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Last Update: Jan 07, 2025
Download Free EX0-001 Exam Questions
Exam | EX0-001 - ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011) |
Size: | 482.38 KB |
Posted Date: | Saturday, October 25, 2014 |
# of downloads: | 558 |
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Is still valid???
No, they changed many of questions, and this dunmp is no more valid since long time (more than 1 year)
Do we have an update on this exam - is it still valid
Is the premium 424 file valid? has anyone used the dump and passed the exam with it?
Passed 2-24-17 This dump is about 20% valid. FOR SURE NEW QUESTIONS! Its overkill with the 400 questions, I used the Exin.Testinside.ITIL.v2014-04-17.by.Rachel.210q.vce and I would say 30-40% of the questions were on it. If you dont know about Service desk processes I would not use just this to pass.
Is this still valid?
Hello any idea if this is still valid?
Hi all, can anyone nearly take the exam using this dump ? Still valid ?
not valid
Is this valid, anyone went to the exam?
I got the premium dump version 14 as per syllabus 2011, 424 questions but not sure whether it is still valid to sit for exam. Could anyone confirm please ?
No longer valid. Bout 19 items out of 40 is at the exam. Need to get 26 to pass.
This dump is not valid. Exam questions have changed. Waiting for an updated version.
This forum is very quiet. No one is replying, seems people are going to some other forum. Any info?
I am also waiting to attempt the exam.
ITILv3 OR ITIL2007 is old syllabus. Current one is called ITIL 2011 OR ITILv3 2011.
There are minor differences in these two syllabus (only few processes changed/renamed/removed).
Hi, Anyone attempted?
Hi guys whats the difference between ITIL 2011 foundation and ITIL v3 foundation?
Dear szlaciba,
Many thanks for sharing your experience.
Kindly confirm which Dumps did you use?
Today I passed with 79% with own collection, not from this dump. I confirm, that new questions arrived and from Jan Exin will incerase the exam price too.
Please share updated dump file.
From EX0-117.v2014-06-17.by.DOMINIQUE.238q
But only the 30% of the questions was from this dump.
Thanks for sharing your valuable experience. Which dumps did you prepared?
Anyone else has attempted the exam recently?
Kindly share your experiences to help others.
Exin had changed the exam questions I guess. I tried last week, but failed.
Please anyone share if passed using which dumps?
Can anyone please share if passed recently?
Exin had change the exam and much question after a long time, you need to be patient to have the new exam vce
Which dump can i use so
Passed the exam today. Around 50-60% question are found in the vce file.
passed the exam on 30. June 2016, got 68%. Only few questions were from the dump, maybe 30%.
Can anybody explain is this dump actual for prometric or PearsonVue provider?
I passed yesterday with 90%. Using this dump. tq
Barely Passed with 65%. Studied Sam 424 vce & Neki 231 vce. both Dumps are Outdated and only cover 30-40%. U need to have some sort of understanding pf the topics to pass. Good luck
Passed today with 78% in Auckland, NZ. I studied both Sam 424Q and 339Q but they could only cover up to 40% of exam questions. 60% are new, like FND08 technology and architecture, I even got 0 from this section. You can still get 65% to pass if you study these two dumps and able to understand them.
Is this dump still valid? Can anyone confirm please?
still valid?
Up till 2 months ago this dump was 100% valid. Can anyone confirm it's no longer valid? if yes, where to find the updated and valid dump. Thnx
Is this still valid in the Netherlands?
Can anyone confirm if this dump is valid in South Africa.
Not Valid!! only 40% in the actual exam
is this still valid?
Not valid. Only 30-40% in the actual exam.
Hi All, can anyone already passed the exam with SAM dump, confirm that there is no exam code in pearson VUE it's only named "TIL-Foundation: ITILĀ® Foundation" ?
Hey sundiata can you let us know after the test? I am taking the test next week aswell.
I am am taking my test next week. I have been studying Megan 297 and Darlene 270. I am hoping this one includes most of their questions.
Which version should be used for this VCE file, Had anyone converted it into PDF ?
Got 100%. Still valid
dump on point, got 100%.. its extremely difficult for one to fail this exam when you have studied this dumps
the dump is still valid South Africa passed 100%
sam you the man
Premium Exam Is Valid in Egypt I Passed 95%
Premium Exam 238Q
Premium Exam Is Valid I Passed Today 38/40 In Egypt
Premium Exam Is 238 Q
Valid %100 Percent!! Passed 29.04.2016 with 100 in Turkey! Thanks SAM you're the man!
hi. I Failed today with score 48% Please I need help
100% Valid in Egypt
valid, pass today ITIL-Foundation with 95% Pearson Vue
Thank you SAM
Please advise how to open this VCE file?
Passed using this dump but I think it's overkill. Better off using the other dump because it's less questions
HELP ME!!! I don't understand very well if this dump is good for exam ITILF; I don't find exam with code EX0-001 on Pearson VUE or Prometric. Thanks in Advanced
passed 100% valid. all questions from this study material are on the test. I recommend studying youtube videos to understand how the itil framework works. learn the questions and answer and not just the answers because you will get confused.
Passed 100%
you can study only the dump has 238.
Please advise how to open this VCE file
Guys is this 424 question bank better than the 238 premium? It's a big difference of questions to study.
valid, pass today with 80% Pearson Vue
please anyone anser me if the premium exam or Sam exam is valid for AXELOS itil V3 foundation exam,very urgent
I have to pass the exam itil foundation v 3 EX0-001 Axelos in person vue, please say me if exam by SAM 424q or premium exam with 238 is valid to pass , please help me
This dumb is awersome :-), i passed today with 92%. Sam you are the man .
100% valid in Bahrain. Passed today.
passed today in UAE with Pearson VUE. 100% valid.
It's a ton of questions, but still valid as of last week. 40/40 appeared. United States, PearsonVUE
Hi, is it still valid for Exin ITIL Foundation?
Hi. can somebody confirm that ex0-001 is the same exam offered by Pearsonvue with the name ITIL-Foundation?
Thanks in advance
Passed today in Canada @ 97%, this dumb rocks
Passed 491/500 - Colombia (29/02/2016)
anyone did in australia
Has anybody taken this exam using EXIN Anywhere exams? are the questions/answers the same as prometric?
Hi, Anyone please send VCE simulator setup file for this Dump. I have downloaded 3.2 version but this dump is not opening
I am planning for ITIL foundation exam, can anyone please share his/her experience on the test as well as rate this dumps validity?
Excelent dump, valid, passad score 83%
Anyone passed this week?
Passed today with 92%. All questions were from this dump.
From India. Scheduled in Pearson. Exam name: ITIL 2011 Foundation. Passed with this dump. Scored 100%. All questions are from this dump. All the best to all who are preparing for this course.
Valid,passed today on 22 Feb.
Good luck everyone
valid, pass today with 100% Pearson Vue
Is anyone passed ITILF Pearson VUE from this dumps?
Is this dump still valid?
Is the dump still valid ?
Dumps still valid. I've got 97/100! Thanks Sam!
is the dump still valid ?
Is this still valid, pls help me, i have a exam tommorow!!!
Dump is 100% valid in Prometric. Pass the exam today with 93% marks. Thanks for the share
Valid 100% Peru , Prometrics
Great it is valid... passed with 100% score
Please if possible send me the PDF to jpuentes21@yahoo.com
Thanks so much!!!
Hi, now i am preparing for ITIL V3 Foundation exam, If anyone have pdf dumps kindly share me on my maid id- jiyavulhuk0019@gmail.com
How many questions in this dump?
Hello can anyone please forward the PDF format of this dumps to siddanadham22@gmail.com. this would be really a great help
Studied the TED 200 questions test. Passed in under 10 minutes. All questions came from that dump. Word for word. Used Pearson Vue.
This vce is Valid in Egypt (vue)
Anyone pls tell me . Is this valid for pearson vue ITIL-f
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