SAP-C02 Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional – New Domain 5 – Continuous Improvement for Existing Solutions Part 10

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  • August 30, 2023
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52. Deploying CloudFront Distribution – Part 01

Hey everyone and welcome back. In today’s video we will be discussing about deploying a Cloud Front distribution. Now, in order for us to be able to deploy a CloudFront distribution, there are certain steps which are involved. Now the first step is we need to create a server or some kind of a storage location where we can store our website file or our content that CloudFront delivers. Now, one great thing about CloudFront that it can integrate with Sree. So you necessarily need not need to have some kind of an easy to instance. We can make use of a Sri bucket for that.

Once you have your files in your SRE bucket, the next thing is you need to create a CloudFront distribution. Once the distribution is created, you can go ahead and load the website from CloudFront to verify if everything is working fine. And once that is done, you can go ahead and explore various features of Cloud friend. So we can understand the steps with the help of below animation here. So let’s assume that this is the server or this can be an S three bucket and this S three bucket or a server has some kind of a static file.

So this can be an image, this can be HTML file, etc. Now what you do is you create a Cloud Front distribution, all right? Now this CloudFront distribution can communicate with the server or the SRE bucket which has the static files, or it can even have dynamic contents. Now the CloudFront distribution has edge locations which are present over here and these edge locations are something which basically caches a lot of information. Now, the first time a user visits your website and there is a cloud print distribution, then what happens is that the cloud print distribution will request from the server and it will serve the content. Now, once it serves the content, it will also save the content in the edge location. So let’s say that this user has requested for the image.

So first time Cloud Front will serve the image directly and along with that it will store the image in all the edge locations all around the world. So now next time, let’s say there is a next user who also loads the website. Now this time what happens is that the image will be served from the edge location. So again, Cloud Front will not send a request to the server for the image. Image will be sent from the edge locations itself. So this is the high level overview about the CDN. Let’s go ahead and do the first step for this video post which will go ahead and deploy the cloud run distribution. So I’m in my AWS management console. Now the first thing that we need to do is we need to have a location where we can store our images and the HTML file.

Now again, you can create an easy to instance, but this is something that will avoid. For the demo, we’ll create a simple s three bucket. So I’ll go to services and I’ll select S Three. Now within here I’ll create a new bucket. I’ll call it as my demo Hyphen Cloud friend and I’ll click on create. Great. So this is our S three bucket which is available. Next thing is we need to upload certain contents over here. So what I have done, basically I have two contents which is available. One is a simple index HTML and second is the image which I’m really fond of. So this is the image.

So we’ll be uploading both of these within our S three bucket. So from my s three I’ll click on Upload, and from here I’ll upload both of these contents. Great, so you have the index HTML and you have shift jpg. Again, you can have your own custom contents as well. So basically, if I can show you what the index HTML file is all about, I’ll just open up with a notepad. So this index HTML file is a simple file which basically contains welcome to the website and that’s about it. All right? And the image is something that we already explored. You can have your own custom contents for your demo that you can use. Great. So once your content have been uploaded, let’s quickly go to the permissions.

In fact, I wanted to show you a few things. So currently AWS had released a feature so that you cannot really make things public. And this is quite a new feature. So I’ll just deselect all of them and I’ll click on Save. So this is just for our testing purpose. Let me do a confirm here. Great. So the public access settings has been updated. So now let’s go to the properties and within the static website hosting, I’ll select the first option which basically states that use this bucket to host a website. The index document would be index HTML and I’ll click on Save. Great. So now the last thing that you need to do is you have to change the permissions. We’ll go to access control here and for public access we’ll select everyone to be able to read the objects. All right, let’s click on Save. Perfect. So everyone will be able to read the objects. And now if you see let me go to S three.

Now, you see this bucket is now named as public. So this is really great feature because if I go to S three console, I’ll be able to see which buckets are public in a simple to understand way. So now within the bucket, I’ll quickly select both of these objects and I’ll make them as public. All right, so that’s about it. In order to verify if everything is working correctly, let’s click on one of them. I’ll copy the object URL, and if you post it in the browser, you should be able to see welcome to the website over here in a similar case, we’ll take the URL for the image that we have present. Let me put it within the browser and you should be able to see the image. Great. So since we have the static website hosting available for the S Three bucket, let’s take the URL. So this is basically the URL of the S Three bucket.

Now, if you paste the URL over here, you should be able to see the index HTML website. All right, so this is the S Three, which is hosting both of our website as well as our image. Now, coming back to our animation diagram, so we have our server. In our case, it is S Three, which is hosting the image, which is hosting the index HTML file. So now, instead of user directly accessing our server, what we want is we want to create a CloudFront distribution which will handle all the request over here. So this is something that we’ll create in the upcoming video. So this is the high level overview video. I hope this video has been informative for you and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

53. Deploying CloudFront Distribution – Part 02

Hey everyone, and welcome to the second part of our video series on deploying Cloud Front. In today’s video, we will be creating the second step, which is creating the Cloud Front distribution. Now, I’m in my AWS management console. Let’s go to the Cloud Front service. Now, I already have a Cloud Front distribution which is available. So this was basically used for a different demo that we had. So let’s go ahead and create a new distribution over here. So there are two types of distribution. One is Web, and second is RTMP. For our demo, we’ll be using the web distribution. So here we have to specify the origin domain name. So the origin domain name is basically from where will Cloud Front get the data from? So in our case, the origin is basically a s three bucket.

So if you just click over here, it will basically show you the list of s three buckets which are available within your account. If you remember, our bucket name was my demo hyphen Cloud Front. So once you have selected the origin domain name, let’s go a bit down. Now, within the price classes, if you see it says use all the edge location. Now, this is important because let’s say that you have customers coming from all across the world. In that case, you can basically make use of all the edge location. So what that basically means is that CloudFront will go ahead and start to store the cash in all the edge locations across the world. Now, in that case, if a customer is coming from, say, US region, he might be served from the nearest edge location all the files. So in case if your customers are not from the US, you know that your customers are only from Asia and maybe from Africa, then there is no need to store your data in all the edge locations. So for such case, you can select one of them.

So you have used only US, Canada and Europe. You have used US, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa. So depending upon the customers location that your website gets, you can select one of them. All right? So let me just select the second option here. Now, the next thing is basically you can specify the default route object over here. So let’s specify index HTML. So anytime a user visits the website, the index HTML should be returned. So once you have done that, you can go ahead and create a distribution. All right? So this is the distribution here.

So if you just let me just sort it out. So the distribution origin here, you see it is my demo Hype and CloudFront SC Amazona. com. So currently, the status is in progress. It takes a little amount of time for that CloudFront distribution to get created. I’ll pause the video for some time, and once the status is deployed, we’ll resume the video. All right? So it has been close to around ten to 15 minutes. And our CloudFront distributions status is now deployed. So what you need to do is you have to take this domain name over here. All right, we’ll copy the domain name which is associated with the Cloud Front distribution, and we’ll put it within the browser.

And here you see it returned us with the welcome to the Website page. So this is how you can create the Cloud Front distribution and associate it with the s three bucket. So before we conclude this video, I wanted to show you a few more things. So within this diagram, we were discussing that first time a user, when he visits the Cloud Front distribution, the request would be sent to the origin and the image or whatever file which is present. It would be served back. Now, along with that, Cloud Front distribution will also store the static contents within the edge locations over here.

Now, the second time, whenever the user visits the same website, the content will be served from the edge location. All right? So let’s quickly look into how exactly that might look like. Now, let me do one thing. I’ll copy the Cloud Front domain and let’s do a curl. And this time we’ll do a shift jpg. So this is an image file. So now what we can do in an easier way is we can make use of I. So I basically will print the headers. Now, if you look into the X cache header, it basically states Hit from Cloud Front.

That basically means that this specific image file has been served from the Cloud Front edge location. So this is the basics on how we can go ahead and deploy deploy the Cloud Front distribution. We also look into how when multiple requests are being made, the contents are served from the edge location instead of sending the request to the origin and fetching the same content multiple amount of time. So with this, we’ll conclude this video. I hope this video has been informative for you and I look forward to see you in the next video.

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