Patel Question I remember.<br /> <br /> add GroupDescription to ListBox in Xaml<br /> <br /> <br /> Then another Question Related to Easing Animation(I only remember Option not question)<br /> 1)BackEase<br /> 2)BounceEase<br /> 3)CubicEase<br /> 4)SineEase<br /> <br /> Then another question regarding <br /> A. &lt;DataTemplate DataType = {x:key. x:Type = clr:String}.&gt; <br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting a string&gt; <br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting decimal&gt; <br /> &lt;/DataTemplate&gt; <br /> <br /> B. &lt;DataTemplate {x:key. .&gt; <br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting a string&gt; <br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting decimal&gt; <br /> &lt;/DataTemplate&gt; <br /> <br /> <br /> Then Another is Templete Background Binding in List<br /> <br /> &lt;ItemsControl.Template&gt;<br /> &lt;ControlTemplate TargetType="ItemsControl"&gt;<br /> &lt;Border BackGround={Binding TempleteBiding..}&gt;<br /> &lt;ItemsPresenter/&gt;<br /> &lt;/Border&gt;<br /> &lt;/ControlTemplate&gt;<br /> &lt;/ItemsControl.Template&gt;<br /> &lt;ItemsControl.Template&gt;<br /> &lt;ControlTemplate TargetType="ItemsControl"&gt;<br /> &lt;Border BackGround={Binding TempleteBiding..}&gt;<br /> &lt;ContentPresenter/&gt;<br /> &lt;/Border&gt;<br /> &lt;/ControlTemplate&gt;<br /> &lt;/ItemsControl.Template&gt;<br /> <br /> Then Another Questin Regarding applying style to all control what you use as Taget Style<br /> 1)FrameworkElement<br /> 2)UIElement<br /> 3)Visual<br /> 4).Thursday, October 18, 2012 4:11 AM UTJigar Patel have passed it 754.<br /> got 30+ quesition from outside dump.<br /> The questions i remember which are not in dump: <br /> <br /> One is for xml data provider in XAML,BindContact to List,<br /> you need to choose Right Source for XmlDataProvider<br /> &lt;XmlDataProvider x:Key="contacts" Source="Contacts.xml" XPath="/NewDataSet"&gt;<br /> &lt;/XmlDataProvider&gt;<br /> <br /> Then Which is the best way to manage fix size control<br /> 1)grid<br /> 2)stack<br /> 3)Dock<br /> 4).Thursday, October 18, 2012 3:38 AM UTInterCosmos difficultes of 3-rd objective two questions.<br /> First about grouping items in the ListBox:<br /> A. StackPanel.GroupDescription.. &lt;not correct&gt;<br /> B. ListBox.GroupDescription.. &lt;not correct&gt;<br /> c. CollectionViewSource.GroupDescription(propertyName) + some attributes &lt;is correct!&gt;<br /> D. ..<br /> <br /> Second about sorting List&lt;&gt; on last name property.<br /> public class Person<br /> {<br /> string firstName;<br /> string lastName;<br /> public string FirstName<br /> {<br /> get { return firstName; }<br /> set { return firstName; }<br /> }<br /> public string LastName<br /> {<br /> get { return lastName; }<br /> set { return lastName; }<br /> }<br /> }<br /> public List&lt;Person&gt; Persons = new List&lt;Person&gt;();<br /> Persons.Add(..);<br /> ..<br /> Persons.Add(..);<br /> Which of actions should you perform to sort on LastName property?<br /> <br /> Long time I've hesitate betweeen<br /> IEnumerable newPersons = (IEnumerable)(Persons.Sort(Comparer))<br /> and<br /> IEnumerable newPersons = (IEnumerable)(Persons.Sort(Comparer).ToList())<br /> but here I was mistaken (1 from 13)<br /> <br /> Practice show, that enough simple Persons.Sort(Comparer), but I not remember two more answer variantes.<br /> <br /> Good luck!Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:59 AM UTInterCosmos use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.<br /> You need to display the image from file myImage.jpg inside rounded bounds.<br /> Which of actions should you perform?<br /> <br /> A. Create the myImageBrush as a resource. Set ImageSource property to location of myImage.jpg file. Fill the interior of the ellipse with myImageBrush.<br /> B. Create the myImageBrush as a resource. Set ImageSource property to location of myImage.jpg file. Fill the interior of the rectangle with myImageBrush.<br /> C. Set ClipRegion rpoperty of Image to ellipse.<br /> D. Set ClipRegion rpoperty of Image to rectangle.<br /> <br /> Correct is A.<br /> <br /> From difficultes of 1-st objective I remember a question with the easing functions<br /> The answers there are:<br /> A. BounceEase<br /> B. ElastiEase<br /> C. BackEase<br /> D. SineEase<br /> Don't catch the question context, but not A and not C. About ElastiEase and SineEase advise take the practice to find out correct answer during test.Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:56 AM UTInterCosmos last week with 850. About half were new questions.<br /> <br /> 1)You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.<br /> You have defined two styles - Red and Black as resources. The variables BorderThickness and CornerRadius are common for both styles.<br /> The styles also use Background variable. You need to define BorderThickness and CornerRadius only once in XAML.<br /> What should you do?<br /> <br /> A. Define both styles in one file. Assign BorderThickness and CornerRadius in Red style. Use BasedOn property in the Red style.<br /> B. Define both styles in one file. Assign BorderThickness and CornerRadius in Red style. Use BasedOn property in the Black style.<br /> C. Define styles in two files. Assign BorderThickness and CornerRadius in Black style. Use MergedDictionaries where first must be file with Red style.<br /> C. Define styles in two files. Assign BorderThickness and CornerRadius in Black style. Use MergedDictionaries where first must be file with Black style.<br /> <br /> Correct is B.<br /> PS. The style names if fact was Green and Blue, but i don,t remember their order. To avoid of answers mismathing i've changed this names.<br /> <br /> 2)You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.<br /> The application contains the DockPanel and three panels inside it. You need to reverse the order in which the panels are displayed.<br /> What should you do?<br /> <br /> A. Set the HorizontalAlignment property of DockPanel to Right.<br /> B. Set the FlowDirection property to RightToLeft for each of child panels.<br /> C. Set the DockPanel.Dock property to Right for each of child panels.<br /> D. Set the LayoutTransform property of DockPanel to System.Windows.Media.Transform.Inverse.<br /> <br /> Correct is C.Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:54 AM UTInterCosmos make clear one more thing:<br /> You use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. The application has a window named MainWindow that has a StackPanel control named sp as the root element. <br /> You want to create a Button control that contains a TextBlock control with the "Save" Text property. <br /> You need to create the control dynamically and add the control to sp. <br /> Which code segment should you write in the constructor of the MainWindow class?<br /> Button btn = new Button(); <br /> TextBlock text = new TextBlock(); <br /> text.Text = "Save"; <br /> btn.Content = text; <br /> sp.Children.Add(btn); &lt;Correct!!!&gt;<br /> <br /> Button btn = new Button(); <br /> TextBlock text = new TextBlock(); <br /> text.Text = "Save"; <br /> btn.ContentTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate(text, null); <br /> sp.Children.Add(btn); &lt;Is not correct&gt;Thursday, August 02, 2012 7:17 AM UTInterCosmos good chat!<br /> I agree with almost all. But I want review next question:<br /> You are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. <br /> You need to display HTML content from a Web Page on the WPF form. What should you do? <br /> <br /> A. Add a FlowDocumentReader control to the design surface. Then create a FlowDocument control. <br /> B. Add a DocumentViewer control to the design surface. The create a FixedDocument control. <br /> C. Add a WebBrowser control to the design surface. The use the Navigate method to navigate the URI object. <br /> D. Add a ContentControl control to the design surface. The reference a WebClient object to return an HTML string.<br /> <br /> I added WebBrowser, ContentControl and Button to MainWindow. In button1_Click event handler wrote code:<br /> private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)<br /> {<br /> webBrowser1.Navigate(@"");<br /> <br /> System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();<br /> contentControl1.Content = wc.DownloadString(@"");<br /> }<br /> When button is clicked - you can see: HTML only in ContentControl -<br /> so CORRECT IS D.Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:55 PM UTGauri friends, thanks for the dumps..Cleared MCTS 70-511 on 26th July 2012..It was tough because only around 25 questions were directly out of the dumps but still the dumps and comments were of huge help. Other questions were also somewhat similar..My advice to all who wants to give the certification is to study through all topics in the syllabus once along with dumps and also solve the questions at the end of each chapter if you have the book..Even I can mail you the ebook to whoever needs it. Thanks a lot once again for everyone who comment here..Friday, July 27, 2012 1:40 PM UTbert use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application that <br /> allows users to arrange images. <br /> You need to ensure that users can arrange child elements in a panel without affecting the size of the <br /> elements. <br /> You also need to ensure that child elements are oriented horizontally. <br /> Which control should you use? <br /> <br /> A. ListBox <br /> B. DockPanel<br /> C. WrapPanel <br /> D. StackPanel<br /> <br /> i think anwser is C ,but the answer is D <br /> plz verify me the answer, i m confused between C and D.Sunday, April 22, 2012 8:20 AM UTGuzmán last friday with 962. Check the last dump and the ones from @daex21's commentWednesday, December 07, 2011 8:24 AM UTJanus today with 850, dump is still valid with comments!Friday, December 02, 2011 10:44 AM UTCasillas && @george : new questions ? even considering the ones on comments ?Thursday, December 01, 2011 2:19 PM UTguripa true, failed yesterday with 672 points. many new questionsThursday, December 01, 2011 8:10 AM UTgeorge dump is not valid, the exam has changed, 24 of 41 new questions. I failed today whith 587 points.Tuesday, November 29, 2011 9:44 PM UTCris all, <br /> I have created a new vcf file containing all Jeroen questions,all from comments below( as acurate as posible). They sey the file my take up to 3 days to be online. Anyway, file name is:<br /> Please fill free to contribute to an emproved later version.Saturday, November 26, 2011 6:23 PM UTdaex21 did it today with 962 points. <br /> <br /> there were some tricky questions but nothing really new.<br /> what i remember that you should really have a look:<br /> the data template thing:<br /> A. &lt;DataTemplate DataType = {x:key. x:Type = clr:String}.&gt;<br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting a string&gt;<br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting decimal&gt;<br /> &lt;/DataTemplate&gt;<br /> <br /> B. &lt;DataTemplate {x:key. .&gt;<br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting a string&gt;<br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting decimal&gt;<br /> &lt;/DataTemplate&gt; <br /> <br /> because i maybe failed there<br /> and also prepare for a question that asks you to filter a collectionView, with the following syntax<br /> myCollectionView.Filter = new Predicate&lt;object&gt;(Contains);<br /> you need to know ho it works and if the filter method has to return true or false.<br /> they give you some methods that return all false and one with lamda syntax that i think returned the right value for the wanted filter.<br /> <br /> Also an other tricky question was one that asked to bind a routed command binding to a button. The aim was to play the sound with a mediaplayer object. And to call a handler with the following signature:<br /> void OpenCmdExecuted(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)<br /> {<br /><br /> }<br /> They give you codebehind code to register the right event. You should know how this could be done and witch events you can use for that.<br /> I picked the answer with the Executed event because that was the ony one that maked sense to me, but dont kow whats the right solution. Other Options were CanExecute etc. <br /> Read more here: (this is really near to the question) <br />, November 24, 2011 7:39 PM UTGosha with 925. About 25 questions from this Dump. About 13 questions from and about 3 new. Good luck.Thursday, November 24, 2011 1:13 PM UTabba looks like question 7 (answer A) is not right (about highlighting a button yellow when mouse is over and content is null). To make this work, you should have the MultiTrigger.Setter set (where you set the properties of the button). I tried answer A, but it doesn't workTuesday, November 22, 2011 3:54 PM UTMuhammad Iqbal today with score of 850. About 23 of 41 from this dump, around15 from comments and 3 or 4 were new.<br /> One think more, i am100% sure that i did all the answers as per dump and comment. so there are some question with invalid answer in dump or comments.<br /> Good luck to all..!!!!!!!!!!!!Monday, November 21, 2011 7:53 AM UT{x:key="hifni"} the Exam yesterday by scoring 812 points. Preparation from dumps was a very valuable thing. 80% of the questions came from dumps inclusive of comments, remaining were new with few questions almost same as the old ones. Good Luck!Sunday, November 20, 2011 1:16 AM UTfloosty today with 887. Half of the questions were from this dump and 2/3 of the other half were from this comments, so make sure you read all the comments!<br /> Good luck!Friday, November 11, 2011 1:34 PM UTArtiom K. today, 887. About 5-6 questions not listed here. Dump is valid with comments/Thursday, November 10, 2011 3:01 PM UTGonza today with 925, All the questions came from the dump and the comments.Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:51 AM UTArtiom K. answers from comments are answered here, November 08, 2011 4:45 PM UTArtiom K. sunt Karamian) nici aproape. Ada pe mine in skype, login meu este jetartiomTuesday, November 08, 2011 2:24 AM UTfloosty for the quick answers, i also think the same for the XBAP question and the FileIOPermission, i was inclined to go for Dispacher.BeginInvoke(Priority.Background), but now i'm more inclined for the ThreadPool option.<br /> Good luck for the exam and thanks again.<br /> <br /> Noroc si tie maestre, vine de la Artiom Karamian numele tau? :) Numa' bine!<br /> FloostyMonday, November 07, 2011 9:05 PM UTArtiom K. computations is described here<br /> answer should be about ThreadPoolMonday, November 07, 2011 7:32 PM UTArtiom K. XBAP - as far as I could find - the answer is to rebuild the application.<br /> Restart whole IIS - mhm, don't think so,<br /> to use command - mmm, also not,<br /> and without any rebuild probably changes won't take effect. But that is just my opinion.Monday, November 07, 2011 7:05 PM UTArtiom K. <br /> Declares that the calling code can access the resource protected by a permission demand through the code that calls this method, even if callers higher in the stack have not been granted permission to access the resource. Using Assert can create security issues.<br /> ----&gt; It's right (as far as we can see). <br /> <br /> CodeAccessPermission.Demand<br /> Forces a SecurityException at run time if all callers higher in the call stack have not been granted the permission specified by the current instance.<br /> This method is typically used by secure libraries to ensure that callers have permission to access a resource. For example, a file class in a secure class library calls Demand for the necessary FileIOPermission before performing a file operation requested by the caller. - So, it's not right <br /> -----&gt; not<br /> CodeAccessPermission.PermitOnly<br /> Prevents callers higher in the call stack from using the code that calls this method to access all resources except for the resource specified by the current instance.<br /> <br /> PermitOnly is similar to Deny, in that both cause stack walks to fail when they would otherwise succeed. The difference is that Deny specifies permissions that will cause the stack walk to fail, but PermitOnly specifies the only permissions that do not cause the stack walk to fail.<br /> ----&gt; not<br /> <br /> Noroc floosty (sunt din Moldova)Monday, November 07, 2011 6:41 PM UTfloosty someone enlighten me with the answers to the following 3 questions?<br /> <br /> 1.You have a function which has permissions to read "c: emplogfile.txt". It also must access other resources. Callers of your function higher in the call stack do not have permissions to read this file. <br /> What attribute must you assign to your function to enable it to access this file and other resources with the correct permissions : <br /> <br /> a) FileIOPermission[SecurityData.Demand, .] <br /> b) FileIOPermission[SecurityData.Assert,.] <br /> c) FileIOPermission[SecurityData.PermitOnly, .] <br /> d) .inherited something <br /> <br /> 2.You deploy XBAP application then change some files. You want to make it work. What should you do: <br /> a) Restart IIS <br /> b) use mage -cc <br /> c) Delete all server files. Rebuild project and manually deploy it. <br /> d) Delete all server files. Put the all files again (without recompiling?).<br /> <br /> 3.There is a window that has a method doing long time computations. The class is defined as follows: <br /> public class MainWindow: Window{ <br /> public void DoSth(SomeEvent e){ <br /> var result = DoLongComputations(); <br /> } <br /> } <br /> <br /> This method is called when the window is loaded. What should you do to perform calculations and enable to UI not to freeze. What mechanism should you use: <br /> a) sth. Thread(2,2) <br /> b) ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem <br /> c) Dispatcher.BeginInvoke with DispatcherPriority.Normal <br /> d) Dispatcher.BeginInvoke with DispatcherPriority.Background <br /> <br /> ThanksMonday, November 07, 2011 3:23 PM UTOwn yesterday with 887. I've read the book, practiced with this dump and looked into the comments. 12 new questions and most of them are discussed, but you have to find out for yourself what's the correct answer on these questions.Friday, October 28, 2011 6:48 AM UTVictor yesterday with 737.<br /> <br /> 15 new questions. All of them commented in this thread.Thursday, October 27, 2011 8:05 AM UT{x:static} (part 3)<br /> <br /> 8. Styles for an application are kept in another assembly (Themes.dll). You need to apply style that was in the other assembly, named "BlueBorderStyle" defined in "BlueStyles.xaml". The style should be available to the application.<br /> <br /> The method of solving this was to find out the proper method of calling the style from other assembly. The next thing was to locate where to inlcude this style: <br /> <br /> a) Windows.Resources -&gt; "/themes;component/BlueStyle.xaml" <br /> b) Windows.Resources -&gt; pack"//,,,;component/BlueStyle.xaml" <br /> c) Border.Resources -&gt; . another variation <br /> d) Border.Resources -&gt; . another variation<br /> Answer: B. (Windows resource so style available to the whole application).<br /> <br /> <br /> 9. New question on playing Media files using a button click.<br /> What code should be added in the codebehind to call the following function :<br /> <br /> Player_Execute (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)<br /> {<br /> MediaPlayer.Play();<br /> }<br /> <br /> Things to consider were : <br /> - Use a command binding or RoutedEvent or RoutedUIEvent ?<br /> - Use CanExecute or Execute ? <br /> (Not CanExecute as the event args on the function above would have to be ' CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs)'<br /> <br /> Good Luck. !!Monday, October 24, 2011 5:19 AM UT{x:static} (part2)<br /> <br /> 5) How do you format a phone number as (###) - ### ### in a function call used by a converter, to convert a long (phone number) to a formatted string (text proprety of a textblock) ? <br /> <br /> &lt;TextBlock Text ={Binding Path=Phone number, Source=aValueConverter}&gt;<br /> <br /> public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)<br /> {<br /> return String.Format(": (###) - ### ###", (long)value);<br /> }<br /> <br /> Question is asking: <br /> -use Convert or Convertback ?<br /> - Convert parameter or value to a long ?<br /> <br /> I think the answer is : Convert and (long)value<br /> <br /> <br /> 6) Question on using DataTemplates to format string and decimal values. <br /> This question is asking about the syntax of setting up a data templates for the following resources eg:<br /> <br /> xmlns:clr="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib"&gt;<br /> &lt;.Resources&gt;<br /> &lt;clr:String .&gt;<br /> &lt;clr:Decimal.&gt;<br /> &lt;/.Resources&gt;<br /> <br /> Which code can be used to format the strings (unchanged)and decimals (as Currency).<br /> <br /> A. &lt;DataTemplate DataType = {x:key. x:Type = clr:String}.&gt;<br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting a string&gt;<br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting decimal&gt;<br /> &lt;/DataTemplate&gt;<br /> <br /> B. &lt;DataTemplate {x:key. .&gt;<br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting a string&gt;<br /> &lt;Textbox binding and formatting decimal&gt;<br /> &lt;/DataTemplate&gt;<br /> etc.<br /> <br /> I think i may have got this wrong. Learn the syntax for data templates .<br /> <br /> <br /> 7. A mouseover event on a button causes it to :<br /> - change background colour<br /> - increase in size<br /> When the mouse leaves the button, it returns to normal.<br /> <br /> Answer : Create a template. Assign a Visual State.Monday, October 24, 2011 5:18 AM UT{x:static} passed with 900+. About 28 questions from this dump (or Watson or Nekol) + about 8 from comments and 1 or 2 new. You can pass by revising the dumps and comments.<br /> <br /> Here's what i remember of those from the comments here and the new questions :<br /> <br /> 1) You have a function which has permissions to read "c: emplogfile.txt". It also must access other resources. Callers of your function higher in the call stack do not have permissions to read this file.<br /> What attribute must you assign to your function to enable it to access this file and other resources with the correct permissions :<br /> <br /> a) FileIOPermission[SecurityData.Demand, .]<br /> b) FileIOPermission[SecurityData.Assert,.]<br /> c) FileIOPermission[SecurityData.PermitOnly, .]<br /> d) .inherited something <br /> <br /> I think i got this one wrong - i think the correct answer may be:<br /> either B.'SecurityData.Assert' or ' C. SecurityData.PermitOnly'. <br /> <br /> A. would cause a security exception as callers higher in the stack do not have the correct permissions.<br /> (B. can give rise to security issues though).<br /> <br /> <br /> 2) How to add all buttons to a stackpanel which is the content of a text block (buttons are added to a stack):<br /> Answer : stackpanel.Children.Add(btn)<br /> <br /> 3) 'Based on' style inheritance between header and text styles : <br /> Answer: 'Based On'<br /> <br /> 4) Presentation Trace Source should be output to which window :<br /> Answer: Output<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Good luck.Monday, October 24, 2011 5:14 AM UTKabi, I passed the exam with the score of 925 day before y'day. Out of 41 questions 30plus questions are from this dumps. Try your luck!!Monday, October 24, 2011 3:24 AM UTScorp with 962. 7 from comments 7 new. <br /> 1. Transparency violation:<br /> - Handle all exceptions<br /> - SecurityAction.Assert<br /> - SecurityAction.Demand<br /> - ScurityAction.PermitOnly<br /> . have no idea about the answer. I checked first.<br /> <br /> 2. Two textboxes: header and . both with styles. Almost alike. Need to inherit all changes. I checked BasedOn.<br /> <br /> 3. In ClickOnce deployment. Where the client havent upodated checked mage.exe -cc. mage -cc clears clickonce cache.Friday, October 21, 2011 4:38 PM UTPaka had a 2 qeustion s related from ValidationRules classThursday, October 20, 2011 10:08 AM UTPalani questions were from here (dump or comments);defenetly pass by reading this dump and comments.Today I got 887 marksThursday, October 13, 2011 5:29 AM UT{x:null} with almost maximum points.<br /> All questions were from here (dump or comments) with perhaps a maximum or 5 new (but they were similar to what is already here). What I remember:<br /> - style x:Key="s1" x:Name="s2" inside resource - how to load it from code. There is FindName or FindResource ("s1" or "s2")<br /> - a very long code segment which binds hierarchical data template to context menu items (2 root items are Color and Fonts). Context menu must be assigned to a TextBlock.3/4 answers assign it to Window (Window.ContextMenu) but just one to TextBlock (TextBlock.ContextMenu) - that answer is correctFriday, October 07, 2011 5:14 PM UToobe passed with 700!! :) 41 questons<br /> A lot of questions from your comments :( and this dump<br /> Aditional question about tunneling (and bubling) eventsFriday, September 30, 2011 8:27 PM UTnice with 658 marks. i read dumps and all the comments question given below, but only 15 question came from the dumps and 4Q came from the below comments. that too not with the correct answer. Need a new dumps. upload new dumps or some questions with correct answerFriday, September 30, 2011 6:29 PM UTtamy with this dump in Spain! More than 20 questions are new.Thursday, September 29, 2011 10:48 AM UTSAN with 775.<br /> 11 new questionThursday, September 29, 2011 8:33 AM UTtamy xa! This exam i already valid to pass? is identical? i&acute;m from Spain too ;)Thursday, September 22, 2011 3:50 PM UTxa for your help Ja . and congrat u too!!Wednesday, September 21, 2011 8:23 AM UTlahiruagar everyone who took the exam recently were kind enough to remember the new questions, can someone please build a new vce file using 'em?Wednesday, September 21, 2011 3:14 AM UTJay xa hope some of the questions I gave you came up and were of some use to you :)Wednesday, September 21, 2011 1:34 AM UTxa with 900.Tuesday, September 20, 2011 8:24 PM UTkk There was a questions with loading Style from other Themes.dll assembly. You need to apply style that was in the other assembly and it name was "BlueBorderStyle" defined in "BlueStyles.xml". <br /> There was given piece of code sth. like &lt;style BasedOn={StaticResource BlueBorderKey"}&gt;.&lt;/Style&gt;<br /> The method of solving this was to find out the proper method of calling the style from other assembly. The next thing was to locate where to inlcude this style:<br /> a) Windows.Resources -&gt; "/themes;component/BlueStyle.xaml"<br /> b) Windows.Resources -&gt; pack"//,,,;component/BlueStyle.xaml"<br /> c) Button.Resources -&gt; . another variation<br /> d) Button.Resources -&gt; . another variation<br /> <br /> ========================================================= <br /> <br /> 5. There is a window that has a method doing long time computations. The class is defined as follows:<br /> public class MainWindow: Window{<br /> public void DoSth(SomeEvent e){<br /> var result = DoLongComputations();<br /> }<br /> }<br /> <br /> This method is called when the window is loaded. What should you do to perform calculations and enable to UI not to freeze. What mechanism should you use:<br /> a) sth. Thread(2,2) <br /> b) ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem<br /> c) Dispatcher.BeginInvoke with DispatcherPriority.Normal<br /> d) Dispatcher.BeginInvoke with DispatcherPriority.Background<br /> <br /> ========================================================= <br /> <br /> 6. You deploy XBAP application then change some files. You want to make it work. What should you do:<br /> a) Restart IIS<br /> b) use mage -cc<br /> c) Delete all server files. Rebuild project and manually deploy it.<br /> d) Delete all server files. Put the all files again (without recompiling?).Tuesday, September 20, 2011 5:10 PM UTkk all. Today passed with 812/1000. Many questions came from this dump, but there were some that have not been listed here yet. I post here what I have remembered, but it is not exactly word by word what was in the exam. Order of the answers can be not correct as well.<br /> <br /> 1. You develop a control that contains (inherits from) Button. The control exposes IsActive property. There is also a business object that you want to bind its property to the IsActive control property. What should you do:<br /> <br /> a) Implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface on business object<br /> b) Define IsActive as DependancyProperty<br /> c) Define IsActive as .NET CLR property<br /> d) .<br /> <br /> ========================================================= <br /> <br /> 2. There is DataGridView. You want to prevent user from leaving blank column cell. When leaving the field and it is empty you want to stay on this field and focus it. Which event should you use:<br /> <br /> a) Validating<br /> b) CellValidating ?<br /> c) .<br /> d) CellRowEdit<br /> <br /> ========================================================= <br /> <br /> 3. You want to attach context menu to the TextBox (TextBlock? - does not matter) scope. The data in the menu should be ordered hierarchically . Which syntax should you use?<br /> <br /> (There were 3 or 4 resources, one for fonts, one for sizes of fonts, one for HierarchicalDataTemplate).<br /> <br /> There were 4 variations with placing ContextMenu. Find out how to apply ContextMenu.Tuesday, September 20, 2011 5:09 PM UTJay today with 812 using this dump and the questions which I have put in the comments. Did not read the book so this dump plus comments is more than sufficient to pass the examTuesday, September 20, 2011 4:04 PM UTMemories guys, just passed today with 875/1000.<br /> <br /> Got about 26/41 questions from this dump. It's pretty much impossible to pass the exam with only this exam dump.Tuesday, September 20, 2011 9:23 AM UTJay Xa,<br /> <br /> Thanks for that and good luck to you too :-)Monday, September 19, 2011 7:52 PM UTxa Jay.<br /> <br /> i have exam 70-511 exam tomorow too. if u have any problem u write here.<br /> <br /> thanks and luckyMonday, September 19, 2011 3:40 PM UTJay Xa, <br /> <br /> The questions you are talking about now are the ones I need also. Just wish I could find the actual questions and answers now as I have my 70-511 resit tomorrow.<br /> <br /> Found this on the dynamic button add might give you some clue:<br /><br /> <br /> Think the answer for the gridcolumn one is just to set the span to 2<br /> <br /> Not sure about the other two questions they baffled me last week lolMonday, September 19, 2011 3:33 PM UTxa Jay.<br /> <br /> the other question in .how to catch transparency exceptions???<br /> <br /> 2 . and how to deploy project with validation key (suposed with Setup project).<br /> and <br /> 2. phone number as 0:### #### #### #### ??<br /> 3. Grid with control set to left have to centre in top of grid (Grid.Columnspan=2) <br /> 4. Adding dynamic buttons to a stack panel (i think btn,content(text))<br /> <br /> tanksss JayMonday, September 19, 2011 12:25 PM UTJay Xa,<br /> <br /> 1.<br /> =========================================================<br /> FileIOPermission.Demand() gives you temporary access to a file that lacks set IO permissions.<br /> <br /> 2.<br /> ========================================================<br /> Which of the following examples of the pack URI syntax accesses a file named<br /> myImage.jpg in a folder named MyFolder in another assembly named myAssembly?<br /> A.<br /> Pack://application:,,,/myAssembly;component/MyFolder/myImage.jpg<br /> B.<br /> Pack://application:,,,/myAssembly;MyFolder/component/myImage.jpg<br /> C.<br /> Pack://application:,,,;component/myAssemby/MyFolder/myImage.jpg<br /> D.<br /> Pack://application:,,,/myAssembly;component/myImage.jpg<br /> <br /> You can also use the pack URI syntax to access resources embedded in other assemblies. The<br /> following example demonstrates the basic pack URI syntax for accessing embedded resources<br /> in other assemblies:<br /> pack://application:,,,/&lt;AssemblyName&gt;;component/&lt;Folder&gt;/&lt;FileName&gt;<br /> <br /> <br /> Thus, if you wanted to locate a file named myPic.bmp in the folder myFolder in another assembly named myAssembly, you would use the following pack URI:<br /> Pack://application:,,,/myAssembly;component/myFolder/myPic.bmp<br /> As with other pack URIs, if the embedded file does not exist within a folder, the folder is omitted in the URI.<br /> <br /> 3:<br /> ========================================================<br /> Can you give me anymore information on the CollectionView.Filter question as I dont seem to have it?Monday, September 19, 2011 12:13 PM UTWPF beginner with 925.<br /> about 15 new questions from 41.<br /> <br /> Material:<br /> MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit 70-511 book, <br /> MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit 70-511 tests,<br /> and this exam dump.<br /> <br /> Experience:<br /> Beginner in wpf. Almost no practice, only knowledge.Monday, September 19, 2011 11:07 AM UTxa Jay!<br /> Do u know the next questions.<br /> <br /> catch transparency security?<br /> one question for FileIOPermission attribute. <br /> - Resource dictionary from other assembly (Themes.dll) - how to set source attribute <br /> - CollectionView.Filter (the question is a little tricky there are correct syntax just with swapped condition - correct answer is with inline delegate)Sunday, September 18, 2011 4:45 PM UTJay are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. An event triggers a workflow such that a parent control executes the event handlers before the child controls. You need to ensure that if a parent controls event handler encounters an error, the subsequent handlers are not called. What should you do?<br /> <br /> A. Use handlers for a tunneling routed event and mark the event as handled in the case of a problem.<br /> B. Use handlers for a tunneling routed event and make the event as handled in the finally portion of a try-catch-finally code block.<br /> C. Use handlers for a bubbling routed event and mark the event as handled in the case of a problem.<br /> D. Use handlers for a bubbling routed event and set the Handled property of the RoutedEventArgs object to true in the catch portion of a try-catch-finally code block.<br /> <br /> CORRECT ANSWER AWednesday, September 14, 2011 3:34 PM UTJay are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application that displays financial data. The following style is applied to every Label control that displays currency.<br /> <br /> 01 &lt;Style x:Key = "CurrencyLabel"<br /> 02 BasedOn = "{StaticResource {x:Type Label}}"<br /> 03 TargetType = "{x:Type Label}"&gt;<br /> 04 &lt;Setter Property = "Template"&gt;<br /> 05 &lt;Setter.Value&gt;<br /> 06<br /> 07 &lt;/Setter.Value&gt;<br /> 08 &lt;/Setter&gt;<br /> 09 &lt;/Style&gt;<br /> <br /> You need to ensure that the style is updated to meet the following requirements regarding currency:<br /> - It must be right aligned<br /> - It must display the number with the regional currency settings<br /> <br /> Which markup segment should you insert at line 06?<br /> <br /> A. &lt;ControlTemplate TargetType = "{x:Type Label}"&gt; &lt;ContentPresenter <br /> HorizontalAlignment = "Right" ContentStringFormat="{}{0:C}"&gt;&lt;/ControlTemplate&gt;<br /> <br /> B. &lt;ControlTemplate&gt; &lt;ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment = "Right"<br /> ContentStringFormat = "{}{0:C}"/&gt;&lt;/ControlTemplate&gt;<br /> <br /> C. &lt;ControlTemplate TargetType = "{x:Type Label}" &lt;Label HorizontalAlignment = "Right"<br /> Content = "{Binding StringFormat = {}{0:C}}"/&gt;&lt;/ControlTemplate&gt;<br /> <br /> D. &lt;ControlTemplate&gt; &lt;Label HorizontalAlignment = "Right" Content = "{Binding<br /> StringFormat = {}{0:C}}"/&gt;&lt;/ControlTemplate&gt;<br /> <br /> CORRECT ANSWER AWednesday, September 14, 2011 12:47 AM UTJay are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. You need to use XAML to create a custom control that contains two Button controls. From which base class should you inherit?<br /> <br /> A. FrameworkElement<br /> B. UIElement<br /> C. UserControl<br /> D. Button<br /> <br /> CORRECT ANSWER CWednesday, September 14, 2011 12:47 AM UTJay use Microsoft .Net Framework 4 to create a Windows Form application.<br /> You created a new application, you then wrote the code below:<br /> <br /> Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture<br /> <br /> Which of the following options are TRUE?<br /> <br /> A. The user interface will make use of the currently configured culture settings in the Control Panel at present.<br /> B. The user interface will make use of new culture settings.<br /> C. The user interface will have no culture settings.<br /> D. The user interface will make use of the culture settings that were installed with the operating system.<br /> <br /> CORRECT ANSWER AWednesday, September 14, 2011 12:46 AM UTJay are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.<br /> You are implementing a test strategy for the application.<br /> You need to ensure that the test class can repeat user input.<br /> From which base class should the test class inherit.<br /> <br /> A. AutomationElementIdentifier<br /> B. AutomationPeer<br /> C. Keyboard<br /> D. UICues<br /> <br /> CORRECT ANSWER BWednesday, September 14, 2011 12:45 AM UTJay are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.<br /> You need to display HTML content from a Web Page on the WPF form. What should you do?<br /> <br /> A. Add a FlowDocumentReader control to the design surface. Then create a FlowDocument control.<br /> B. Add a DocumentViewer control to the design surface. The create a FixedDocument control.<br /> C. Add a WebBrowser control to the design surface. The use the Navigate method to navigate the URI object.<br /> D. Add a ContentControl control to the design surface. The reference a WebClient object to return an HTML string.<br /> <br /> CORRECT ANSWER CWednesday, September 14, 2011 12:44 AM UTDarja with 925, about 20 new questions.Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:11 PM UTSerge ! <br /> But it was hard. It would be impossible with just this dump.Friday, August 26, 2011 11:56 AM UTDortmund with 812, but it was hard. 19 new questions. It would be impossible with just this dump. You need to read the Information mentioned here :<br /> <br /> -CollectionView.Filter (correct answer is the one with lambda expression on it) <br /> - Style inheritance question (correct answer is BASED ON) <br /> - PresentationTrace output (Correct answer is output) <br /> -Resource dictionary from other assembly (Themes.dll)<br /> FileIOPermission attribute. <br /> - command binding question <br /> - INotifyPropertyChange implementation <br /> - Grid.ColumnSpan <br /> - Resource dictionary from other assembly (Themes.dll) - how to set source attribute <br /> - Dynamic adding button to stack panel in code behind <br /> - CollectionView.Filter (the question is a little tricky there are correct syntax just with swapped condition - correct answer is with inline delegate) <br /> - Style inheritance question <br /> - PresentationTrace output<br /> Routed events: bubbling or tunnelingFriday, August 26, 2011 9:47 AM UTBilal help me to know the answers.<br /> <br /> How to catch transparency violations (catch all violations, use <br /> 1-SecurityData.Demand, SecurityData.Assert etc.).? <br /> <br /> 2-Style inheritance how posssible.?(based on, etc)<br /> <br /> 3-what kind of project will you use to deploy a project you need user to enter a validation key. options are 1. XBAP 2. One Click 3. SetUp 4. XCopy..?Friday, August 26, 2011 7:07 AM UTChrizon soon to take the test.<br /> Anyone got an idea of these?`<br /> <br /> - transparency violations<br /> - Updating GUI with Dispatcher or Thread(2,2) <br /> - deploying project with validation key <br /> - XBAP when you copy files manually and it doesn't work (use mage -cc, restart server and try again, copy mannually etc.)Thursday, August 25, 2011 6:32 PM UTBlewSkrin It would be impossible with just this dump without experience and some extra research.<br /> <br /> 12 new questions.<br /> <br /> Almost everything that was mentioned here in addition to the dump appeared in the test.<br /> <br /> - transparency violations<br /> - WPF Calendar<br /> - Updating GUI with Dispatcher or Thread(2,2)<br /> - Adding a Background from the referenced Themes.dll (how to set source)<br /> - deploying project with validation key<br /> - XBAP when you copy files manually and it doesn't work<br /> - WPF Grid.ColumnSpan=2 to center the textblock<br /> - Button event so the host gets it before the button - bubbling or tunneling<br /> - XBAP when you copy files manually and it doesn't work (use mage -cc, restart server and try again, copy mannually etc.) <br /> <br /> so, there are no answers to some of these questions here, and I do not know how many of those I have got right. So do the research on your own on MSDN, book, and so on. And good luck to everyone!<br /> <br /> PS MeasureUp and SelfTest is a great tool to prepare. It's not cheap though. You will not find any dump-type questions (to memorize) there but rather similar. MeasureUp together with SelfTest are recommended by Microsoft themselves:<br />, August 24, 2011 11:02 AM UTx passed the exam! <br /> prepared with MeasureUp too.<br /> Advices:<br /> 1. Microsoft Test4Pass 70-511 v2011-05-26 by JRoen 88q.vce is a good dump. Over 50% came from this. But it's tricky. You have to read it for MANY times because some questions are very similar inside the dump and you'll get confused. So be very careful!<br /> 2. MeasureUp it's usefull to learn. the explications are very good. A few questions where very similar or relates the same story/case. So you need to really understand the question and the explications.<br /> 3. Questions posted on this site are also very important. Even if it's not the complete question, you know where to look to learn. I did so.<br /> THANK YOU people!Wednesday, August 24, 2011 9:07 AM UTbrw anyone used Measureup test to prepare for this exam? I Have bought one, and try to prapare using in in combination with this dump.Tuesday, August 23, 2011 6:52 PM UTMC today 887. Risky dump.19-20 new questions, some of them listed on the page..even so it's hard because on the page everybody just posts the idea of the question, not the whole question..and by the way the question with the date range selection the question it's very easy: The options are: a Calendar WPF control, an windows form DateTimeTicker control and some other two which are not the answer to this question becomes very simple because the DateTimePicker win form won't do the job ..Tuesday, August 23, 2011 11:59 AM UTBlewSkrin[quote]BlewSkrin,have you got all question except this dumps like the calendar problem?[/quote]<br /> <br /> Not at all. I have a lot of experience with WPF, MVVM and so on but I haven't been using WinForms for a long time. In addition I haven't touch much of the security or deployment areas. There are some other areas like globalization/localization or Testing Strategies that I haven't spend too much time on.What I am trying to do is to get as many possible questions as possible to get clues what the questions might be about.<br /> <br /> Unless you are really lucky and get all the question from the dump, without the experience it's really hard to pass the exam. But the dump helps you understand the way the questions are structured.<br /> <br /> Pay attention that something that is stated in one question might include the answer to another question, so it might be a good idea to go through all the questions and read them before starting answering them.<br /> <br /> By the way, there is a training on CBT Nuggets on 70-511, and on their website you can watch some of the videos for free. If you have some spare time try to look through them:<br />, August 22, 2011 9:37 PM UTBlewSkrin Motasim.<br /> I tested it, and, as you said, various options are available. And SelectionMode="SingleRange" works perfectly.<br /> screenshot:<br /> So, WPF Calendar control fits the purpose perfectly.Monday, August 22, 2011 9:23 PM UTCologne for the second time now. There are more than 18 new questions.Please update the dumps and posted here.Help !!Monday, August 22, 2011 7:22 PM UTMotasim, I calendar control of WPF provides multiple modes for selection. You can set the SelectionMode property to SingleDateSingleRange, MultipleRanges or None. Like,<br /> &lt;Calendar SelectionMode="MultipleRange" /&gt;<br /> <br /> so i think there is no need to use WinForm, MonthCalendar control for date range selectionMonday, August 22, 2011 3:35 PM UTOsman,have you got all question except this dumps like the calendar problem?Monday, August 22, 2011 9:37 AM UTBlewSkrin to use when you want a user to select date ranges in WPF (datetimepicker, calendat, use winForm calendar etc.).? <br /> <br /> I think that if one needs that right away, without implementing a combined/custom user control, the only way is to go via WinForms:<br /> <br /> (from MSDN discussion:<br /> The WinForm control MonthCalendar supports date range selection. You can use the MonthCalendar control via a WindowsFormsHost control on your WPF Window.Monday, August 22, 2011 6:11 AM UTBlewSkrin about IDataErrorInfo question, the right one is AF, I believe since the line F is the implementation part of the interface on line A.<br /> <br /> Try it yourself, and you will see :)<br /> here is a screenshot:, August 22, 2011 6:02 AM UTDan mean the question with:<br /> A.Replace line 01 with the .IDataErrorInfo<br /> B..........ValidationRule<br /> C..........INotifyPropertyChanging<br /> D.Add the fallowind code segment at line 04. PropertyChangingEventHandler<br /> E.set{<br /> If<br /> <br /> F.Public string Error{<br /> Public string this.<br /> get{<br /> .Sunday, August 21, 2011 10:08 PM UTDan think the question no 87 does not have the correct answer.<br /> Is AE instead of AF.<br /> What do you think? 10xSunday, August 21, 2011 10:04 PM UTJulius adding button to stack panel in code behind .? I choosen stackpanel.children.add(abutton).<br /> <br /> The question is roughly like:<br /> <br /> for i=0 to 5 do<br /> dim abutton as new button<br /> .. <br /> end<br /> <br /> <br /> Not sure about others because i didn't get those question during my test but you can search from msdn.<br /> Dont worry too much with enough study ms press, msdn, and dump here should be enough to pass. i didn't spend much time on practice.Sunday, August 21, 2011 8:33 AM UTBilal Khan and BlewSkrin, plz help me to now the right answer of below qs.<br /> Plz ans these qs if know. <br /> How to catch transparency violations (catch all violations, use SecurityData.Demand, SecurityData.Assert etc.).? <br /> Dynamic adding button to stack panel in code behind .?<br /> What to use when you want a user to select date ranges in WPF (datetimepicker, calendat, use winForm calendar etc.).?<br /> Using this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke and what parametere to pass (normal, background, or use thread(2,2).?Sunday, August 21, 2011 7:57 AM UTBlewSkrin about <br /> Binding Path=Data/Name VS Binding Path=Data.Name, sorry I did not read the posting to the end. I tried the project myself and to my surprise, the right answer is "Path=Data/Name" Here is the screenshot:<br /> I guess that's how the current item gets selected from the collection and there is no need to have an extra property for SelectedItem to bind to. I learned something here as well :). Thanks guys!Saturday, August 20, 2011 6:29 PM UTBlewSkrin the following question the correct answer A is the same as D<br /> --------------------------------<br /> You use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.<br /> You add a ListBox to show grouped data.<br /> The ListBox is data-bound to a collection of items. Each item has the Name and State properties.<br /> You need to ensure that the ListBox meets the following requirements:<br /> Names grouped by State<br /> Names sorted in ascending order<br /> States sorted in descending order<br /> Which code fragment should you use?Saturday, August 20, 2011 10:34 AM UTBlewSkrin with Dmitry from Russian Federation<br /> ----------------------------------------------------<br /> You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .<br /> NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.<br /> You create a WPF window in the application.<br /> You add the following code segment to the application.<br /> public class ViewModel<br /> {<br /> public CollectionView Data { get; set; }<br /> }<br /> public class BusinessObject<br /> {<br /> public string Name { get; set; }<br /> }<br /> The DataContext property of the window is set to an instance of the ViewModel class.<br /> The Data property of the ViewModel instance is initialized with a collection of BusinessObject objects.<br /> You add a TextBox control to the Window.<br /> You need to bind the Text property of the TextBox control to the Name property of the current item of the CollectionView of the DataContext object.<br /> You also need to ensure that when a binding error occurs, the Text property of the TextBox control is set to N/A .<br /> Which binding expression should you use?<br /> ..<br /> {Binding Path=Data/Name, FallbackValue='N/A'} - not this right, this syntax <br /> {Binding Path=Data.Name, FallbackValue='N/A'} - THE RIGHT ANSWER<br /> ..Saturday, August 20, 2011 10:00 AM UTJulius the test today, passed 850.<br /> still valid, 29 of 41 from this dump. others are posted here.Friday, August 19, 2011 9:55 AM UTthe_kernel valid. Passed 775.Tuesday, August 16, 2011 8:55 AM UTBilal Khan ans these qs if know.<br /> How to catch transparency violations.?<br /> Resource dictionary from other assembly.?<br /> How to catch transparency violations (catch all violations, use SecurityData.Demand, SecurityData.Assert etc.).?<br /> <br /> Using this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke and what parametere to pass (normal, background, or use thread(2,2).?Tuesday, August 16, 2011 5:00 AM UTMohamed Julius and Bilal<br /> i try to write the code with the answer D but the Compiler throw an Exception<br /> the right answer is BSaturday, August 13, 2011 3:15 PM UTJulius answer from other dump for this question is D, i have same confusion. i myself will choose B but i think the keyword is "to create the control dynamically" so the answer D will suit better.Friday, August 12, 2011 10:12 AM UTBilal Khan use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. The application has a window named MainWindow that has a StackPanel control named sp as the root element.<br /> You want to create a Button control that contains a TextBlock control with the "Save" Text property.<br /> You need to create the control dynamically and add the control to sp.<br /> Which code segment should you write in the constructor of the MainWindow class<br /> A. Button btn = new Button();<br /> TextBlock text = new TextBlock();<br /> text.Text = "Save";<br /> btn.Content = text;<br /> sp.DataContext = btn;<br /> B. Button btn = new Button();<br /> TextBlock text = new TextBlock();<br /> text.Text = "Save";<br /> btn.Content = text;<br /> sp.Children.Add(btn);<br /> C. Button btn = new Button();<br /> TextBlock text = new TextBlock();<br /> text.Text = "Save";<br /> sp.Children.Add(btn);<br /> sp.Children.Add(text);<br /> D. Button btn = new Button();<br /> TextBlock text = new TextBlock();<br /> text.Text = "Save";<br /> btn.ContentTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate(text, null);<br /> sp.Children.Add(btn);<br /> <br /> plz verify me the answer, i m confused between B and D.Friday, August 12, 2011 7:18 AM UTatalar passed this exam on July 30. 20 of 41 questions were new. Passed barely with 700. (phew!, LUCKY~~)Sunday, August 07, 2011 10:31 AM UTFireowner with 967 today. 16 new question described on this page.Friday, August 05, 2011 5:50 PM UTRSR with 962. I followed below meterial.<br /> <br /> 1. MCTS 70-502 Training Kit.<br /> 2. MCTS 70-511 Training Kit.<br /> 3. This Dump.<br /> 4. and comments on this page.Tuesday, August 02, 2011 8:10 AM UTpat with 850. There were 11 new questions, e.g.:<br /> - where can you check the value of a dependency property? (in Locals, in WPF tree visualizer, in Watch and a fourth one)<br /> - Where to put the NotifyPropertyChanged call within the setter (before or after the propertyfield = value call) and the its parameter (Propertyname or Fieldname)<br /> - The correct usage of a DataTemplate for a certain DataTypeFriday, July 29, 2011 9:23 PM UTRxFan with 887, but it was hard. 15 new questions, 11 of them were totaly new (not listed on this page). So I recommend to learn the new questions listed on this page as much as possible.<br /> The questions i remember:<br /> 1. Which control should i use to show a web site (WPF-Project)? Answer: WebBrowser (i guess)<br /> 2. Exception: a problem occurs in a WPF (i guess) project. What do you have to do? <br /> A) Throw an exception, when the problem occurs (right answer, i guess)<br /> B) When the problem occurs, put a certain code (don't remember which code exactly) in the finalize block of a exception <br /> 3. You want to create a control with two buttons. What control do you have to inherite from?<br /> A) Button<br /> B) User Control (right answer, i guess)<br /> C) UIElement (I guess)Friday, July 29, 2011 10:06 AM UT