to the user directly. Instead, create a group, add the roles to that group, and then add the user to that particular group. This is the best way to add a rule to a particular user, the user administration, the creation of users, user profiles, groups, and roles, and also how we can assign them to particular users.
Till now we have seen howusers can be created manually.Now let's see another way for this whichis automation related to the user creation majorly.Almost, I would say almost was most ofthe companies who are using a service now,they use LDAP integration to create the users.This is nothing but the sourceof creation of user records.So let's see how the LDAP can be configured.We are not going deep into the configuration,we are just going at high level.What are the settings that need to beconfigured will be discussed in this current session.For that first we need to go to the LDAP.Just type LDAP and here you willbe able to see create new server.You can create a new server basicallyfirst let's understand what exactly LDAP is.LDAP is a protocol.It's a protocol to access an active Directory.Active Directory is an type of application which storesthe user data and also the group data.If you are taking any organization, the users intheir organisation are stored in an active directory usersand also as I said, group membership also.Now what we are going to do isin ServiceNow we are going to integrate ourservice now system with that Active Directory.This will actually fetch all the details fromthat active directory to the service now system.How we can do it is basicallywe need to configure this integration disintegration.How we are going to configure basically, weneed to first initiate the LDAP servers.We need to create the LDAP server records.We already have an existing LDAP server created by the servicenow which is an out of the box recorded first.As I said, we need to configure the LDAP server,the server which is holding the active directory records.Once we add up that particular server URL, thenwe need to configure the username and password.We just need to mention the login distinguishedname which is nothing but the username andalso the password for that particular user.And then where exactly shouldwe search in the directory? As I said, it is an active directory. We need to know it has lots of details in it. We need to give the proper path, like where exactly do we need to search? We should also give some name for our reference, the name of this LDAP server.Once it is created, we need to configure the OUI definition organisation unit one for each class.I would say group is a class and users is another class.So for groups, let's get into the OUI definition.We need to give the relative distinguished name which is CN equal to users.Depending upon this filter it will give us the recordsonce we get the data from the tactile directory.Where should the data be stored? It is mentioned over this table right now.As I said, this is a groups Ou definition.We are going to the target table will be group table.Let us come back again and let's seehow the user Ou definition is present.Now in this users in this users Ou definitionyou can see that there is a different filter.Based upon this filter it will fetch only the user recordsand you can also see that the table is user table.So this is how you aregoing to configure the Ou definitions.Ou definition is nothingbut organisational unit definition.One for each class, one forusers and another for groups.And then we have the data source.In this data source we are going to configurethis LDAP server and we are going to linkthis LDAP server and the transform map.Once we get the data from theactive directory, how should it transform? What field should be mapped to what field? Like in Active Directory, we are getting the group name, we are getting the group manager name, and we are getting the group description. How should we map it? We will discuss data sources and transform apps in further classes with our fields, our group table fields that are defined in the transform map.Once we are integrated with the active directory, then the data source comes into play.And once the data from the active directory comes to the service now, the data source and transform map will get run, and then the entire data will be transformed to the user and groups table.
At many points, we'll be in a situation where we might need to check whether our functionality is working fine or not for other users. In that case, what we usually do is login with the other user's credentials. As an admin, we need to sign off or log out from our system and then sign in with other users' credentials. But in service now, there is a feature called impersonation. This impersonation feature actually helps us when checking or logging in as a different user. Simply put, impersonating a user As we can see right now, systemadministrator is shown over here, which means the current user is the system administrator. If I click on it, we have an option called impersonate user. This option enables us to select any of the users existing in the current system. Assume I want to check or log in as Joey, an employee who is also an end user in the current system. Usually what should happen is what should actually Ido is I should log out as an adminand log in with the credentials of joey employee. Instead, I can directly click on the user with this impersonation feature. What it does is it logs in as joey employee. Now we can see that "Joey Employee" has been displayed over here, which means the current user is Joey Employee. As you can see, this person's end user is able to see only three applications, which are self-service, password reset, and collaboration. He doesn't have access to other application windows. When we logged in as the admin, we were able to see lots of application menus because that particular person or that particular user has roles to access those application menus. But this guy doesn't have those roles, because of which he is not able to see the application menus. We can also create incidents, and whatever incident is created will be opened by this guy. Let's say if I'm going to create an incident, what happens is that you can see that the caller is Joey, an employee. So it's not admin; I'm actually an admin but impersonated an end user, who is this Joey employee. If I create any incident, if I update any ticket, or whatever I do, the system will treat me as Joe's employee only, not the system administrator. In the same way, I can also impersonate any user in the system. It could be ITL; it could be some other admin. I just need to search for the user over here, and when I get the proper person, let's say first of all, let me impersonate the admin back. Now if I try to impersonate someone, let's say I want to impersonate my tutor. Yes, I did find him. Now I have logged in as an Apple tutor. So this is how we can impersonate users and verify whether proper access is provided to that person or not, or whether certain functionalities are working for this particular user. user or not. This is major. used for testing purposes.
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